Legends Awakened (TCG): Difference between revisions

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m (Majestic Dawn (TCG) moved to Temple of Anger/Cry from the Mysterious (TCG) over redirect: revert (Considering we don't know the set list yet, that was probably premature.))
m (Temple of Anger/Cry from the Mysterious (TCG) moved to Cry from the Mysterious/Temple of Anger (TCG): In order to ensure that both sets are in the correct order.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 16:02, 19 April 2008

ポケモンカードゲームDP5 [[File:SetSymbolポケモンカードゲームDP5.png|30px]]
File:DP5 Boosters.png
Cards in set 138
Set number 37
Release date March 14, 2008
Theme Decks

Heatran Half Deck (FightingMetal)
Regigigas Half Deck (LightningPsychic)

ポケモンカードゲームDP5 Pokémon Card Game DP5 is the name given to the fifth Japanese expansion of cards of the Diamond & Pearl era of the TCG. The set is composed of two subsets, 拡張パック「怒りの神殿」 Temple of Anger and 拡張パック「秘境の叫び」 Cry from the Mysterious.

Set Size

  • Temple of Anger: 65 cards
  • Cry from the Mysterious: 65 cards
  • Both: 8 cards
  • Total: 138 cards


  • The Japanese set is composed of two subsets: Temple of Anger and Cry from the Mysterious. Temple of Anger is based on the legendary Pokémon Regigigas, the name of the subset being a reference to Snowpoint Temple, Regigigas' location. Cry from the Mysterious is based on Heatran.
  • The reason behind splitting the set into two subsets was to also split up the cards available. Two booster packs were made available: one for Temple of Anger and one for Cry of the Mysterious. Of the 138 cards in the set, 130 were exclusive to one of the two subsets, with the eight basic Energy cards being the only cards available in both subsets.
  • The subsets see the return of the Technical Machine Trainer cards, with one TM being available in each subset.

Half deck

Card lists

Temple of Anger

Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
DPBP#047 Oddish Grass 6 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#048 Gloom Grass 22 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#050 Bellossom Grass 38 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#341 Nincada Grass 10 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#342 Ninjask Grass 42 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#343 Shedinja Grass 34 File:Rare rare.gif
- Houndoom Fire 45 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#132 Horsea Water 8 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#133 Seadra Water 35 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#134 Kingdra Water 52 File:Rare rare.gifH
DPBP#137 Staryu Water 14 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#138 Starmie Water 39 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#276 Swinub Water 13 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#277 Piloswine Water 35 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#278 Mamoswine Water 54 File:Rare rare.gifH
DPBP#420 Froslass Water 46 File:Rare rare.gifH
DPBP#436 Regice Water 43 File:Rare rare.gif
- Chinchou Water 15 File:Rare com.gif
- Lanturn Water 39 File:Rare uncom.gif
- Luxray Lightning 51 File:Rare rare.gifH
DPBP#238 Unown J Psychic 12 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#246 Unown R Psychic 16 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#249 Unown U Psychic 15 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#255 Unown ! Psychic 16 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#369 Gulpin Psychic 17 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#370 Swalot Psychic 35 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#444 Deoxys [Normal Form] Psychic 50 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#445 Deoxys [Attack Form] Psychic 50 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#446 Deoxys [Defense Form] Psychic 50 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#447 Deoxus [Speed Form] Psychic 50 File:Rare rare.gif
- Exeggcute Psychic 11 File:Rare com.gif
- Exeggutor Psychic 43 File:Rare uncom.gif
- Azelf Psychic 55 File:Rare rare.gif
- Azelf Psychic X File:Rare ssrare.gifH
DPBP#115 Tyrogue Fighting 10 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#116 Hitmonlee Fighting 24 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#117 Hitmonchan Fighting 27 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#118 Hitmontop Fighting 25 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#349 Nosepass Fighting 15 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#350 Probopass Fighting 46 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#400 Anorith Fighting 29 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#401 Armaldo Fighting 52 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#435 Regirock Fighting 51 File:Rare rare.gif
- Sneasel Darkness 23 File:Rare com.gif
- Houndour Darkness 12 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#432 Beldum Metal 9 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#433 Metang Metal 24 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#434 Metagross Metal 58 File:Rare rare.gifH
DPBP#437 Registeel Metal 50 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#443 Jirachi Metal 42 File:Rare rare.gif
- Magnezone Metal X File:Rare ssrare.gifH
DPBP#057 Meowth Colorless 13 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#058 Persian Colorless 32 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#156 Ditto Colorless 33 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#351 Skitty Colorless 14 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#352 Delcatty Colorless 46 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#525 Regigigas Colorless 52 File:Rare rare.gif
- Buneary Colorless 10 File:Rare com.gif
- Lopunny Colorless 37 File:Rare rare.gif
- Porygon-Z Colorless X File:Rare ssrare.gifH
- Energy Patch T - File:Rare uncom.gif
- Claw Fossil T - File:Rare uncom.gif
- Technical Machine TS-2 T - File:Rare uncom.gif
- Cynthia's Plan Su - File:Rare uncom.gif
- Snowpoint Temple St - File:Rare uncom.gif

Cry from the Mysterious

Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
DPBP#049 Vileplume Grass 41 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#075 Bellsprout Grass 5 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#076 Weepinbell Grass 23 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#077 Victreebel Grass 40 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#196 Ledyba Grass 12 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#197 Ledian Grass 39 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#221 Yanma Grass 13 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#222 Yanmega Grass 47 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#260 Pineco Grass 11 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#398 Lileep Grass 27 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#399 Cradily Grass 49 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#375 Numel Fire 16 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#376 Camerupt Fire 41 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#377 Torkoal Fire 32 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#404 Castform [Sunny] Fire 35 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#524 Heatran Fire 47 File:Rare rare.gifH
DPBP#065 Poliwag Water 5 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#066 Poliwhirl Water 28 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#067 Poliwrath Water 46 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#068 Politoad Water 49 File:Rare rare.gifH
DPBP#078 Tentacool Water 16 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#079 Tentacruel Water 37 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#394 Corphish Water 6 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#395 Crawdaunt Water 32 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#405 Castform [Rainy] Water 35 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#406 Castform [Snow Cloud] Water 35 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#440 Kyogre Water 47 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#200 Chinchou Lightning 13 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#201 Lanturn Lightning 43 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#250 Unown V Psychic 17 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#251 Unown W Psychic 21 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#253 Unown Y Psychic 15 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#256 Unown ? Psychic 18 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#378 Spoink Psychic 10 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#379 Grumpig Psychic 36 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#501 Spiritomb Psychic 44 File:Rare rare.gifH
DPBP#526 Giratina Psychic 52 File:Rare rare.gifH
- Oddish Psychic 7 File:Rare com.gif
- Gloom Psychic 24 File:Rare com.gif
- Uxie Psychic 55 File:Rare rare.gif
- Mesprit Psychic 55 File:Rare rare.gif
- Uxie Psychic X File:Rare ssrare.gifH
- Mesprit Psychic X File:Rare ssrare.gifH
DPBP#113 Cubone Fighting 16 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#114 Marowak Fighting 30 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#263 Gligar Fighting 19 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#264 Gliscor Fighting 42 File:Rare rare.gifH
DPBP#441 Groudon Fighting 45 File:Rare rare.gif
- Rhyperior Fighting X File:Rare ssrare.gifH
DPBP#311 Poochyena Darkness 17 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#312 Mightyena Darkness 42 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#261 Forretress Metal 43 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#152 Tauros Colorless 26 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#178 Dratini Colorless 8 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#179 Dragonair Colorless 31 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#180 Dragonite Colorless 61 File:Rare rare.gifH
DPBP#326 Taillow Colorless 12 File:Rare com.gif
DPBP#327 Swellow Colorless 30 File:Rare uncom.gif
DPBP#407 Castform Colorless 35 File:Rare rare.gif
DPBP#442 Rayquaza Colorless 56 File:Rare rare.gif
- PokéRadar T - File:Rare uncom.gif
- Root Fossil T - File:Rare uncom.gif
- Technical Machine TS-1 T - File:Rare uncom.gif
- Buck's Training Su - File:Rare uncom.gif
- Stark Mountain St - File:Rare uncom.gif

Both sets

Collection No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
- Grass Energy E - -
- Fire Energy E - -
- Water Energy E - -
- Lightning Energy E - -
- Psychic Energy E - -
- Fighting Energy E - -
- Darkness Energy E - -
- Metal Energy E - -

Template:TCG Expansions