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Attempting to do so, Don only manages to release a small patch of smoke. Casey encourages him to try again and with tears in its eyes he forces itself to do it but with no chance of success. Due to its failure he turns back and runs with Benny following it. Then Corey asks Casey to join him, his brother and his father for dinner at his father's ranch. At the ranch,Casey sees an large collection of his son's photos playing with the Electabuzz. Casey then learns that Corey's shoulder healed months ago but he deliberately did not go back into baseball because he lost his confidence. Benny shows up and his father tells him that Casey is going to help Corey and Don get their fire back. Next day, Casey is giving and instructions to Don and Corey.
Attempting to do so, Don only manages to release a small patch of smoke. Casey encourages him to try again and with tears in its eyes he forces itself to do it but with no chance of success. Due to its failure he turns back and runs with Benny following it. Then Corey asks Casey to join him, his brother and his father for dinner at his father's ranch. At the ranch,Casey sees an large collection of his son's photos playing with the Electabuzz. Casey then learns that Corey's shoulder healed months ago but he deliberately did not go back into baseball because he lost his confidence. Benny shows up and his father tells him that Casey is going to help Corey and Don get their fire back. Next day, Casey is giving and instructions to Don and Corey.

Corey's father is spying them behind a tree hoping Casey will succeed. Next Casey tells them to shout out all their insecurities. She starts saying a line and the others repeating after her. After that she tells them to shout all at the same time. Next she tells them that an important step is {{wp|cheerleading}}. They seem reluctant but nevertheless they all dress in cheerleading costumes and start practicing. Don seems joyful and starts jumping in the air. Upon seeing this,they all encourage it to start flying. It manages to fly about one meter but quickly falls down. Casey tells it to try again repeating the same thing. Then a quick flashback appears showing Corey being criticized by his teammates. He then snaps out and Casey tells him that Don must battle in order to regain his confidence.
Corey's father is spying them behind a tree hoping Casey will succeed. Next Casey tells them to shout out all their insecurities. She starts saying a line and the others repeating after her. After that she tells them to shout all at the same time. Next she tells them that an important step is {{wp|cheerleading}}. They seem reluctant but nevertheless they all dress in cheerleading costumes and start practicing. Don seems joyful and starts jumping in the air. Upon seeing this, they all encourage it to start flying. It manages to fly about one meter but quickly falls down. Casey tells it to try again repeating the same thing. Then a quick flashback appears showing Corey being criticized by his teammates. He then snaps out and Casey tells him that Don must battle in order to regain his confidence.

Corey and Benny disagree saying it isn't ready to battle. Casey tell them not to worry and Corey's father shows up with his {{p|Ampharos}}. Corey is the judge of the match. Ampharos starts with {{m|Tackle}} and hits Don. Casey orders Don to use Flamethrower but fails. Ampharos prepares his {{m|ThunderPunch}} when Casey tells Don to dodge it by flying.It fails and it is hit by ThunderPunch losing the match. Casey congratulates Corey's father and his Ampharos for winning the match and starts to be mean to Don. Benny and Corey intervene saying that it is her fault for not giving him the proper training. Corey has an argue with Casey which encourages him to train Don himself. Casey then makes fun of Corey's decision. Corey takes Don saying they'll be back in an hour. Then,they both proceed to the mountains. Corey's father tells Casey she did a good job to which she replies that she may have been a bit too harsh.
Corey and Benny disagree saying it isn't ready to battle. Casey tell them not to worry and Corey's father shows up with his {{p|Ampharos}}. Corey is the judge of the match. Ampharos starts with {{m|Tackle}} and hits Don. Casey orders Don to use Flamethrower but fails. Ampharos prepares his {{m|ThunderPunch}} when Casey tells Don to dodge it by flying.It fails and it is hit by ThunderPunch losing the match. Casey congratulates Corey's father and his Ampharos for winning the match and starts to be mean to Don. Benny and Corey intervene saying that it is her fault for not giving him the proper training. Corey has an argue with Casey which encourages him to train Don himself. Casey then makes fun of Corey's decision. Corey takes Don saying they'll be back in an hour. Then, they both proceed to the mountains. Corey's father tells Casey she did a good job to which she replies that she may have been a bit too harsh.

Then she tells Benny she was trying to be a horrible coach to Don on purpose. The scene turns to Corey and Don who start training by running up the mountain. They reach to a place where Don first started flying. He encourages Don to fly. Don builds up his courage and starts flying but upon seeing the water below it freaks out and crashes on a branch. Corey prepares to save Don but the edge breaks and falls just as the scene turns back to the ranch. They start worrying for them as three hours passed. They go in search for them.
Then she tells Benny she was trying to be a horrible coach to Don on purpose. The scene turns to Corey and Don who start training by running up the mountain. They reach to a place where Don first started flying. He encourages Don to fly. Don builds up his courage and starts flying but upon seeing the water below it freaks out and crashes on a branch. Corey prepares to save Don but the edge breaks and falls just as the scene turns back to the ranch. They start worrying for them as three hours passed. They go in search for them.

Casey sends her Pokémon out and tell them to scout the area.{{TP|Casey|Beedrill}} having found something leads Casey to the same place where Corey and Don were,only to see Don hanging on the branch and Corey on a small patch of land a couple of meters above water. She then scolds Don for not using his wings to help Corey but Corey explains to her that Don when it was a {{p|Charmander}} fell into a lake and became afraid of water.Casey then starts climbing down the hill but a fierce storm comes and the wind blows her. Corey throws a rope and she manages to grab it while she begins pulling her up.
Casey sends her Pokémon out and tell them to scout the area. {{TP|Casey|Beedrill}} having found something leads Casey to the same place where Corey and Don were,only to see Don hanging on the branch and Corey on a small patch of land a couple of meters above water. She then scolds Don for not using his wings to help Corey but Corey explains to her that Don when it was a {{p|Charmander}} fell into a lake and became afraid of water.Casey then starts climbing down the hill but a fierce storm comes and the wind blows her. Corey throws a rope and she manages to grab it while she begins pulling her up.

She then hops on his back and he begins climbing up despite the strong wind. Corey then slips on a rock and they both fall into water getting caught into a whirlpool. Upon seeing this, Don overcomes his fear of water,dives down and then takes Corey and Casey up in the sky. As they are on its back,Don reveals its gained back his fire which makes Corey confident by saying to Casey it is time to get back into the game. The scene turns to a baseball match with Corey in it. As he prepares to throw the ball he sees Don flying above the stadium. He marks the target and the Electabuzz win the game. Then the scene cuts to the credits.
She then hops on his back and he begins climbing up despite the strong wind. Corey then slips on a rock and they both fall into water getting caught into a whirlpool. Upon seeing this, Don overcomes his fear of water,dives down and then takes Corey and Casey up in the sky. As they are on its back, Don reveals its gained back his fire which makes Corey confident by saying to Casey it is time to get back into the game. The scene turns to a baseball match with Corey in it. As he prepares to throw the ball he sees Don flying above the stadium. He marks the target and the Electabuzz win the game. Then the scene cuts to the credits.

== Major Events ==
== Major Events ==


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