So They Say, Meow

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554Darumaka.png The subject of this article has no official English name.
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So★They Say, Meow
Artist ニャース(犬山犬子)
Nyarth (Inuko Inuyama)
Lyrics 戸田昭吾
Akihito Toda
Composer たなかひろかず
Hirokazu Tanaka
Arrangement たなかひろかず
Hirokazu Tanaka
Pikachu Records single
Title ニャースのパーティ
Meowth's Party
Catalog no. ZMDP-1027

So★They Say, Meow (Japanese: と★いってるニャ To★Itterunya) is a song sung by Inuko Inuyama, the voice of Meowth.


Japanese English
ポケモンのコトバ ピカダネゼニカゲミュウ
人間のコトバ あいうえおまみむめも
どっちも わかるから なにかと便利
どっちも わかるから なにかと大変

耳を立てれば 聞こえてくるのニャ
ほら・・・・ ゼニガメとフシギダネが
なにか しゃべっているニャー

 「ニャースが “AB” を 出したんだって!」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「“AB” って いったい なんのこと?」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 あ、“CD” だ!
 ニャースは “CD” を 出したんだった!」

・・・・と いってるニャ~


耳を立てれば 聞こえてくるのニャ
ほら・・・・ ヤドンとコダックが
なにか しゃべっているニャー

 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「それは 大変!」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「まだ なにも いってないけど・・・・」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「それなら よかった。心配しちゃったよ」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「心配かけて ごめんね」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ


耳を立てれば 聞こえてくるのニャ
ほら・・・・ キャタピーとピカチュウが
なにか しゃべっているニャー

 「ほら! きれいな お月さま」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「早く あのお月さま めざして
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「きみ 空とべたっけ?」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「ぼく いつか 大きな羽の
 バタフリーに 進化するんだよ」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「わっ! そうなんだ! すごい!」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「ピカチュウも 乗せてあげる。
 いっしょに 飛ぼうね」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ

 「すごいすごい! キャタピー すごい!」
 ・・・・と いってるニャ


耳を立てれば 聞こえてくるのニャ
ほら 今日も どこかで
だれかとだれかが なにか しゃべっているニャ

心ひらけば 伝わってくるのニャ
ちょっとづつ わかってくるはず
もしも きみが ニャースじゃなくっても
Pokémon Language: Pika-Saur-Squirt-Mander-Mew
Human Language: A-E-I-O-U J-K-L-M-N
Knowing both is wonderful
Knowing both is hard

My ears perk up when I hear something, meow
Listen.... Squirtle and Bulbasaur are
Chattering about something, meow.

 (Squirtle's Speech)
 "Meowth produced an 'AB'"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Bulbasaur's Speech)
 "What in the world is 'AB'?"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Squirtle's Speech)
 Ah, a CD!
 Meowth produced a CD!"

.... and that's what was said, me~ow

"Somehow, me~ow"

My ears perk up when I hear something, meow
Listen.... Slowpoke and Psyduck are
Chattering about something, meow

 (Slowpoke's Speech)
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Psyduck's Speech)
 "That's terrible!"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Slowpoke's Speech)
 "But I haven't said anything yet..."
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Psyduck's Speech)
 "It's alright. I'm just worried about you"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Slowpoke's Speech)
 "I'm sorry for making you worry"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 "Those guys really get along well, meow"

My ears perk up when I hear something, meow
Listen.... Pikachu and Caterpie are
Chattering about something, meow

 (Caterpie's Speech)
 "Look, the moon looks beautiful"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Pikachu's Speech)
 "It's so round"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Caterpie's Speech)
 "Soon, I want to fly away
 And reach the moon"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Pikachu's Speech)
 "You can fly?"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Caterpie's Speech)
 "Someday, I'll grow large wings
 When I evolve into a Butterfree"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Pikachu's Speech)
 "Wow! Really? That's so cool!"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Caterpie's Speech)
 "I'll take Pikachu for a ride
 And we'll fly off together"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 (Pikachu's Speech)
 "Awesome! Caterpie's amazing!"
 .... and that's what was said, meow

 "What a good story, meow"

My ears perk up when I hear something, meow
Listen.... Somewhere right now
Someone is chattering with someone about something, meow

Open your hearts and the words will flow in, meow
You'll be able to follow it, bit by bit
Even if you're not Meowth

Project Music logo.png This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.