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ハリル Hariru
Gender Male
Eye color Peach
Hair color Peach
Hometown Unknown
Region Unknown

Hariru (Japanese: ハリル) is a villain in the Pokémon RéBURST manga. He is a member of the Great Gavel Organization and is one of their Seven Warriors.


Hariru, at most times, is usually very calm and relaxed but will quickly become angry when provoked enough. While battling, he is shown to use his illusionary abilities in a very clever manner, reflecting the Pokémon he Bursts with.


Hariru as a child

Hariru first appears after Ryouga uses his Compass of Light to locate the Burst Heart that he was carrying with him. Hariru then turns around to see Ryouga waving hello to him from afar and notices the Compass of Light in his hands. He quickly kicks up a can from off of the ground and powerfully sends it flying towards Ryouga and his friends, making a huge hole in the wall behind them and cutting Ryouga's cheek.

Hariru then reveals that with the Compass of Light, Ryouga can find the person he was looking for, Arcades, if he collects the six "original Burst Hearts." Hearing that Hariru is looking for Arcades too, Ryouga tries befriending him. This causes Hariru to snap and reveal that Arcades had destroyed his village and killed his father when he was only a child. He reveals that he is a member of Great Gavel and turns into his Burst form, a Zorua, and Ryouga does the same. The two begin battling and Hariru is punched into a building.

When the smoke clears, instead of Hariru, Miruto is seen in his place, making Ryouga freeze in shock. Suddenly, "Miruto" kicks Ryouga and sends him flying. The real Miruto informs Ryouga that Hariru is using Zorua's Illusion ability to take on her form. The two continue battling and Hariru constantly confuses Ryouga throughout the battle with his illusionary abilities, ranging from taking on the appearance of someone else, to transforming items into something else to fool him into attacking it.

Eventually, Hariru emerges victorious, his skills being too strong for Ryouga to handle. Next, another member of Great Gavel, Carola, arrives on the scene and gives a Burst Heart to Miruto while telling her to not lose it; the two then make their leave.


On hand

Hariru's Zorua
Debut RB10

Zorua is Hariru's only known Pokémon. Hariru uses Zorua to Burst, allowing him to use the illusionary abilities that Zorua can use.


As a user of Burst, Hariru can use many of the abilities of the Pokémon he combines with, his Zorua. With Zorua's Illusion ability, Hariru can make himself or any object appear as something or someone else in order to fool the opponent into lowering their guard, allowing him to strike when their guard is down. In addition to his Burst abilities, Hariru possesses great physical strength and is strong enough to kick something as small and light as a can into a wall and make a somewhat sizable crater.

Project Manga logo.png This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.