
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 19:09, 30 September 2011 by ShiningSteelix (talk | contribs)
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...So now I have a userpage. I'll probably just be updating this at a few irregular intervals; seeing as- as I'm well aware- Bulbapedia isn't a social networking 'site.

Brief(-ish) intro

A wee intro to me, and my relations with Pokémon and Bulbapedia.


First of all, I'm a human- not a Shiny Steelix. That point may seem rather obvious and a bit foolish on my part; however, on the Internet it's quite easy to subconsciously think of a user as being just a screen, a computer or something related to their username. Trust me.

I'm a computing/games development student (pursuing a dream that the whole Pokémon craze inspired in me when I was much younger), hailing from the Republic of Ireland. I was born in 1990.

Re: Pokémon

I first 'got into' Pokémon when I started watching the animé in 1999; and I've been collecting Pokémon games since 2001.

I own and have completed at least one game from each series in the main Pokémon RPGs; so out of the whole canon, I know most about the games. I used to watch the animé and collect TCG cards many moons ago; but I've fallen terribly behind in both, and haven't really had the time to 'catch up'. Also, I don't really play Pokémon competitively; I found that too many times when people who both know everything about type matchups face off, it just turns into a match of constant Pokémon switching until one exerts the mercy that leads to their own loss.

Re: Bulbapedia

As for the Bulbapedia... well I use it mainly as an information source, but I do try to help wherever I can with its expansion; though I'm still a bit new to wikis in general.

I've been described as somewhat of a 'factory worker', in so much as I'll willing to give what I can to complete monotonous/'undesirable' tasks for the team. For example, I once spent about two and a half weeks just gathering quotes from Black and White.

I'm also quite enthusiastic about linguistics; so I'll try to fix grammatical and syntactical errors wherever I find them. Having said that, though, I'm still getting to grips with stuff like using American English [since I'm not American...]. I also once managed to misspell 'Pokémon' nearly 10 times... not my best moment.

I also speak quite a bit of HTML, Javascript, Java, C++ and C#... if that helps in any way.

As of September 19 I'm back in college; so my contributions - though usually quite modest anyway- *should* begin to dissipate. Hopefully no-one will miss me too much... =)

Articles I am currently--or was intending on--working on

  • Bianca (still got to get all her game Quotes; but I'm nearly there!)
  • Cheren (Some game quotes still may be missing; got to look into that)
  • Routes that need encounter rates added (Kanto Route 7)
  • Routes with clearly incorrect encounter rates (Kanto Routes 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27; Unova Routes 13, 18)
  • Mr. Who's Den (Still need to complete this!)
  • Pokémon Stickers (Topps) (Need to find out the rest of the stickers; someone in the house has the complete album somewhere...)
  • Picross NP Vol. 1 (Once I complete all the blasted Character puzzles, I might get screenshots of them all and add 'em)


My shinies

As you might be able to guess by the username, I really love collecting shiny Pokémon. Here's all the legit ones I've encountered in my 9 years of playing the games (excluding Red Gyarados):