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Revision as of 05:40, 13 August 2010 by CuboneKing (talk | contribs)
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カラカラ国王 KarakaraKing
Age ?
Gender Male
Eye color Blue, sometimes green
Hair color Brown
Hometown Near Seattle
Region Washington, USA
Trainer class Pokémon Legend

Hi, I'm CuboneKing, also known as Cubone, CK, King, and Alpha CuboneKing. I am known as Cubonestar on Wikia. My favorite Pokémon is Cubone, if my username and the above pictures of Cubone weren't enough hints for you.

On Bulbapedia

I am a somewhat experienced user here, and often show up on the top contributors of the month. I've been here for a little over a year. My reputation used to be the pits, but now it's fine. As of 01:24, 2 June 2010 (UTC) I have 6,966 edits to all namespaces, and over 4,500 to the mainspace. Like many users, I read Bulbapedia long before I signed up. I signed up on April 13, 2009 on my own time, April 14 UTC. I stuck around for about a week. I edited the User talk: too much, and was given two warnings. For the next two months, I didn't edit at all although I thought I was, as I wasted most of my time here. On June 21, I came back and made a handful of edits. I then edited once in a while throughout July. In August, I became a regular contributor to Bulbapedia. I have been on the TCM every month since then except for October.

On the Internet in General

I am known as "CuboneKing", "Cubonestar", or "Alpha CuboneKing" wherever I go. For an unknown reason, I get a bad reputation on every site I sign up on, most notably Kirby's Rainbow Resort.

I have returned to BMGf.

In the real Pokémon world

I am considered a legendary trainer in my town, and my Infernape CHIMY (which, at that, is my very first Pokémon in any game) is as feared as when an Arceus is sent out. My biggest rivals are my best friend, my idiot brother, and some little twerp named Jimmy. I have a few other rivals too, but I normally always beat them. I regularly attend Pokémon events, and competed in my regional championship twice. In fact, during the 2009 one, I traded with the demos to get what is now a butt-kicking Torterra (with a terrible name) and an Empoleon. Also in 2009, I lost in the second round (*whew* That battle was filled with memories), lost in the first round in 2010, but I consider myself only good when I use my level 100s (CHIMY, Lucary, Zelfy, Woopy, Stinky, STAR-MAN, CHIMY III, Togy, Aura, Mew, Empoleon, TurtleTwig, Arceus, Lugia, Drifblim, Regigigas, QuilFlame, Time, Kenya, Espeon, and Speed), or when their power is not restrained.

Long story short, I am very good.

My favorite things to do other than Bulbapedia and video games

At the Kirb


At the Kirb is a comic series I make. It stars Kirby, with his brother Kabby, with Luigi, Yoshi, Luvbi, Mew, Lift-off, some originals like Connor, Firstron, Isaac, Mr. First Appearance, Bad Apple, Mean Orange, Sour Watermelon, and John McMillan. No, John McMillan is not a reference to John McCain. In fact, McCain is a character.

Cubone's Adventure

This is a Pokémon series I write. The original series stars a Cubone saving the world from a Dark Future. His best friend is a Squirtle named Squirt, and his other friends are Gallade, Croxico (Croagunk), Gallade, Blackeye (Oddish), Dialga, Azelf, Celebi, Slow-man (Slowpoke), Staraptor, Houndoom, his mate is Jirachi, and his children are Bonecu (yellow Cubone) and Chijira (brown Jirachi). I have published it with Blurb BookSmart with all five part under Cubone's Adventure: Collector's Edition.

I am currently working on a sequel focused on Bonecu, Chijira, and the other kids of the original cast. It is called "Cubone's Adventure: New-Generation Heroes". Then I'll do the finale series, "Cubone's Adventure: Spilling of Blood", leading up to my friend's series, "The Might of Mew!"

The main characters of Cubone's Adventure
The 5 Heroes of Light:
The New-Generation Heroes:
151 Star 
Notable supporting characters:
251 Celebi 
025 Pikachu 
184 Nellie 
026 Raichu 

MS Paint

I am very bad at it, yet sometimes I sit down and doodle little scenes on Paint, with me shown as a Cubone with a crown. It is sloppy and there is no shading. I also do sprite modifications.

Really, really bad ones at that.

My signatures

The early ones are certain to look like crap in anything but IE.

  • After the holidays end, I realize that back in November, I had regular green instead of August/September's light green. So there. CuboneKing
  • For my anniversary. Celebrating1 yearOF... CuboneKing


I like Pearls Before Swine. I like cheese. Thank you for wasting your time reading this userpage!