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Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?
Sohnano of Illusion Island
First broadcast
Japan February 3, 2005
United States February 4, 2006
English themes
Opening Unbeatable
Japanese themes
Opening ポケモン シンフォニック メドレー
Ending GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 米村正二 Shōji Yonemura
Storyboard 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Assistant director 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Animation director 玉川明洋 Akihiro Tamagawa
No additional credits are available at this time.

Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut? (Japanese: まぼろし島のソーナノ! Sohnano of Illusion Island) is episode 113 of Advanced Generation. It was first broadcast in Japan on February 3, 2005 and in the United States on February 4, 2006.

May meets up with Drew but the reunion is cut short when Team Rocket's latest plan backfires and everyone ends up stuck on Mirage island. With Drew's information that the Pacifidlog contest is the last one before the Grand Festival, can May find a way off the island in time?

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Template:Japanese version


The episode starts with Ash and Pikachu on a rock formation by the water's edge, psyching themselves up for the Hoenn League. The rest of the gang are watching the two of them. Out of nowhere, Drew and his Masquerain appear on another rock formation just as a huge wave comes in. Brock tries to warn Drew, but Drew orders a Silver Wind, and Masquerain launches the attack on the wave, breaking it up before it hits. Everyone's impressed with the power of the attack.

The group meets up with Drew to remark on the attack. Drew remarks that it's nothing, as he's getting ready for the Grand Festival. Drew asks about May's collection of ribbons, and May shows him her four ribbons. Drew then shows May his five ribbons, the number needed to get in the Grand Festival. After a little "rubbing it in," May and Drew are facing off against each other, with Beautifly and Masquerain. They start battling, but Team Rocket interrupts when they crash ashore with their Magikarp sub. TR says a few lines of their motto, then turns on a vacuum to suck Pikachu into the sub. Unfortunately, the vacuum is too strong and sucks up everyone on the beach. The group ends up into the control room (the room where TR pedals to power the sub) and onto TR.

Wobbuffet pops out and startles Max, which causes Max to hit a button on the wall, activating some powerful jets that send the sub blasting into the water. The sub hits a whirlpool, which then causes the sub to explode, subsequently sending everyone flying. They all end up scattered over an island surrounded by mists. Team Rocket is the first to recover from their fall. They find out that Wobbuffet is missing (accompanied by some imitations of Wobbuffet by James and Meowth). Elsewhere on the island, Ash, Brock, Max, and Pikachu get themselves together. Seems May and Drew are missing, so they strive to search the island for them.

May and Drew are at the island's edge, watching the whirlpools that surround the island and complaining that they just had to be stuck together. Then out of nowhere, a motorboat with an old man piloting it comes through the mists. The old man comes up to the two and explains to them they are on Mirage Island. Drew is astounded, and May asks why. Drew explains that the rare Liechi Berry grows on this island, and it's a good berry for Pokéblocks. May had never heard of the berries, so Drew "rubs it in" saying that only really good Coordinators had heard of them. The old man says he'll lend his assistance in finding their friends.

Meanwhile, Brock is finding out that his compass is no good, as the needle is pointing everywhere and not stopping. Swellow flies to the group, shaking it's head as it has not found May and Drew. Ash and Brock decide to use a different tactic by using Corphish and Mudkip to search for a river. As for Team Rocket, Jessie is frustrated that she can't find Wobbuffet, until she hears a soft cry from a Wynaut. Thinking it's from Wobbuffet, she and James follow the sound while Meowth is debating wether or not to tell them that it was a Wynaut.

As for Drew and May, they are listening to the old man's tale on how he found the island as a young man, while standing on a river's edge. Drew then spots a plant with the rare berries. He and May both run up to the plant, but the edge is unstable, and both of them fall. The old man calls out his Bellsprout and commands it to use Vine Whip to rescue them. May grabs on to the Vine Whip, then Drew, but she can't hold on. They both fall in the river, and down a waterfall, which knocks Drew out. As May struggles to keep Drew's head out of the water, a bunch of Wynaut come to their rescue.

Ash's group find themselves at the waterfall, with the old man calling out to them. The old man explains the situation. Now the group knows they have to follow the river. Drew wakes up to find himself in a cave with May and a bunch of Wynaut, with May explaining how the Wynaut rescued them. A Wynaut walks up to them with a couple of Liechi Berries. Both coordinators take one and bite into them. They are surprised by the taste (as in, 'blah!').

It is now nighttime, and Team Rocket has not located Wobbuffet. However, Wobbuffet has appeared, eating a bunch of Liechi berries. Team Rockets ask where Wobbuffet got the berries and Wobbuffet points. Team Rocket rushes off to get their prize. Back in the cave, May has apparently decided to wait it out by playing with the Wynaut along with her Pokémon.

Team Rocket has now found the Liechi berries, and pick one to eat. They soon discover how it tastes. Meowth notes that while the berries aren't exactly good eating, they make good Pokéblocks.

May is still playing with the Wynaut when suddenly the group hears the sound of a vacuum. It's Team Rocket in a Wobbuffet balloon, with a vacuum attachment to suck up the berries. However, May gets sucked up as well. The balloon floats away, but with the help of the Wynaut, Drew manages to follow. As Team Rocket sucks up all the berries on the island, May struggles in her bonds as TR has tied her and hung her on a tree branch. She can't reach her Poké Balls, but then she sees Drew coming to the rescue.

At the cave, the group finds that it's empty. The old man notes that the plants here seems to be stripped of berries. Ash remarks it's the work of Team Rocket.

Jessie sends in Seviper and orders a Poison Tail. Drew calls out Roselia and orders a Magical Leaf. Seviper blocks Roselia's attack with its tail, and continues on with its attack. However, a counter by a Wynaut causes Seviper to hit itself with its own tail. Drew then orders a Petal Dance, and Jessie asks Wobbuffet to block the attack. But it turns out the attack was to free May from her bonds. Jessie orders another Poison Tail, but before it can attack, Seviper is hit with a Thunderbolt.

Ash's group arrives on the scene. Jessie and James call out for Dustox and Cacnea to even the odds. Dustox attacks with Poison Sting, but Drew calls out Masquerain and orders Silver Wind to block. James calls out for Pin Missile, and Meowth fires a futuristic cannon to power up that attack. But its block by a group of Wynaut forming a wall. Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunder, and the attack fries the balloon and separates the attachment containing the berries. May and Drew then orders Beautifly and Masquerain to use Silver Wind, which blasts Team Rocket into the horizon.

The episode ends with the old man taking the trainers on his boat back to the other islands, as well as giving May a present: a basket full of Liechi berries.

Major events

  • Drew reappears to battle May again.
  • The use of Liechi Berries in making Pokéblocks is discussed.






Pokémon Trainer's Choice


Dub edits

In other languages

  • French: D'Accord, D'Accord!
  • Italian: Il paradiso delle Bacche
  • Sweidsh: En öde ö!
