User:Keyacom: Difference between revisions

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| rowspan="6" style="background: #{{electric color dark}}" | Secondary school
| rowspan="6" style="background: #{{electric color dark}}" | Secondary school
| colspan="3" style="background: #{{electric color}}" | Post-secondary school{{tt|*|Its time may vary, it's mostly 1 year}}
| colspan="3" style="background: #{{electric color}}" | Post-secondary school{{tt|*|It's 2 years if the student was in secondary school}}
| style="background: #{{electric color}}" | 20
| style="background: #{{electric color}}" | 20

Revision as of 15:43, 22 March 2019

381.png This user identifies as male.
101.png This user comes from Poland.
250.png This user comes from Lubusz Voivodeship.
384.png This user's favorite Pokémon is Rayquaza.
635.png This user's second favorite Pokémon is Hydreigon.
128.png This user is a Taurus.
507.png This user was born in the Year of the Dog.
CET This user uses Central European Time, which is UTC+1.
CEST During the northern Hemisphere summer, daylight saving time is in effect, which is UTC+2.
Spr HGSS Red.png This user is 12 years old.
pl Polski jest językiem ojczystym tego użytkownika.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
130 s.png This user is a fan of Shiny hunters.
009.png This user's favorite color is blue.
505.png This user's favorite Normal-type Pokémon is Watchog.
016.png That's because Watchog is the best for Pokémon catching!
385.png This user's birthday is May 9.
130 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Gyarados. ShinyIIStars.png
052 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Meowth. ShinyIIStars.png
152 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Chikorita. ShinyIIStars.png
347 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Anorith. ShinyIIStars.png
312 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Minun. ShinyIIStars.png
385 s.png The previous one was caught to try getting a Shiny Jirachi through the Pomeg glitch!


Hi! I'm TheICTLiker4, and I'm a fan of Pokémon. I began being interested as Pokémon GO was finally released in 2016. Then, I started playing in the summer and my first Pokémon was a Charmander. For unknown reasons, I stopped playing because I didn't understand the game mechanics.

Why I like Pokémon

In 2017 or so, one of my boyfriends at school had a phone and shown me, how to get and play Pokémon FireRed on an emulator, and I quickly started downloading more emulators and games. I've played games in all 7 existing generations, and I don't know if I could play at least one of these (Pokémon Sword and Shield) on a Nintendo Switch that I'll probably have in the future, and I'm planning to also play Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu. But on my birthday, I'll probably receive a Nintendo DS and a cartridge of Pokémon SoulSilver.

My Generation I game teams


Red Green Red.png
Seen: 48
Caught: 13


Boulder Badge.png Cascade Badge.png Thunder Badge.png

The Gengar was obtained through the Experience underflow glitch. The Pidgey and Clefairy were caught normally. I started out with a Charmander. I obtained the Mew through its glitch. My Magikarp was bought by me before entering Mt. Moon.

By TheICTLiker4

By TheICTLiker4


Red Green Red.png
Seen: 15
Caught: 4


Boulder Badge.png
Spr 3r 000.png
Empty slot
Spr 3r 000.png
Empty slot
Spr 3r 000.png
Empty slot

Situation at my school

At my school, most teachers are protesting. The sign of this is a round, orange badge with a black exclamation mark on it. On the doors of my school, there is a yellow piece of paper with some text on it (the mostly yellow table to the bottom). That appeared at the doors of every school in Poland:

Polish (script) English (translated)
Apel do Rodziców: Protestujemy, bo chcemy uczyć. Appeal to Parents: We are protesting because we want to teach.
Prosimy, zrozumcie nas! Please, understand us!
Drodzy Rodzice! Dear Parents!
Czy wiecie, że: Do you know that:
✓ zarobki nauczycieli zaczynają się od 1834 zł? ✓ teachers' salaries start at PLN 1834?
✓ z powodu niskich płac wielu z nas rezygnuje z pracy w szkole? ✓ because of the low wages, many of us give up working at school?
Jednak my chcemy nadal uczyć Wasze dzieci. Dlatego walczymy o godne wynagrodzenia i prestiż naszego zawodu. However, we want to continue to teach your children. That is why we fight for worthy remuneration and the prestige of our profession.
Drodzy Rodzice! Dear Parents!
Zdajemy sobie sprawę, że nasz protest może wiązać się z pewnymi trudnościami dla Was i Waszych dzieci. Prosimy jednak o wyrozumiałość. Mamy wspólny cel: jest nim edukacja. A dobrej szkoły nie stworzymy bez dobrych i godnie zarabiających nauczycieli. Protestujemy, bo zależy nam na przyszłości edukacji! We realize that our protest may involve some difficulties for you and your children. However, we ask for your understanding. We have a common goal: education. We will not create a good school without good and worthy teachers. We are protesting because we care about the future of education!
Nauczyciele [1] The teachers [2]

In April, the students in grammar school will be writing exams. I won't go to school at that time because the teachers will be at the board of examiners (the small, green table).

Degree Primary school Grammar school*
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
My current year
Teacher status Teaching their students At the board of examiners
Student status Normally being at school Not going to school Writing the exam

While Poland was still the People's Republic of Poland, the government made sure that teaching students is mandatory, but for free.

Degree Sub-degree Age (years)*
High school Doctoral studies 24
Masters' studies Supplementary master's studies 23
High industry school 22
Secondary school certificate*
Secondary school Post-secondary school* 20
Technical school Industrial school 19
Secondary school 18
Primary school Primary school 14