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These are Eusine's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Crystal

Burned Tower
  • When first met
"My name's Eusine. I'm on the trail of a Pokémon named Suicune. And you are...? <Player>? Glad to meet you! I heard rumors that Suicune is in this Burned Tower, so I came to look. But where exactly could it be?"
"I heard that Suicune is in this Burned Tower, so I came to look. But where exactly could it be?"
  • After Suicune has fled
"I dug a hole here, too... I was shocked! Suicune raced by like a blur, right in front of my eyes! For ten years I chased Suicune, and I finally got to see it. I'm all choked up! <player>, I owe this all to you! Thank you! I heard that the legendary Pokémon of Ecruteak test chosen humans by allowing them to get close. I'm going to track Suicune. <Player>, let's meet again! Farewell!"
Cianwood City
  • Before battle
"Yo, <player>. Wasn't that Suicune just now? I only caught a quick glimpse, but I thought I saw Suicune running on the waves. Suicune is beautiful and grand. And it races through towns and roads at simply awesome speeds. It's wonderful... I want to see Suicune up close... I've decided. I'll battle you as a trainer to earn Suicune's respect! Come on, <player>. Let's battle now!"
  • Being defeated
"I hate to admit it, but you win."
  • After being defeated
"You're amazing, <player>! No wonder Pokémon gravitate to you. I get it now. I'm going to keep searching for Suicune. I'm sure we'll see each other again. See you around!"
Tin Tower
  • After catching Suicune
"Awesome! Too awesome, even! I've never seen a battle that great. That was truly inspiring to see. Suicune was tough, but you were even more incredible, <player>. I hear Suicune's mystic power summons a rainbow-colored Pokémon. Maybe, just maybe, what went on today will cause that Pokémon to appear. I'm going to study the legends more. Thanks for showing me that fantastic battle. Later, <player>!"
Celadon City
  • Before catching Entei and Raikou
"Hi! I'm back visiting my hometown. It's been quite a while. Oh, by the way, <player>. Have you caught the legendary Pokémon Raikou and Entei............... Okay... If you catch even one, I hope that you'll inform me. I'm counting on you, <player>!"
  • After Entei and Raikou have been caught
"<Player>, have you heard? There have been fresh rumors of a rainbow-colored Pokémon appearing at Tin Tower. I've just had my party healed, so now I'm headed to Ecruteak. I'll be seeing you, <player>!"
Tin Tower
  • After encountering Ho-Oh
"I knew it. I knew you'd get to see the Pokémon of rainbow colors, <player>. It happened just as I envisioned. My research isn't bad, I might say. I'm going to keep studying Pokémon to become a famous Pokémaniac!"

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

Burned Tower
  • When first met
“My name is Eusine. I'm on the trail of a Pokémon named Suicune. And you are…? <Player>? Glad to meet you. I heard rumors that Suicune is here, so I came to look. Take a look at the basement through the hole in the floor. There. Suicune is down there. I could go downstairs, but I know it would run away in no time. I know. I have tried many times…”
  • If talked to again
"There seems to be more than meets the eye with you..."
  • After Suicune has fled
"Did you see it? Suicune raced by like a blur, right in front of my eyes! I have been chasing Suicune for almost ten years, but I have never been this close! I'm all choked up! By the way... It was clear to me that Suicune took notice of your presence. Ecruteak's legendary Pokémon are said to come to people only when they recognize their talents. Perhaps I should be more aggressive toward Suicune... Anyway, <player>, we will meet again!"
Cianwood City
  • Before battle
"Yo, <player>. Wasn't that Suicune just now? I only caught a quick glimpse, but I thought I saw Suicune running on the waves. Suicune is beautiful and grand. And it races through towns and roads at simply awesome speeds. It's wonderful... I want to see Suicune up close.... I've decided. I'll battle you as a trainer to earn Suicune's respect! Come on, <player>! Let's battle now!"
  • Being defeated
"I hate to admit it, but you win."
  • If the player is defeated
"All right! Suicune, were you watching us?"
  • After being defeated
"You're amazing, <player>! I'm starting to understand why Suicune was keeping an eye on you. I'm going to keep searching for Suicune. I have a feeling we'll see each other again. See you around!"
Route 42
"Suicune... How brave it is! How refreshing it is! How beautiful it is! And how quickly it moves! <Player>! You seem to be around where Suicune would appear. Well, that's OK. My desire to search for Suicune is far beyond yours... My grandpa was...quite into myths. I've heard so many stories about Suicune from him. Suicune... I won't stop following you until I've found out what you're after... You hear me!"
Vermilion City
"That was so close! I thought I could corner it by ambushing it here... But running on the water... is beyond me. Still, I am starting to see a pattern. Suicune prefers water! That means... Sorry, <player>, I've got to go!"
Route 14
"<Player>! Not again! I'll be there first next time! Having followed it here, I'm starting to understand what Suicune is after. To be honest, I would like to keep this information to myself. But I want to be an honest Trainer in front of Suicune! That's why I am sharing a clue with you. It seems that... ...Suicune prefers a hilly place near water... ..Somewhere north. I don't know exactly where, yet. It will be just you and me! Who'll find it first? I challenge you!"
  • If talked to again
"What's wrong, <player>? To be honest, I would like to keep this information to myself. But I want to be an honest Trainer in front of Suicune! That's why I am sharing a clue with you. It seems that... ...Suicune prefers a hilly place near water... ...Somewhere north. I don't know exactly where, yet. It will be just you and me!"
Cerulean Cape
"Puff, puff... I match for you. ...As I predicted. .................. ...Go ahead. Since I met you in the Burned Tower at Ecruteak City, I've sort of known that Suicune would choose you."
"Take a look at it! Suicune is waiting for you! It has been waiting for a battle with a worthy Trainer to whom it can entrust itself!"
  • After capturing or defeating Suicune
"<Player>... You two are truly amazing... I have never seen a battle this intense! I have no regrets... Farewell, Suicune! Farewell...<player>!"
  • After running away from Suicune
"<Player>...There is nothing to be ashamed of. No one can pick on you just because you ran away from Suicune. It's just that Suicune is such an amazing Pokemon. That's all. Anyway, Suicune is gone again. It's back to square one..."

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Eusine (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"My name is Eusine. I'm a Trainer on the trail of the Pokémon of my dreams."
  • Sync pair viewer
"How brave it is! How refreshing it is! How beautiful it is! And how quickly it moves!"
"I won't stop following you until I've found out what you're after... You hear me!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Yes. Let's go together."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Kris)
"Let's do this, Kris. I'm counting on you."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Morty)
"This reminds me of the old days, Morty."
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
" wonderful!"
  • Upon leveling up
"What an amazing feeling!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"Let's keep racing on with this passion."
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"I can feel the power!"
  • Receiving EX style
" wonderful!"
  • During conversation
"Got a minute?"
"Hm-hm-hmm! ♪"
"Uh, haha."
"You did it."
"That's truly amazing!"
"You've got this!"
"That's outrageous!"
"No way."
"Gh, hh!"
"No way..."
"Hoh, well."
"Thank you!"
"I'm sorry."
"Leave it to me!"
"Help me out."
"I'm all choked up!"
"Eh, hahaha."
"I'm ready for a battle."
"Come on, let's battle now."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! As usual, let's race toward any new goals we have today!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"When you're tired, it's OK to take a little break. Doing so allows you to run at full speed again."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"When I see the moon reflected in a body of water, my heart feels clear and pure."
  • During special gift conversation
"I'll share this with you."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
  • VS screen
"I won't lose!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Let's go!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Watch this!"
  • Using item
  • Using Trainer move
"Got it."
  • Using sync move
"Let's run!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Switching in
"Let's begin!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"It's okay. Well done."
  • "Nice" emote
"Keep it up!"
  • "Watch out" emote
"Watch out!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"How beautiful!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you!"
  • Defeat
"I was no match."
  • Victory
"That was a great battle. It went so quick!"
  • Victory (with Kris on the team, speaks first)
"Well done, Kris!"
  • Victory (with Morty on the team, in response to Morty)
"Hahahah, I sure did!"
Story Event - Chase the Northern Wind
  • Followed You to Pasio
"Where did you go, Suicune?!"
"I was following Suicune, and now I'm somewhere I don't recognize... What is this place?"
  • Off-screen
  • On-screen
"Are you testing me? I'll catch up to you this time!"
"Hm? Who's that?"
  • Silver and Sneasel
"How surprising to reunite with you on Pasio!"
"And it's even more surprising that you've been accepted by Ho-Oh!"
  • Eusine's Dream
"That Pokémon? Suicune!"
"Until Suicune accepts me as a Trainer, I'm going to follow it wherever it goes!"
"Yeah. Unfortunately, this Suicune has already chosen Kris as its partner."
"But if that partner is a wonderful Trainer like you, I don't mind."
"I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart for being chosen by Suicune, Kris!"
"Hmm. It doesn't seem like there's a lack of trust, but..."
"Maybe it's curious about something?"
"How brave it is! How refreshing it is! How beautiful it is! And how quickly it moves!"
"And its colors are different from the Suicune I've been following!"
"I can't believe it! Who knew this was possible?!"
"What kind of place is Pasio..."
"It's like I'm in a dream..."
"That should be obvious! I'm going to look for that Suicune!"
"Of course! For instance, I know..."
"Morty, Kris... Thank you both!"
"What are you going to do?"
"I see. That would make us rivals!"
"If Suicune chooses you, there's nothing I can do about that."
"It would just mean that you, as a Trainer, were better suited for Suicune."
"However! No matter who my rival is, I'll never give up!"
"It's my dream to catch up to Suicune, after all!"
"Dreams give you courage and energy!"
"What about you? Do you have a dream you're chasing?"
"I see... If you say so."
"I hope you manage to find a dream for yourself one day!"
"It escaped! Suicune..."
"I won't stop following you until I've found out what you're after... You hear me?"
  • The Chase Continues
"Hahaha! That's nothing new!"
"I've never resented anyone or thought of giving up on my dream. Not even once."
"My dream is to be accepted by Suicune..."
"But the moments I spend running towards that dream are equally precious to me."
"Results are obviously important, but the process of getting there is also something I want to cherish."
"All the time I've spent on my dream is also an important treasure."
"Besides, I haven't been wasting my time aimlessly."
  • Off-screen
"Look. The water here is so pure and clear."
"Pasio's water is already clean, so usually you wouldn't notice this slight difference..."
  • On-screen
"But I can tell that this water has been purified by Suicune!"
"I found other places with water like this. By comparing these places, we can predict Suicune's movement pattern. "
"All that's left is to anticipate where it will go and wait for it there!"
"I can teach you, if you'd like!"
"I want to be an honest Trainer for Suicune."
"I'll tell you about those places, if you want!"
"Hey, Suicune! We meet again!"
  • Your Turn
"Are you sure you want to give me the chance to challenge Suicune?"
"All right! Come on, Suicune. Let's battle!"
"It's been around ten years since the day I set off on my journey to find you..."
"I've finally caught up, Suicune!"
"Oh, Suicune... You look even more brave, refreshing, and beautiful up close!"
"Thank you, Morty! Kris and Silver, too! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!"
"Yes! After talking about it for so long, it finally happened!"
"I did."
"I see. What a wonderful dream!"
"Well then, Silver. It's your turn to make your dream come true."
"Well, since you've started chasing your dream, here's a gift to cheer you on."
"This is a mysterious Egg I found when I was exploring Johto."
"It might help you fulfill your dream."
"That's something to look forward to when it hatches!"
"Sure! One day you can show me what the two of you look like as a sync pair!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Eusine
"I had heard about this, but I'm still surprised!"
What's going on?: "Hi there, <player>!"
"I just saw something incredible!"
Hi!: "Oh! Hello, <player>!"
"I wish you could've seen what happened just now!"
"There was some murky, muddy water here just moments ago..."
"But Suicune purified it in an instant!"
"My grandpa, who was quite into myths, always used to tell me stories about Suicune..."
"But seeing Suicune's powers like this with my own eyes has me all choked up!"
"Legend says that Suicune races around the world to purify fouled water."
"Suicune is also said to be a reincarnation of the north wind, and—"
"Oh, sorry. I got a little too excited."
"I was so overcome with awe that I couldn't contain myself!"
"I always dreamed of the day I'd earn Suicune's respect."
"The Legendary Pokémon of Ecruteak, in the Johto region..."
"are said to come to people only when they recognize their talents."
"In other words, it's not the Trainer who chooses Suicune—it's Suicune that chooses its Trainer."
"Ever since I first heard about Suicune from my grandpa, I've thought of nothing but the moment when I would finally catch up to it."
"In my mind, there was only Suicune."
"To be honest, now that I've caught up to Suicune, I haven't really thought about what to do next."
"Where will we run now?"
So you don't have any more goals?: "Perish the thought! My determination hasn't fizzled."
You could aim to be the number-one sync pair!: "I could, couldn't I? Yes... This is where the real challenge begins!"
"My journey with Suicune has finally begun."
"I have no intention of ending it here!"
"I will become a noble Trainer—one who does not bring shame to his partner Pokémon!"
"Otherwise, I'd feel bad that Suicune chose me!"
"As someone who continuously chased his dream of earning Suicune's respect,"
"I'm elated that I can now chase my other dreams with Suicune by my side!"
"From now on, the two of us will strive to become a beautiful and brave sync pair who keeps racing towards greater heights!"
"Wherever it is that Suicune and I end up..."
"I hope you are there to see it!"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"I won't stop following you until I've found out what you're after!"
  • Random conversation
"If you're going to have dreams and goals, then go big!"
"Even if it's huge and seems difficult..."
"the fun times you spend chasing it with all your heart are priceless."
  • Random conversation
"Suicune is a Legendary Pokémon I was chasing for a long time."
"Of course, I'm happy it's now by my side, but..."
"At the same time, it's hard to believe this is real. It feels like a dream."
  • Random conversation
"My friend from Johto has been training day and night on Pasio. It seems every day has been fulfilling for him."
"That could be because he's surrounded by good people and Pokémon, but..."
"I can tell he's gotten a lot stronger!"
  • Random conversation
"When I was searching for Suicune in Johto..."
"I had a rival I competed with to see who could earn Suicune's respect first."
"A rival to chase dreams alongside..."
"If there's someone like that in your life as well, make sure you're a good friend to them!"
  • Random conversation
"When I was chasing after Suicune, I was always looking toward the future."
"But maybe now's a good time to stop, take a moment, and look back."
"I'd like to find what I might've missed along the way."
"Along with you, <player>!"
  • Random conversation
"I believe dreams and aspirations are what motivate and inspire people."
"And people shine brightest when they act on their dreams!"
  • If spoken to again
"Even if your dreams come true, the story doesn't end there."
"That's when it's time to chase a new dream!"
  • Random conversation
"I'm an old friend of Morty, a Trainer who uses Ghost-type Pokémon."
"He trained for a long time because he wanted to earn the respect of a certain Legendary Pokémon."
"When we reunited on Pasio, I heard he'd finally achieved his dream. I was so happy, it was like I'd achieved a dream of my own!"
  • If spoken to again
"Hard work doesn't always pay off."
"However! I find it admirable when someone chases their dreams!"
"I'm confident the time and hard work isn't wasted!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Yo, <player>! Glad to see you again today."
"Let's run across Pasio together and make some refreshing, beautiful memories!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! As usual, let's race toward any new goals we have today!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"When you're tired, it's OK to take a little break. Doing so allows you to run at full speed again."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"When I see the moon reflected in a body of water, my heart feels clear and pure."
  • Special gift conversation
"I'd like to give you a gift for always being such a go-getter!"
  • After giving out item
"It should help you as you race along at full speed!"
  • Special Chase the Northern Wind story event blurb
"I'll follow wherever you go!"
"I won't stop running if it's for my dream—even if I'm all alone!"