Gift Box Emerald (TCG)

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Revision as of 17:05, 1 March 2009 by Nuva-kal (talk | contribs) (Deoxys vs Rayquaza Gift Set (TCG) moved to Emerald Gift Set (TCG): More accurate with Japanese name and intended theme)
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The Emerald Gift Set (Japanese: ギフトボックス エメラルドver. Gift Box Emerald ver.) is a special Deck Kit for the Pokémon Trading Card Game and was released in Japan only.

Release date

  • The set was released on 19th November 2004.


  • This Gift Set was conceived to celebrate the Japanese release of Pokémon Emerald, released 2 months prior to the set. It focuses on Deoxys and Rayquaza, a nod to their heightened roles in the game (Rayquaza is featured more in the storyline, and Deoxys gained a new version-exclusive forme). Similarly themed half decks were also released alongside Deoxys of the Torn Sky.
  • The same tin was used for the English EX Collector's Carry Tin, which contained 3 EX Booster Packs and two Promotional Cards.
  • In addition to the half decks, the set contains a rulebook, damage counters, generic counters, a custom coin (silver Pikachu) and 2 playmats.

Deoxys Half Deck

The symbol for the Deoxys Half Deck is a red circle with 3 vertical branches below it.
No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Volbeat Grass --
2 Illumise Grass --
3 Gulpin Grass --
4 Swalot Grass --
5 Baltoy Fighting --
6 Claydol Fighting --
7 Groudon Fighting (H)
8 Zigzagoon Colorless --
9 Linoone Colorless --
10 Energy Switch T --
11 Energy Search T --
12 Life Herb T --
13 Poké Ball T --
14 Professor Birch T --
15 Bill's Maintenance T --
16 Spoink Psychic --
17 Grumpig Psychic --
18 Deoxys ex [Normal] Psychic (ex)
19 Deoxys ex [Speed] Psychic (H)(ex)
-- Grass Energy E --
-- Psychic Energy E --
-- Fighting Energy E --

Rayquaza Half Deck

The symbol for the Rayquaza Half Deck is a blue circle with 4 arching branches below it.
No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Feebas Water --
2 Milotic Water --
3 Kyogre Water (H)
4 Electrike Lightning --
5 Manectric Lightning --
6 Plusle Lightning --
7 Minun Lightning --
8 Taillow Colorless --
9 Swellow Colorless --
10 Energy Search T --
11 Life Herb T --
12 Switch T --
13 Poké Ball T --
14 Professor Birch T --
15 TV Reporter T --
16 Numel Fire --
17 Camerupt Fire --
18 Rayquaza ex Colorless (Hex)
19 Multi Energy E --
-- Fire Energy E --
-- Water Energy E --
-- Lightning Energy E --

Template:Introduction & Gift Sets