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Revision as of 15:46, 9 August 2011 by Emdude (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== This isn't an error... == ''When Team Rocket capture Beautifly and Venomoth, Jessie has Beautifly in her net while Venomoth is in James's. But after their motto, the Pokémon ...")
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This isn't an error...

When Team Rocket capture Beautifly and Venomoth, Jessie has Beautifly in her net while Venomoth is in James's. But after their motto, the Pokémon switch places.

Actually, when they were doing their motto, they were holding the nets in an X shape (that is, the nets crossed each other). Venomoth was actually in Jessie's net, while Beautifly was in James' After the motto, they were still in their respective nets. There's no error here. --Emdude 15:46, 9 August 2011 (UTC)