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As hints and evidence for ships are mostly speculation, this page may contain personal points of view.
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This article represents a ship between two Pokémon.

Axew and Emolga

ApplesFantasiaShipping (Japanese キバエモ KibaEmo) is the belief that Iris's Axew and Emolga belong in a romantic relationship.


Axew's hints

  • Axew was extremely grateful to Emolga for catching the apple he dropped down a hill and giving it back to him. He also found her a bit cute and developed a crush on her, as stated by Iris. Once Bianca scares her away, Axew stops at nothing to try and find her so that he could return the favor by giving her some apples that Iris picked.
  • They soon find her and take a break at a lakeside. Emolga uses Hidden Power to create ripple effects in the water. Axew is greatly impressed by this and starts cheering for her to make more splashes. At the end of the day, Emolga chooses to go with Iris and Axew couldn't have been happier about the idea of her being his fellow teammate.
  • Axew becomes concerned when Emolga wanders off during nap time and sets off to look for her.
  • Axew tried to tell Iris that Emolga hasn't used Discharge on him and that she shouldn't be blamed.

Emolga's hints

Emolga being friendly with Axew
  • Emolga has been shown to be particularly friendly with Axew. But many would argue that she is only doing so to get on Iris's good side in order to obtain more apples.
  • Once Emolga gave Axew his apple back, she smiles fondly at him and begins to brush his back with her tail playfully. Later, she starts to fantasize her and Axew holding hands and dancing with one another while Iris serves the two of them apples.
  • When Iris and Axew find Emolga by a lake, Emolga is surprised that Axew has followed her all this way to give her an apple. When Axew happily cheers Emolga making ripples in the water, she takes pleasure in seeing Axew happy and continues.
  • Emolga protected Axew from Exploud's attacks and also let Axew in on her plan to get on Iris's good side again.


Notable ApplesFantasiaShippers

  • Emolga The Irresistible - She helps Axew find Emolga after running away and explains to Emolga that Axew has a crush on her.

Name origins

  • ApplesFantasia comes from Emolga's fantasies of playing with Axew while Iris serves them apples.

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