From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Jump to navigationJump to search is a German Pokémon fan site run by User:Filb. It was affiliated with the late Pokémon Forever. It has a Pokémon Wiki, PokéWiki, that is affiliated with Bulbapedia.

The Pokémon Emerald Secret Word Generator

A unique function of the site is its Pokémon Emerald Secret Word Generator. The words it generates are input to make the sick girl in Rustboro laugh, causing her father to give you new Pokemon Storage System wallpapers. The generator works as follows:

1. Input your Trainer ID number. (ex. 04259)

2. Select the language of your game.

3. Using the links, select foreground colors, patterns, and icons, or just press the button to generate a random wallpaper.

4. Click on "Generate secret word" or "random wallpaper".

5. You will be taken to a special page displaying the Secret Word code (ex.WWBBCLpnJPcMVFG). Copy it down or commit it to memory, and follow the site instructions.

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