Talk:Serena's Pancham

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I haven't gotten a chance to re-watch the episode, but do we have any confirmation on the moves? Unless it was explicitly said, Karate Chop could also be Arm Thrust and the rocks popping up from the ground looked more like Rock Tomb than Stone Edge or Rock Slide. AdynizWanna talk? 07:11, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

I was thinking the same thing. I haven't watched the episode yet, but Pancham battled on its own and didn't get any commands. When Fennekin first used Hidden Power, we made sure it wasn't added until it was called out in another episode, as there was no real confirmation when it first used it. I don't think we should act differently here. ☼ BlazingFist ☼ 07:42, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
Neither attack was named in the episode. The only move we can be certain about is Dark Pulse, since both Pancham and Pumpkaboo used it. I think the rock move was trying to portray the way Stone Edge comes out of the ground in XY, which has been a theme in this season's animations. I do think both of Pancham's moves should be hidden, as we did with Fennekin's Hidden Power. G50 09:40, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
If we do hide it, would there be a way to display the unknown moves as "???" or something to that extent while we wait for confirmation? That way we acknowledge that there are three moves, but we don't know what two of them are yet. --Pokemaster97 14:22, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, that would be better.
{{anmov|rock|???|XY047|XY047}} seems to work fine. And it shows this, if we don't include the types as well, i.e. {{anmov|???|???|XY047|XY047}}. Feel free to use whatever you guys feel suitable. I personally don't mind either. AdynizWanna talk? 15:09, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Sunglasses pic

none of the pictures on this page show Pancham wearing its sunglasses. Seems silly to me. Diamond Lanturn CodeName: 05308 21:16, 15 January 2015 (UTC)

About it's Gender

Since Smoochum is a female-only Pokemon, doesn't it mean Pancham's a boy?-- --DragonSlayingFairy (tAlk) 02:52, 9 February 2015 (UTC)

Site Policy is that Pokémon can be homosexual/gay/lesbian/trans/bi/bi and/or Tri-gendered/whatever, so no. And that crush was dub-only. So no.--BlisseyandtheAquaJets (talk) 03:11, 9 February 2015 (UTC)
Site policy huh...? Well alright then. And I wouldn't exactly say the crush was dub only, it was heavily implied with Smoochum's blush and having hearts in her eyes when Nene tried to get Serena to trade Pancham. Still though I get it and all, what with that particular Purlion in that BW episode. -- --DragonSlayingFairy (tAlk) 23:33, 9 February 2015 (UTC)