Talk:List of shippings

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GAH! The formatting was screwed up when the list was updated...anyone able to help out? --Archaic 04:58, 27 December 2005 (CST)

Motion to rename to List of shippers

Aye (2)

  • Move will bring it in line with the rest of Bulbapedia. This current title can be a meta-article, about the list itself and its evolution. - 振霖T 11:52, 6 Aug 2005 (CDT)
  • Agreed. No need to retain the current title now. Now that there's actually a real place for it with 'pedia, it needs to become more encyclopedic. --Archaic 17:59, 6 Aug 2005 (CDT)
  • I would advocate giving shippers a wiki of there own, the pokemon or at least anime variety in particular.「サイコウ天使」(saikou tenshi) 5:03AM, 7 Nov 2005 (PDT)

Nay (0)


Awwww bugger. Anyone know how to fix the formatting for this page? It doesn't seem to like me at all. Perhaps it's the page length? Over 43kb. --Archaic 02:35, 26 Dec 2004 (GMT)

Holy crap O_o. I never remember there being this many shipping groups. Is there anything that hasn't been shipped. I think I'm still on the webpage for Chaos Rocket's Pallet Shipping group. And Archaic, try line breaks? --Tenchi-Oak 09:49, 25 Dec 2004 (EST)
That's all I had. Zhen's fixed it up for me though, so no more problems. Added a quick navigation to the start. Figured that with the list so long thesedays, it'd help to skip to at least the letters of the alphabet. ^^; --Archaic 03:19, 26 Dec 2004 (GMT)


In the forum thread for the list, Muka-chan suggested that people add submissions here. So I'll start with one I thought up: FenceShipping, Ash & Misty + Ash & Gary. That is, someone who believes in both PokéShipping and PalletShipping. I used to be one of those poor misguided souls... ^_^ - Ketsuban

Another suggestion from the Ket... SnapShipping should be Ash & Todd. How can it not have a name yet? *is surprised* And of course the Japanese would call it SatoTo'o or To'oSato... Also, RanmaShipping: Todd & Jesse! Because Kappei Yamaguchi is male Ranma, and Megumi Hayashibara is female Ranma! Hahahahahahaha. And shoot, I added these while logged in as Blackjack. *cries* --Ketsuban, NOT BLACKJACK

Another couple: CloneBitchShipping (Jessibelle and Misty), and CloneBrocketShipping (Jessibelle and Brock). Both of them were blushing when Jessibelle was talking about whipping James... ~Ket again

More suggestions from Ket because she has some ships that need names:

  • IllusoryShipping: Brock and Lokoko
  • SubmarineShipping: Hokage and Ruby
  • KyogreShipping: Wattson and Flannery

Ket, FenceShipping isn't an original name. You're just reinventing one of the names I coined for them back in the old days. =p Half-breed was the term that got general acceptance BTW. Also....GAH! Some of the names that have been edited and replaced shouldn't have been changed to their dub ones. Those Ships were meant to be specifically for the Japanese version, and not for the dubs.--Archaic 10:40, 17 Mar 2005 (UTC)

o_O Why the heck would a ship be specifically for the Japanese version? Can the characters not be involved with each other if they are speaking English? -ket

Cases where people feel that the hints weren't carried over to the dub, or where the feeling of the relationship has changed significantly. --Archaic 21:59, 17 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Who cares if the hints weren't carried over? Most of the shippers I know don't care about hints. And just which pairings are you talking about, anyway? -ketz

'nother suggestion: TrickShipping as Tabitha & Shizuku. Ketsuban 20:47, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC)

お久しぶりだね、兄弟。The ancient one is right, Half-breeds is indeed the correct term. I'd like to advocate a complete shipper history and, just for the sake of situations such as these, a shipper dictionary of terms. How about it? Marc is already aware of what we'd like to do. And for the love, open the list up to the general public. Are you so afraid of repraisals? I mean, you're going to heavily moderate that one anyway, right, Liam? 「サイコウ天使」(Most High Heaven Messenger) 5:13AM, 7 Nov 2005 (PDT)

Since when does "Psycho Tenshi" mean "Most High Heaven Messenger"? =p So who are you exactly anyway? A Shippers glossary would certainly be a helpful addition to 'pedia. You want to write it, go ahead. And as for opening up the There's far too many frivolous names on there anyway. The list was never meant to be a name for everything people came up with off the top of their head, only a name for every ship that people had actually actively used in fanfics/fanart/fandom discussions/etc --Archaic 07:32, 7 November 2005 (CST)

Since I became a Cleric. >:P There are no kanji in FFXI names(ローマ字だけ), so I prefer to katakanaize all player character names i mention from it, including my own. This is my own convention because of circumstances. My JP friends usually prefer ro-maji, but this isn't always useful. Especially when we correspond in english, I'll usually katakanaize a person's name being discussed or add a non-romanized honorific suffix so that my friend doesn't get confused. i considered going with 最高 here, but the double entendre was my initial reason for taking this alias in the first place (and a vain hope to avoid overt vanity). If you know who I am, then you'd know that allegory is of my favorites. Ironic, that. sai = most kou = high ten = heaven shi = messenger. If you want to get literal, Supreme Angel. In angelology, this would be Seraphim or Archangels. Michael and Gabriel are said to be part of this order, but then again so is The Deciever of the Entire World. To quote Raogrimm, we have the potential to be either that greater good or greater evil.

Forgive me for babbling. I don't know if I will take up these tasks. The matters of the true world are more pressing at this time. I have a role to play which supercedes games and forums, and is in fact a matter of life and death. If you want to go off topic, I believe you know my email.

And for the sake of my sentimental heart... ReunionShipper, please! 「出逢いと同じ数 別れがあるのなら ふたたび会える日を 僕らは信じよう」

--「サイコウ天使」(Crazy Angel) 7:06PM, 7 November 2005 (PST)

  • Additions: GymcestShipper - May/Max/Caroline/Norman
  • HottieShipper - Ash/Daisy/Violet/Lily
  • CascadeShipper - Ash/Misty/Daisy/Violet/Lily
  • AbilityShipper - Ash/Anabel
  • PsydragonShipper - Latias/Latios/Bianca
  • SquintShipper - Brock/Lucy
  • ThreewayShipper - Norman/Caroline/Petalburg City's Nurse Joy

Hey! I got a good one!

IceBeamShipping - Paul's Weavile & Dawn's Buneary

This shipping's starting to become infamous since I put up a Pokemon/BW crossover on DeviantArt. Whaddya think? --User:Paul'sDialga 8:15 PM; 9/24/08


Why is this protected? I wanted to move this to List of shippers, as the current name is unencyclopedic. Jellochuu¾ 22:37, 28 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Because the (In)Complete List of Shippers is less an article made specifically for Bulbagarden, and more an article hosted by Bulbagarden. Treat it like you'd treat a game walkthrough that the creator would allow to be posted as long as it wasn't edited.

The real reason it was protected though however was so that the Shippers Community could have more control over what names are accepted as being the "official" ship names, preventing edit-wars.--Archaic 09:32, 1 Mar 2005 (UTC)

I would like to join! May I? How do I?--Paul'sDialga

>* SahaShipper - A flaming, militant supporter of Advanceshipping Why is that listed under Ships Involving Real People? They're not paired with anyone...

While I would assume that person meant it as a ship between a person and their own ship, you're right, it should be under the main list as an alternate name, like GakiShipping.--Archaic 10:40, 17 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Flamebait Ships

What the hell is this? "UrineShipper - Ledian_X & his toilet " Who made it? I never heard of it. Tempted to edit it out.LedianX 17:12, 28 Mar 2005 (UTC)

I don't know who added that Ship, or several others like it, but I know they weren't there when I last did a full update, which means it's one of you guys who's put it in. Unless there's a *very* good historical reason to include ships like this (And in which case, it should have the historical context mentioned in a note on the list itself), it should never have been approved for addition to the list in the first place. This is disgraceful. --Archaic 23:27, 28 Mar 2005 (UTC)

>Should there even be ships listed in there that don't involve Pokemon characters at all? I mean, I know some of it's kitchy fandom, but where do you draw the line? Should the site cover ships that are only vaugely related to Pokemon through tenuous links via real people and unrelated other people and objects? I propose that if we DO keep the ships that have nothing to do with Pokemon and characters besides links to people who are fans of Pokemon - that they at least be regulated to a page on their own. I just don't think someone who goes "OMG! Damian and Mozz need to do eachother!" or "Rachil Lils would totally go for the Japanese voice actor of Kasumi!" deserves their own sections of the Bulbapedia, since it's not really related to Pokemon except in aroundabout way.

- Zeta

I don't think that any ships that don't involve Pokémon characters should be listed on the site. It's completely unprofessional and has nothing to do with the franchise. I mean, ships involving members of the fandom are bad enough, but why are completely unrelated pairings, like Inuyasha/Jakotsu, listed? That needs to be on an Inuyasha site, not a Pokémon encyclopedia. If you must have ships involving members of the fandom, at least put them on a separate page in the People category so that people looking for actual character ships aren't forced to dig through that other garbage. Sorry for my harsh words, but I am honestly getting fed up with the amount of non-Pokémon/unimportant fandom content going into this encyclopedia. -Argy


  • jesse (jessie)
  • nidoran(f) (nidoran♀)
  • nidoran(m) (nidoran♂)
  • pokemon (pokémon)
  • seperated (separated)

- Jshadias 05:07, 15 Apr 2005 (UTC)


may i ask what is Urineshipping

Please read the relevant discussion above, or speak to the participants in it. - 振霖T 08:24, 12 May 2005 (UTC)


I made a template that I thought might be useful for certain articles after Meowth brought up the fact that one of the shipping articles I'd made might be offensive to some. I considered applying it to the list article, but since it's protected I figured I should ask what everyone else thinks first. Ketsuban 19:02, 12 May 2005 (UTC)

Go ahead and add it. There's quite a lot of offensive names on there.
While we're at it....we really need to update this list again. --Archaic 09:42, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)


These need to be updated to Jimmy, Marina, and Jackson/Vincent. FabuVinny 14:51, 8 November 2005 (CST)

I notice this page is very long but doesn't have a few ships, especially with the DP characters. I guess there's not a big following now in America, but in Japan they're everywhere. So that might be part of the problem, because there might not be an American name yet.

I also wondered, maybe we could organize the article into more common ships (PokéShipping, Palletshipping, etc) and the ones that are just... really, really obscure. There might also need to be a section for ships that are a little bit more... you know, PG-13, and we could move the warning at the top to just that article (anything with incest, urine, etc...)

Anyway, here's a list of ships that I think need to be added:

  • Ash x Dawn
  • Paul x Dawn
  • Silver x Jasmine
  • Lucas x Cynthia
  • Roark x Gardenia
  • Volkner x Jasmine
  • Volkner x Roark
  • Morty x Falkner
  • Lucian x Aaron
  • Flint x Lucian (usually unrequitted)
  • Silver x Gold -- I think "Silver" is currently listed as "Black" for some reason
  • Gold x Red
  • etc Unsigned comment by Greengiant
The problem is that, while Luna Tiger maintains the list on BMGf, no one has updated this version of the list for over a year. That means that any ships created since then, including all the DP ships, are not reflected in it. I am a bit busy with real life at the moment but I will take a look at it on Sunday if no one updates it before then. --FabuVinny T-C-S 18:19, 24 May 2007 (UTC)
The big problem is that our shipping section is extremely neglected now that it's in a separate namespace. I don't even want to touch some of those articles because they're disgustingly bad. --Pie ~ 19:31, 24 May 2007 (UTC)
Well, that's more of an overall thing. This list can be dealt with easier. --FabuVinny T-C-S 00:33, 25 May 2007 (UTC)

I'm starting the update now. --FabuVinny T-C-S 16:03, 27 May 2007 (UTC) And I'm done. --FabuVinny T-C-S 17:56, 27 May 2007 (UTC)

I wanted to add an

143Snorlax.png This article is too large, and needs to be compressed or divided into smaller articles. If you wish to discuss or dispute this change, or ask about what specific tasks you can do to help, please head to the article's talk page.

to this page (because in all honesty folks, it is) but it seems that I'm too low on the ladder to edit this particular page... Manga-in-a-bottle

Much agreed on the above statement of including Silver x Jasmine. --Crazy Packers Fan 01:40, 12 December 2007 (UTC)


OMG, I HATE this shipping! It's totally disgusting! Why must there be gay shippings like this? There's GalaxyShipping, Saturn x Cyrus, SinfulShipping, Mars x Jupiter, and then InfaRedShipping which is Dawn x MARS! I think this is the worse of the gay shippings because of the heee-uge age difference. Blech.Saturn's Girl 13:02, 21 July 2008 (UTC)♥♥♥Saturn's Girl 13:02, 21 July 2008 (UTC)

Some people like paring up random characters...Heh, i'm guilty of that *pairs up many Naruto characters*. But i don't think this is the kind-of comment for a talk page... D; and please sign your posts. Takoto タコト| サソデイ = 愛 12:39, 21 July 2008 (UTC)


Can this page include crossover shippings? Like, say, for example someone from Pokémon and someone from Digimon? Just wondering (even though i do support a crack Pokémon/Naruto shipping xD) Takoto タコト| サソデイ = 愛 12:45, 21 July 2008 (UTC)

We already have a section on the page called "Crossover/Non-Pokémon Ships". They include crossover ships, including some involving the main characters of two different shows. --Shiningpikablu252 17:51, 21 July 2008 (UTC)


Please forgive me if this isn't the place to ask, I honestly don't know where to go to ask. >_> I was just wondering if a shipping for Dawn/Jun or Platina/Pearl had been created yet? ....Thanks.... Mudkipchan 20:59, 9 November 2008 (UTC)

Dawn/Jun = TwinLeafShipping. No idea for Platina/Pearl. I was going to make TwinLeafShipping after the next anime episode.....パチリスの恋人12 21:50, 9 November 2008 (UTC)

Oh, okay. Thank you for the answer. ..And what do you mean by 'make', do you mean a shipping article? Sorry if I come off as clueless... Mudkipchan 01:04, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

Yes. And it's alright being clueless. パチリスの恋人12 19:59, 10 November 2008 (UTC)