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Off the Unbeaten Path
優勝は誰の手に!? ポケモンオリエンテーリング!
Who Single-Handedly has the Victory!? Pokémon Orienteering
First broadcast
Japan January 12, 2006
United States October 21, 2006
English themes
Japanese themes
Opening バトルフロンティア
Ending GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 大橋志吉 Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Storyboard 大山和弘 Kazuhiro Ōyama
Assistant director 中村圭三 Keizō Nakamura
Animation director たけだゆうさく Yūsaku Takeda
No additional credits are available at this time.

Off the Unbeaten Path (Japanese: 優勝は誰の手に!? ポケモンオリエンテーリング! Who Single-Handedly has the Victory!? Pokémon Orienteering!) is episode 159 of Advanced Generation. It was first broadcast in Japan on January 12, 2006.

Ash and co. set out for their next destination, the Battle Palace. Stopping on Popuri Island on the way, they learn about the Pokémon Orienteering competition, and Ash confidently agrees to participate.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


An ocean breeze blows by our heroes while Ash admires his four Frontier Symbols. As enthusiastic as ever, Ash is more than ready to take on the Orienteering challenge.

As our heroes sail towards their next destination, a periscope comes from underneath the water capturing every move that our heroes make. While James and Meowth power the submarine, Jessie continues spying on Ash and gang. As they exit from the vessel, Ash spots a Pokémon Center while May adornes a group of Pokémon nearby including Chikorita, Igglybuff, and Marill. Joy of the Pokémon Center appears to welcome Ash and everyone to the Pokémon Center. While three young people walk by, Ash overhears the conversation and asks Joy. She responds stating that they are participating in Pokémon Orienteering. With a questionable remark on Ash's face, he then asks Joy about Pokémon Orienteering. Joy explains that it is a cross-country race in which competitors use a map and compass to find their way through unfamiliar territory. Brock quickly interrupts the conversation with his usual romance techniques but is dragged again once more by Max. Night falls upon our heroes, as everyone is gathered at a table within the Pokémon Center. Everyone begins discussing the Pokémon Orienteering, with Ash to participate with Pikachu, May to participate with Eevee, and Brock to participate with Bonsly. Explosions can be heard overhead signaling the start of the competition as every trainer is given a map and a compass of the surrounding area. Joy then displays the medal that will be presented to the winner of this contest and also reveals an extrodinary amount of food that will also be presented to the winner. With the quick phrase of "Start" from Joy, everyone dashes of into the distance towards the next destination. While everyone heads in opposite directions, in search for the best path to the location. Meanwhile, Ash and Pikachu are walking across a log as a faint wind blows and knocks Ash and Pikachu down as they grasp onto the underside of the log. May begins crossing the river by jumping across lodged rocks but looses her fall and plumles into the river as Eevee then follows. Brock studies his compass as Joy-san walks across his path. While Brock moves towards Joy's location, Bonsly attacks Brock sending him blasting off into the sky while Joy stands around confused.

James and Mime Jr. are climbing a rock structure as they finally reach the top and arrive to a stone statue resembling a Lunatone. James rushes over to the statue and grabs the stamp of approval to show that he successfully arrive at this checkpoint. Max chases after Munchlax as it dashes off into the distance. Jessie and Meowth are atop a cliff adorning the glorious scene of the ocean and surrounding area. Ash and Pikachu spot another checkpoint, as he rushes towards a waterfall and stamps his map for approval. Brock and Bonsly find another checkpoint which is surrounded by a gigantic tree. With one quick swipe of the stamp, Brock marks his paper for completion. Having successfully escaped from the river, May notices two stone structures in the ocean and then realizes the nearby checkpoint. May rushes over to stamp her map with the seal of approval. Jessie and Meowth are above a rock structure studying the surrounding area attempting to locate the checkpoints. As Jessie scans the area, she fails to notice any of the checkpoints from their high altitude. Max studies the map for the next checkpoint as Munchlax appears to have dozed off. Ash dashs forward and falls into a hidden trap. Brock and Bonsly are moving for their next location when then come into contact with a hidden net and are ensnared into the overhead tree. As Max begins to search for Munchlax, May has also lost sight of her Eevee. Gonbe finally walks upon May as Eevee also finds Max. As both continue walking, they come upon each other spotting their Pokémon. May and Max begin quarreling over both losing sight of their Pokémon while Max interrupts the argument and snatches Munchlax while dashing off into the distance. Ash reaches his second checkpoint nearby the water with the two structures.

James begins walking down the path as Jessie and Meowth come across his path. Both James and Mime Jr. quickly refuse to help Jessie, as they rush off into the distance. May successfully reaches her second location stamping her map with the Lunatone seal of approval. Ash and Pikachu take a quick break devouring the few snacks that they have on hand. Gonbe quickly devours his share of the food and quickly asks for more surprising Max. As Gonbe cries for more food, Max then offers Gonbe his sandwich. May offers Eevee some Pokémon food as it quickly eats it. James breaks a cookie in half and offers one half to Mime Jr.. As he tries to offer Mime Jr. its share, it tries to give it back to James. When Jessie breaks her cookie in half and offers it to Meowth, this angers Meowth as both begin fighting over the small morsle of food. James reaches the Ocean checkpoint marking his map with approval. May spots her next checkpoint as her and Eevee glide down to the lower part of the terrain. As she dashs for the next checkpoint, the ground collapes with May and Eevee begin thrusted underground. Max comes upon the river as he then takes a nearby bamboo stick and uses it to thrust himself and Gonbe across the river. When he successfully lands, the ground begins to collapse with Max and Munchlax being thrown underground. May comes upon the "Spearow" checkpoint and quickly stamps her map as Max walks upon her path. May wishes Max "Good Luck" as Jessie and Meowth appear to snap the ropes to the bridge as it begins to collapse. Brock and Ash hear Max and May's cries for help. As May and Max continue hanging on for life, the rope begins to weaken and then breaks as just as the bridge begins to fall, Brock and Ash catch the collapsing bridge and carry May and Max up to the surface.

Jessie and Meowth successfully arrive at the Pokémon Center with no one within site as a net explodes from the distance and ensnares the Pokémon. As Meowth begins to roll the contest prizes off, Swellow dashs off in the distance in search of Ash. Ash and Brock check the status of May and Max as they both say their in good condition, Swellow interrupts with an urgent message. With Swellow's quick display of sharades, Brock successfully decipers the message as both head towards the Pokémon Center. Jessie and Meowth give the usual introduction with one exception; James is missing from the group as Meowth takes his place temporarily. While Musashi and Meowth are displaying their Team Rocket motto, Brock releases the Pokémon from their prison. Jessie and Meowth then turn around to find that their captured Pokémon have no been released. Jessie then releases her Dustox as Donphan blazes towards Dustox. They both collide with Dustox forcing Donphan backwards. Donphan then responds with blasting into Dustox and knocking it backwards towards Jessie and Meowth. Donphan then launches a Hyper Beam blasting Jessie and Meowth off into the sky like a speeding rocket. James looks overhead to notice the shining yet blinding light created from the blasting Jessie and Meowth.

As the day concludes, Joy announces James as the winner of the contest and presents him with the medal. As the crowd cheers, the day concludes with May more enthusiastic than ever for her impending Pokémon contest, another day and another adventure unfolds upon our everlasting heroes. (Written by: bgt)

Major events






  • Lucy was added to the opening credits.
  • The director, 日高正光 Masamitsu Hidaka, was removed from the opening credits.
  • The competitors:
    • Ash (with Pikachu)
    • May (with Eevee)
    • Brock (with Bonsly)
    • Max (with Munchlax)
    • James (with Mime Jr.)
    • Jessie (with Meowth as Sneasel)
    • Nurse Joy (with Oddish)
    • etc.
  • The insert songs used in this episode:


Dub edits

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