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About Me

Hey Guys, Im Elliot. I'm obsessed with pokémon. Enough said.


Right, I recently started a new game on Pokemon Diamond. I'll have a daily (ish diary) here. Currently: On Route 206. Team: Template:Team

Project Shipping logo.png This user is a member of Project Shipping.

Spr 4h 250.png This user is an advocate of gay rights.
Spr HGSS Brock.png This user has brown hair.
492.png This user's favorite color is green.

Template:User Aries

038.png This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
[[Image:{Pearl.png|60px]] This user's favorite shipping is [[{Pearlshipping|{Pearlshipping]].
381.png This user identifies as male.
Skype-logo.png This user uses Skype.
WLive-logo.png This user uses Windows Live Messenger.
Spr HGSS Giovanni.png This user is a member of Team Rocket.

Started Articles

Appendix:Pokémon Mystery Dungeon opening quiz