こんにちは、私はSandshrewサンである。 私はPokemonを非常に好む。 私はこのwikiを楽しみ、従って私の兄弟、トミーサンをする。 Hello, i am Sandshrew-san. I like Pokemon so much. I enjoy this wiki and so does my brother, User:Tommy-SAN.
I love playing the pokemon games. They are AWESOME! I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SANDSHREW!
This is my fantasy type of thing where i wish i was a Sandshrew from Hirōshima, Hirōshima, Japan.
<My low intellegent friend, Gulpin, from Casablanca Morrocco. He's male. <My wife from Yamagūchi, Japan. She loves ikebana arrangements. <He's sort of a sumo wrestler from La Vega, Dominican Republic. <My friend from Deaju, South Korea. Not much to say about him but he has a robot voice. <Frozer from Saskatchewan. He always wants to play. <Mia is from Venezuela, and she is really naughty and mean. <He's Austin from Georgia, USA. Pretend he's got a cowboy hat on. <Lugia is really stupid but invents machines. <Rayquaza is always annoyed by Lugia.
Why I love♥♥♥♥♪♫ SANDHREW and what Segooga is.
I always loved , and Segooga later became a word meaning Mozeltof. It was originally a sound CUTE CUTE SANDSHREWS make. It's in my language for east asia (mainly japan) Arean. For any arean words, just hit my discussion. I'll tell you some.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆♪♫♪♫
Anyway, I hope to have fun on the site.
AND i can spell wyoming on computer with out looking at the keyborad.