Tommy Grimm

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Tommy Grimm

Tommy Grimm (Japanese: タムラマロ Tamuramaro) is a recurring character from the Pokémon anime. He lives in a Verdanturf Town mansion with his wife Mrs. Grimm and their son Timmy.


Tommy used to be a Pokémon Coordinator when he was younger. However, at the beginning of his relationship with Mrs. Grimm, she revealed she would marry him only if he promised never to allow Pokémon in their house. Although he agreed, his love of Pokémon made it impossible for him to keep his promise, so he made a Dusclops-themed costume to compete in Pokémon Contests as "The Phantom". After a while, he felt that keeping this secret from his wife was too much, leading him to give up coordinating and hide the costume away.

Years later, he was saddened to see his wife constantly yell at their son for training Pokémon and entering Pokémon Contests. Tommy knew this was because his wife had her Poochyena forcibly taken away from her when she was a child because her parents wanted her to focus on taking over the family business. He did not want his son to become bitter, so he told Timmy that he could enter Pokémon Contests and presented him with a new "Phantom" costume as a disguise.

In Disguise Da Limit, Tommy supported Timmy, aiding his escape to the Verdanturf Contest. Mrs. Grimm later found out about Timmy's escape when Tommy blankly informed her. She was furious, so the pair drove down to the Contest Hall, arguing on the way. However, Tommy calmed the situation after reminding his wife of her own past. Realizing her mistake, Mrs. Grimm apologized to Timmy, and both parents began supporting Timmy in his pursuit to become a great Coordinator.


Tommy is calm, a stark contrast to his wife's brutish attitude. His considerate nature avoided the situation between Mrs. Grimm and Timmy from escalating over Timmy's Pokémon Coordinator ambitions.


Status unknown

Tommy Grimm's Dusclops
Tommy Grimm was seeing using a Dusclops in a flashback as "The Phantom." However, it is unknown what happened to it after he stopped being The Phantom.

None of Dusclops's moves are known.

Debut Disaster of Disguise

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 小形満 Mitsuru Ogata
English Jamie McGonnigal
Finnish Pasi Ruohonen
European French Jean-Marc Delhausse
Italian Stefano Albertini
Brazilian Portuguese Guilherme Lopes
European Spanish Eduardo del Hoyo

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