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Revision as of 19:46, 7 April 2013

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Chrysalia サナギの国 Spr Chrysalia Kingdom.png
Sanagi Nation
Chrysalia Kingdom.png
Type  Bug 
Warlord Yoshimoto
Conquest background Chrysalia gate.png
Gate of Chrysalia

Chrysalia (Japanese: サナギの国 Sanagi Nation) is a kingdom in Pokémon Conquest.


The gardenlike battlefield of Chrysalia features water tiles, fencing, and Pokémari Balls. Only Water-type Pokémon can stand on water tiles. Fencing is undetectably located in certain tiles, and will temporarily restrict the actions of Pokémon caught in it. Pokémari Balls can be moved by attacks, and will deal damage to any Pokémon they hit on their way out of the battlefield, but will not activate other Pokémari Balls. New Pokémari Balls will appear between turns by the count of a Water Feature.

Battles fought on Chrysalia's battlefield are set to a maximum of 20 turns, and victory is seized by defeating all enemies. If both armies are still standing when all 20 turns have passed, the army defending Chrysalia wins the battle.

Wild Pokémon areas


Level 1-3
Pineco Pineco
Sewaddle Sewaddle
Venipede Venipede
Joltik Joltik
Level 2-3
Swadloon Swadloon
Whirlipede Whirlipede
Level 3
Beedrill Beedrill
Scyther Scyther

Sky Garden

Unlocked by Ravine reaching level 2.

Level 1-3
Pineco Pineco
Sewaddle Sewaddle
Venipede Venipede
Joltik Joltik
Level 2-3
Skorupi Skorupi
Level 3
Scizor Scizor
Larvesta Larvesta


  • Bank
    • Invest gold to upgrade locations. Not available in the initial story.
  • Shop
    • Buy and sell items.
  • Gold Mine
    • Go mining for gold.
  • Alchemist
    • Combine two items to form a new item. Appears after upgrading two other utilities, which is not possible in the initial story, due to the absence of Banks.


Unite Ransei stories

Yoshimoto is the Warlord of Chrysalia in the four unite Ransei stories.

His default army is presented below. As the months pass, the army will develop by recruiting Warriors, forming links, increasing links, equipping items, investing in locations, and challenging other kingdoms to battle.

Yoshimoto Sessai Masatsuna
Conquest Yoshimoto I icon.png Deep Breath Conquest Warrior M 19 icon.png Quick Strike Conquest Warrior M 04 icon.png Rally
Bug Bite
Jagged Edge
Poison Sting
Poison Point
Flame Wheel
Flame Body

Collect 100 Pokémon

Yoshimoto is the Warlord of Chrysalia in the four collect 100 Pokémon stories.

His default army is presented below. As the months pass, the army will develop by recruiting Warriors, forming links, increasing links, equipping items, investing in locations, and challenging other kingdoms to battle.

Yoshimoto Ujichika Sessai
Conquest Yoshimoto I icon.png Deep Breath Conquest Warrior M 24 icon.png Temperate Conquest Warrior M 19 icon.png Quick Strike
Bug Bite
Jagged Edge
Poison Sting
Poison Point
Fury Cutter

Ransei's Greatest Beauty stories

Ranmaru is the Warlord of Chrysalia in the seven Ransei's Greatest Beauty stories.

His default army is presented below. As the months pass, the army will develop by recruiting Warriors, forming links, increasing links, equipping items, investing in locations, and challenging other kingdoms to battle.

He is controlled by the player in Fate Born of Beauty. In this case, the default army is affected by any prior accomplishments saved in the Gallery.

Ranmaru Kitsuno
Conquest Ranmaru I icon.png Empathy Conquest Warrior F 01 icon.png Sweet Song
Dragon Rage
Shed Skin
Dragon Rage
Mold Breaker

Defeat Nobunaga stories

Yoshimoto is the Warlord of Chrysalia in the two defeat Nobunaga stories.

His default army is presented below. As the months pass, the army will develop by recruiting Warriors, forming links, increasing links, equipping items, investing in locations, and challenging other kingdoms to battle.

Yoshimoto Sessai Masatsuna Yasutomo
Conquest Yoshimoto I icon.png Deep Breath Conquest Warrior M 19 icon.png Quick Strike Conquest Warrior M 04 icon.png Rally Conquest Warrior M 05 icon.png Mighty Blow
Bug Bite
Jagged Edge
Fury Cutter
Flame Wheel
Flame Body
Poison Sting
Poison Point

Name origin

Language Name Origin
Japanese サナギの国 Sanagi no Kuni From 蛹 sanagi, pupa.
English Chrysalia From chrysalis.

Project Locations logo.png This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world and the Pokémon Sidegames, respectively. Project Sidegames logo.png