Team Rain Coat (Skill)

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Team Rain Coat 雨時急所無効G
Group Critical Hit Immunity When Rainy
Passive Skill
Protects all allied sync pairs against critical hits when the weather is rainy.

Team Rain Coat (Japanese: 雨時急所無効G Group Critical Hit Immunity When Rainy) is a skill in Pokémon Masters EX.


Team Rain Coat prevents the opponent from landing a critical hit on the user and its allies while the weather is rainy, even if they would usually always land one such as with Frost Breath or if granted by passive skills like Clutch Critical.

However, this skill's effect can be ignored by attacks or other passive skills that are stated to do so in their descriptions, such as Sunsteel Strike, Moongeist Beam, or the passive skill Piercing Blows.


As passive skill

As grid skill (yellow tiles)

Blue & BlastoiseBlue & Blastoise
Masters Support.pngWaterIC Masters.png Sygna Suit Blue
& Blastoise

(Since August 28, 2023)

In other languages

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese 雨時急所無効G
Mandarin Chinese 下雨時擊中要害無效G
France Flag.png French Pluie Coach Immunité Critiques
Germany Flag.png German Regen-Volltreffer-Schutz T
Italy Flag.png Italian Barriercolpo piovoso-G
South Korea Flag.png Korean 비올시급소무효G
Spain Flag.png Spanish Inmunidad Críticos Pluvial M
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