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Can we get, like, a not-so-spoilery picture here? TTEchidna 03:03, 10 August 2008 (UTC)

Why is Gliscor colored black in this episode? AbsoluteDisaster

What?--ForceFire 10:03, 28 November 2009 (UTC)

I just watched the episode. And Gliscor is black instead of purple.. ._.AbsoluteDisaster

When was it? as in what part of the episode?--ForceFire 10:10, 28 November 2009 (UTC)

In the whole episode. I was thinking "since when is he shiny?" but then I remembered a shiny gliscor is blue/yellow. I'm watching the episode right now, and gliscor is colored in a very dark gray color.AbsoluteDisaster

Well, it looked normal to me when looking through here--ForceFire 10:15, 28 November 2009 (UTC)

I just looked at that link. Take a look at other Gliscor photos/it's sprite. It's much more blue/purple. Maybe it's just me? Also, when Ash sent Gliscor out, he was sprakling (I don't think he's shiny or anything. But it was just weird). AbsoluteDisaster

Errors removed

Recently I added the following errors:

  • Ash, Brock and Dawn could have tried taking out the Psyduck after they were beaten the first time.
  • Ash could have offered the Psyduck a home at Professor Oak's lab, thus avoiding the Muk altogether.
  • Three Psyduck are easily able to take out so many Pokémon, but apparently eight Psyduck could not take out three Muk.
  • Ash, Brock and Dawn evict the Muk from lake Psyduck, but that is unethical the Psyduck do not legally own the land, the Muk should have just as much right to live there as the Psyduck.
  • Dawn believes that the Psyduck can live out their days in peace. Is Dawn an idiot any nearby Pokémon could evict the Psyduck from the lake again.

I think they should be mentioned somewhere in the article, it's a massive plot hole that the Psyduck were able to take out our heroes' Pokémon but struggled against three Muk, why didn't they battle the Muk instead of our heroes.

Finally why didn't our heroes kill the Psyduck and have crispy Psyduck with hoisin for them being horrible attempting murderers.ポッチャマ (talk) 12:25, 28 April 2021 (UTC)

These don't exactly seem like errors to me. Poor writing perhaps, but not errors. The errors section isn't for opinions on what "should" have happened. --celadonk (talk) 19:25, 28 April 2021 (UTC)

Psyduck intercourse

Does this episode suggest that the Psyduck had intercourse? Was it ever explained how this happened and from where the eggs originated?ポッチャマ (talk) 16:04, 28 April 2021 (UTC)

Psyduck aging

Does this episode suggest that Pokémon get old and die from old age?ポッチャマ (talk) 16:06, 28 April 2021 (UTC)

Expanding on my previous point, does this mean Pokémon age, reach sexual maturity, have intercourse and then die from old age. Meaning that there are different family generations of Pokémon.ポッチャマ (talk) 15:00, 29 April 2021 (UTC)