Mass outbreak

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Swarms are one of the many ways that players of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl can obtain Pokémon that are outside of the Sinnoh Dex, especially Pokémon that are exclusive to other regions.

Every day on a particular route, a "swarm of Pokémon" appears. By this term we mean that the catch rate of the given Pokémon grows from 0% to 40%, making it very easy to find. Swarms last only one day and are random events. However, the player can obtain information about the current swarm by talking to, depending on their own gender, Dawn's or Lucas's sister in Sandgem Town.

Due to higher catching rate of swarming Pokémon, they make longer and better chains when using Poké Radar.

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List of swarming Pokémon

Area Pokémon Name Level(s)
Route 201 Doduo 2
Route 202 Zigzagoon 3
Route 203 Cubone 4
Route 206 Nosepass 14
Route 207 Phanpy 5
Route 208 Dunsparce 16
Route 209 Snubbull 16
Route 213 Absol 20
Route 214 Spoink 22-23
Route 215 Drowzee 20-21
Route 216 Delibird 32
Route 217 Swinub 34
Route 218 Voltorb
Route 221 Farfetch'd
Route 222 Skitty
Route 224 Natu
Route 225 Makuhita
Route 226 Krabby 52
Route 227 Spinda
Route 228 Beldum
Route 229 Pidgey
Route 230 Corsola
Valley Windworks Electrike
Eterna Forest Slakoth
Fuego Ironworks Magnemite
Lake Verity Surskit
Lake Valor Lickitung
Lake Acuity Smoochum

See also