Appendix:Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky walkthrough/Chapter 5

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Waterfall Cave

Clearly harder than the last two levels. There are plenty of Water Pokémon here, and now that you have the power to recruit members, some may want to be part of your team.

This is the first dungeon to spawn items meant to be held: in this case, items related to attacking stats: Power Band, Special Band and Twist Band.

  • Psyduck: C IQ Group. Damp and Cloud Nine can be useful abilities, as explosions in this game can be annoying, though no such threat has shown up yet, and not having to worry about weather effects can also help. Aside from typical Water-type perks, it has access to some coverage, such as Confusion at relatively low level, Disable, or natural Water Pulse. It eventually also learns Fury Swipes and Screech, which can be a potent combination.
  • Poliwag: F IQ Group. Similarly to Psyduck it has Damp, but switches out Cloud Nine for Water Absorb, making it immune to Water moves. Its moveset has Water Sport, Bubble, and Hypnosis (which is far more accurate in this game than in core series). It also learns DoubleSlap and Rain Dance early on, learning BubbleBeam, Mud Shot and Belly Drum (which in this game costs Belly instead of health) later on. Once evolved, Poliwrath has access to DynamicPunch and Mind Reader, while Politoed has access to Perish Song.
  • Grimer: G IQ Group. One of the two non-Water types present in this dungeon. Unfortunately the poison status isn't particularly strong against enemies in this game, but it does learn both Mud-Slap and Minimize early on to make it harder to hit, Disable to further debuff enemy, and at higher levels even learns Screech and Memento (which in this game not only does not cause the user to faint, but targets every enemy in the room). Stench makes attackers occasionally terrified, causing them to run away from other Pokémon and ignore everything else (Sticky Hold isn't particularly useful given how easy it's to retrieve lost items most of the time). It also boasts quite the type variety in TM, learning Thunderbolt and Shock Wave, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Dig, Rock Slide and Rock Tomb, or Giga Drain.
  • Tangela: G IQ Group. The other non-Water type in this game. It does not have many impressive moves and this early on won't be able to damage many opponents, but it instead has something else: very early Sleep Powder. In a game where being able to get around a stronger enemy can be a massive advantage, learning a move that induces sleep on all enemies adjacent to the user is very useful (especially early in the game when enemy Pokémon won't have any IQ skills that prevent sleep), eventually also learning Stun Spore. Not only that, but Tangela has access to both Chlorophyll and Leaf Guard, which means that during sunlight, it will not only be immune to status conditions, but all moves it uses each turn will be doubled (which as you can imagine can be pretty powerful). It also has access to some slight type coverage via Shock Wave and Sludge Bomb TMs.
  • Wooper: G IQ Group. Similarly to Poliwag, it has Damp and Water Absorb, learning Mud Shot for Speed lowering and Mud Sport to help teammates early on, eventually learning Yawn (which while not the best sleep inducing move is better than nothing) as well as natural Rain Dance. Being a Water/Ground type from the get go gives it decent type matchups.
  • Lotad: G IQ Group. As the only Water/Grass evolutionary line, Lotad gets perks of both a Grass-type (access to Bullet Seed and Energy Ball) and Water-type (walking on water, access to Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Blizzard). Its early moveset is a bit gimmicky, with Nature Power (which calls a move depending on the current dungeon tileset) and Natural Gift, but eventually learns BubbleBeam and Energy Ball, and even Rain Dance, which synergizes well with its abilities: Swift Swim and Rain Dish, effectively making it attack twice and gradually restore health in the rain, although it learns Rain Dance only as Lotad, as some of its moves get replaced as Lombre (which by itself has the useful Fury Swipes and Water Sport).
  • Surskit: D IQ Group. Surskit is somewhat weird, as it's one of the few Pokémon that differs noticeably from its evolved from: swapping out the Bug/Water typing for common Bug/Flying, Swift Swim for Intimidate, different moves it learns via level-up (most notably losing Agility, but being able to acquire both Silver Wind and Ominous Wind, as well as Stun Spore and Scary Face). Surskit in itself doesn't learn many offensive moves without TMs: Bubble, Quick Attack and BubbleBeam, though it learns the supportive Sweet Scent and aforementioned Agility, with access to Water Pulse, Ice Beam and Blizzard as per usual for Water-types.
  • Barboach/Whiscash: B IQ Group. This is the first Pokémon with access to IQ Group none of the starters have access to. B IQ group gets access to some useful skills such as Coin Watcher, Non-sleeper, Gap Prober, Wise Healer, Deep Breather, Haggler (sell items at 120% prices and buy at 80% prices), Fast Friend, and most importantly, the only group that has both Nature Gifter and Pierce Hurler. While you can find Barboach in a different dungeon, this is the only dungeon that spawns Whiscash and while you can eventually evolve Pokémon, sometimes it can be quite annoying, so recruiting evolved Pokémon directly whenever possible is recommended. Learns Water Pulse naturally, has early Mud-Slap as well as being the only Pokémon that learns both Mud Sport and Water Sport via level-up. Unfortunately neither of its Abilities are very useful.

Pokémon Encountered

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Psyduck (Pokémon) Psyduck 1-8 9-10 8.2%
Poliwag (Pokémon) Poliwag 1-8 9-10 6.4%
Grimer (Pokémon) Grimer 1-8 9-10 6.4%
Tangela (Pokémon) Tangela 1-8 10-11 6.4%
Wooper (Pokémon) Wooper 1-8 10-11 8.2%
Lotad (Pokémon) Lotad 1-8 10-11 6.4%
Surskit (Pokémon) Surskit 1-8 11-12 6.4%
Barboach (Pokémon) Barboach 1-8 11-12 8.2%
Whiscash (Pokémon) Whiscash 5-8 11-12 0.5%



Item Floors
Poké currency.png 2-75 Poké B1-8F
MDBag Scarf TDS Sprite.png Power Band B1-8F
MDBag Scarf TDS Sprite.png Special Band B1-8F
MDBag Scarf TDS Sprite.png Twist Band B1-8F
MDBag Geo Pebble TDS Sprite.png 5 Geo Pebble B1-8F
MDBag Apple TDS Sprite.png Apple B1-8F
MDBag Blue Gummi TDS Sprite.png Blue Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Grass Gummi TDS Sprite.png Grass Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Orange Gummi TDS Sprite.png Orange Gummi B1-8F
MDBag White Gummi TDS Sprite.png White Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Clear Gummi TDS Sprite.png Clear Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Gray Gummi TDS Sprite.png Gray Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Pink Gummi TDS Sprite.png Pink Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Red Gummi TDS Sprite.png Red Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Yellow Gummi TDS Sprite.png Yellow Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Cheri Berry TDS Sprite.png Cheri Berry B1-8F
MDBag Oran Berry TDS Sprite.png Oran Berry B1-8F
MDBag Oran Berry TDS Sprite.png Oren Berry B1-8F
MDBag Pecha Berry TDS Sprite.png Pecha Berry B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Blast Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Dough Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Dropeye Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Heal Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Reviser Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Reviver Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Sleep Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Slip Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Stun Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Via Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Warp Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png X-Eye Seed B1-8F
MDBag Drink TDS Sprite.png Max Elixir B1-8F
MDBag Drink TDS Sprite.png Mix Elixir B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png All-Hit Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Blowback Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Decoy Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Drought Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Escape Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Foe-Seal Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Luminous Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png One-Shot Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Radar Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Rollcall Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Scanner Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Slumber Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Spurn Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Switcher Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Totter Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Transfer Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Warp Orb B1-8F

Kecleon Shop

This is the first dungeon to feature Kecleon shops. They might appear on a floor at random; in this case chance is 8-10% depending on the floor. You can sell items to them or purchase from them. You can steal, but they will fight you and they are by far the strongest enemy in the game, being dangerous even in late postgame at Lv. 100. Stealing from them early on requires some help from items that you don't quite have access to yet.

Item Floors
MDBag Cheri Berry TDS Sprite.png Cheri Berry B1-8F
MDBag Oran Berry TDS Sprite.png Oran Berry B1-8F
MDBag Pecha Berry TDS Sprite.png Pecha Berry B1-8F
MDBag Rawst Berry Sprite.png Rawst Berry B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Blast Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Heal Seed B1-8F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Reviver Seed B1-8F
MDBag Drink TDS Sprite.png Max Elixir B1-8F
MDBag Apple TDS Sprite.png Apple B1-8F
MDBag Apple TDS Sprite.png Big Apple B1-8F
MDBag Blue Gummi TDS Sprite.png Blue Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Grass Gummi TDS Sprite.png Grass Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Orange Gummi TDS Sprite.png Orange Gummi B1-8F
MDBag White Gummi TDS Sprite.png White Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Clear Gummi TDS Sprite.png Clear Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Pink Gummi TDS Sprite.png Pink Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Red Gummi TDS Sprite.png Red Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Yellow Gummi TDS Sprite.png Yellow Gummi B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Blowback Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Drought Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Hurl Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png One-Shot Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Petrify Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Rollcall Orb B1-8F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Warp Orb B1-8F