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function formatDate(t)
	var month = new Array();
	month[0] = 'January';
	month[1] = 'February';
	month[2] = 'March';
	month[3] = 'April';
	month[4] = 'May';
	month[5] = 'June';
	month[6] = 'July';
	month[7] = 'August';
	month[8] = 'September';
	month[9] = 'October';
	month[10] = 'November';
	month[11] = 'December';
	y = t.getUTCFullYear();
	M = t.getUTCMonth();
	D = t.getUTCDate();
	h = t.getUTCHours();
	m = t.getUTCMinutes();
	s = t.getUTCSeconds();
	if (h > 0 || m > 0 || s > 0)
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		if (s > 10)
			hms = ':' + s;
		else if (s > 0)
			hms = ':0' + s;
		if (m > 10)
			hms = ':' + m + hms;
		else if (m > 0)
			hms = ':0' + m + hms;
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		else if (h > 0)
			hms = h + hms + ' AM';
			hms = '12' + hms + ' AM';
		return hms + ', ' + month[M] + ' ' + D + ', ' + y;
	} else {
		return month[M] + ' ' + D + ', ' + y;

function formatTime(h, m, s)
	var o = '';
	if (h != 1)
		o = h + ' hours ';
	} else {
		o = '1 hour ';
	if (m != 1)
		o += m + ' minutes ';
	} else {
		o += '1 minute ';
	if (s != 1)
		o += s + ' seconds';
	} else {
		o += '1 second';
	return o;

function updateClocks()
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	M = t.getUTCMonth();
	y = t.getUTCFullYear();
	h = t.getUTCHours();
	m = t.getUTCMinutes();
	s = t.getUTCSeconds();

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	m = Math.floor(t % 3600.0 / 60.0);
	s = Math.floor(t % 60.0)

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	} else if (D == 0) {
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	} else {
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	document.getElementById('countdown-small').innerHTML = formatTime(h, m, s);

function startCountdown()
	document.getElementById('countdown-target').innerHTML = 'to ' + formatDate(new Date(T + tzOffset)) + ' ' + tz;
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// Webmaster staff icons
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// Senior Administrator staff icons
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// Administrator staff icons
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// Junior Administrator staff icons
$(document).ready(function () {
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// Inactive staff icons
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// This will add an [edit] link at the top of all pages except preview pages and the main page
// by User:Pile0nades (blatantly stolen from Wikipedia by User:The dark lord trombonator

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// This will add an [+] (new section) link at the top of all pages except preview pages and the main page... because some people are having trouble finding it or something
// Roughly edited from the above section by User:The dark lord trombonator

// Add an [+] link to pages
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/* </pre> */