Rhyhorn (Duel 86)

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サイホーン Sihorn
Evolution stage 1
Figure name Rhyhorn
Move Points 1
Ground Rock
Rarity Common
Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur
Version 1.0.0
ID 86
Time Booster League Beginner
Special Time Boosters Time Booster (Orange)
Locked Booster Yes
Material Exchange
and Gem Exchange
250 Material
50 Gems
For more information on the Pokémon this figure depicts, see Rhyhorn.

Rhyhorn (Japanese: サイホーン Sihorn) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was made available in version 1.0.0.


Reckless Charge とつげき
This Pokémon can move up to 2 steps in a straight line.

Data Disk

Version 7.0.10

Duel Z-Move.png Tectonic Rage ライジングランドオーバー 96 pt.
Knocks out the battle opponent.
Duel Z-Move.png Continental Crush ワールズエンドフォール 96 pt.
The battle opponent and opposing Pokémon adjacent to the battle opponent gain Wait 9.
Miss ミス 12 pt.
Hyper Take Down* ハイパーとっしん※ 24 pt.
* If the battle opponent is knocked out, this Pokémon claims its previous spot and gains Wait.
Miss ミス 12 pt.
Stomp ふみつけ 48 pt.

Version 7.0.0-7.0.9

Duel Z-Move.png Tectonic Rage ライジングランドオーバー 96 pt.
Knocks out the battle opponent.
Duel Z-Move.png Continental Crush ワールズエンドフォール 96 pt.
The battle opponent and opposing Pokémon adjacent to the battle opponent gain Wait 9.
Miss ミス 12 pt.
Hyper Take Down* ハイパーとっしん※ 24 pt.
* If the battle opponent is knocked out, this Pokémon claims its previous spot and gains Wait.
Miss ミス 12 pt.
Stomp ふみつけ 48 pt.

Version 3.0.8-6.2.11

Miss ミス 12 pt.
Hyper Take Down* ハイパーとっしん※ 24 pt.
* If the battle opponent is knocked out, this Pokémon claims its previous spot and gains Wait.
Miss ミス 12 pt.
Stomp ふみつけ 48 pt.

Version 1.0.0-3.0.7

Miss ミス 16 pt.
Hyper Take Down* ハイパーとっしん※ 20 pt.
* If the battle opponent is knocked out, this Pokémon claims its previous spot and gains Wait.
Miss ミス 12 pt.
Stomp ふみつけ 48 pt.

Release information

This figure was available as a Random Reward for clearing Challenge 9 in Olivia Palace, Challenges 14 and 24 in The Volcano, and Challenge 10 in Elysium.



Reckless Charge first appeared as an attack on Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Aura's Lucario Ash's Phanpy. Stomp is a move in the Pokémon games that Rhyhorn can learn. Hyper Take Down is based on Take Down, a move that Rhyhorn also can learn. Tectonic Rage and Continental Crush are Z-Moves in the games that can use by equipping Groundium Z and Rockium Z, respectively.

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