Team Galactic scientists

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Team Galactic scientists are either members of or contracted by Team Galactic that help design and create new machinery for Team Galactic's plans like using the Lake trio to craft the Red Chain extracted from them and are dedicated to experiment on Pokémon like Team Rocket scientists.

In the games


Some of the scientists join Team Galactic to earn money and get power. Both they and the Galactic Grunts are located in the Team Galactic Eterna Building and the Team Galactic HQ to prevent the player from taking their plans down.


Diamond and Pearl

Spr 4d 064 m.png


Spr 4p 064 m.png
Spr 4p 233.png
Spr 4p 281.png

Trainer list

Pokémon Diamond/Pearl

Pokémon Platinum

Galactic-logo.png Team Galactic Galactic-logo.png
Team Galactic HQTeam Galactic Eterna BuildingGalaxy Team
Boss Commanders Other members
Spr DP Cyrus.png Spr DP Mars.png Spr DP Jupiter.png Spr DP Saturn.png Spr Pt Charon.png Spr DP Galactic Grunt M.pngSpr DP Galactic Grunt F.png Spr DP Scientist.png
Mars Jupiter Saturn Charon Team Galactic Grunts Scientists
Advanced level GruntB-2IoLilyMitsumiSird