Player's house

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Reason: Pictures from the house's exterior and interior from all generations and present them better

The player's house is the building in which the player lives in their respective games: Red lives in this house in Generation I and FireRed and LeafGreen, whereas Leaf lives here in FireRed and LeafGreen only. This house is situated in their hometown, Pallet Town.

Generations I and III

Red's bedroom in Red and Blue
Red's bedroom in FireRed and LeafGreen

In Generation I and FireRed and LeafGreen, the bedroom is where the player first starts their adventure. The room has a bed, a PC, and a TV hooked up to an SNES in Generation I or NES in FireRed and LeafGreen. (In the Japanese games, the consoles are their original Japanese versions, the Super Famicom and Famicom.) Also in FireRed and LeafGreen, a chest of drawers and a bookcase are added. The player may interact with the SNES or NES to "play" with it, but it is essentially just another decoration.

In both generations, a Potion can be withdrawn from the PC at the start of the game, and the PC can also be used as an item storage system like any other PC in the game. In FireRed and LeafGreen, a sign can also be found on the wall by the stairs to the living room, informing the player that pressing the L or R button will bring up the help feature.

The living room downstairs has a TV and a dining table, where the player's mother can be found. After the player receives their starter Pokémon, the player's mother can fully restore the player's Pokémon, just like at a Pokémon Center. In Generation I, interacting with the TV from either the left or right side will show the message, "Oops, wrong side."

If the player is male (Red), a movie involving four boys walking on railroad tracks is playing on the TV, possibly a reference to the film Stand by Me. In FireRed and LeafGreen, if the player is female (Leaf), a movie about a girl in pigtails walking down a brick road is playing, possibly a reference to the film The Wizard of Oz.

Generations II and IV

Inside of Red's house in HeartGold and SoulSilver, with his bedroom at the top

The bedroom hasn't changed much in Generation II and HeartGold and SoulSilver.

In Generation II, the room is essentially the same as in Generation I, although a chest of drawers and a bookcase are added, while the SNES has been replaced by a Nintendo 64.

In HeartGold and SoulSilver, the differences to the bedroom from FireRed and LeafGreen are as follows:

  • the green carpet has been replaced with a much bigger, red chequered carpet;
  • the TV has been removed;
  • the PC has been replaced with a laptop;
  • the NES has been replaced by a Wii.

In both generations, interacting with the PC will show the message, "It looks like it hasn’t been used in a long time..."

In the living room, Red's mother is sitting at the table and (in HeartGold and SoulSilver) drinking tea. If the player talks to her, she will mention that she worries about Red, but at the same time she's proud of him. Interacting with the TV will show a message indicating that it is showing different programs than are shown in Johto.

In Generation II, the living room gains a mirror compared to Generation I. In Generation IV, the kitchen area gains a refrigerator and the TV is larger compared to Generation III.


  • The featured video game console in the bedroom has changed with every generation it has appeared in:
  • In FireRed and LeafGreen, when playing as Leaf, the movie presented on the TV is likely a reference to The Wizard of Oz, a movie from 1939, which depicts the fictional adventure of a young girl. However, Leaf's mother will remark that it means that all girls wish to go out on adventures someday, contradicting the point of the movie (in which the main character wished to return home).
    • While playing as Red however, the movie presented on the TV is likely a reference to Stand by Me, a 1986 coming of age movie about four boys setting out on a journey, tying closer to the player's mother's remark.

See also