
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 23:15, 8 August 2015 by Xolotl (talk | contribs) (Added link to subpage)
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Hello all,

I thought that I should make one of these by now - although I still have trouble thinking of what to put in it.

I do like Pokémon, played it for around 12 years, starting with Pokémon Silver. Since then I have owned a Pokémon Game in each Generation. My main attribute to Pokémon is my knowledge of the game, and my retention of so much detail. And the best way to gain knowledge is through sites like these. So I started using Bulbapedia more and more for referencing, until I started finding some errors - so I created an account to try and deal with them.

Overall, my favourite Pokémon is Lilligant - I managed to sweep the Elite Four and Champion on Black 2 with a Level 100 one - Spec Attack max EV's, Speed high, some Attack and Defence. Moves: Quiver Dance, Petal Dance, Energy Ball, Sleep Powder (or Leech Seed, one of them) - IV's didn't calculate, haven't done any breeding at that point.

In Gen VI, my favourite Pokémon turned out to be Florges, such a special wall and a nice Fairy/Psychic/Grass moveset to deal with most Pokémon. This Generation, I have expanded more into the metagame, and would like to try more competitive gaming, if I actually had wifi where I am now (currently only ethernet - and if I were to enable a wifi, my work would take a hit :D ).

So adding Friend Codes are a little pointless atm, but my safari is Dunsparce, Minccino and Smeargle, for the record.

I do enjoy contests, and I have seen that the Contest Category is missing Gen VI data, so I have created a template for it here:

My subpage

Xolotl (talk) 22:45, 10 January 2014 (UTC)