User:Maxim/BW English Name Predictions

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Revision as of 21:00, 27 December 2010 by Maxim (talk | contribs) (Changes, changes, changes... I wonder when will we know all the names. Probably Joe Merrick will reveal them pre-release.)
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After much hesitation, I decided to predict the names of Pokémon Black and White characters. I was asked for that by different people. So, if people like my predictions, I feel obliged to carry on. While I may not like BW Pokémon (even though they don't annoy me that much, I still think this is the worst generation), I'm fine with most characters. However, I'm bored of predicting every single CoTD name. I think I'll predict only game characters and the most major anime characters. If I predict anything else, that'd be the towns/places, if I get any good idea for names.

I decided to start from scratch, along with the new era. For older predictions, please see User: Maxim/Dub Name Predictions.

Japanese Name U.S. name prediction Reason Actual name Comment
Tōya Clark From "clear" (if Japanese name is indeed based on 透 , transparent).
Tōko Clarice Same as Tōya.
Cheren Cheren or Nigel I love the name Cheren, as it comes from Slavic languages (and I'm Polish). But it probably still sounds "too Japanese" for whiny NoA translators. So, I've got an alternate prediction - Nigel, which of course comes from Latin niger.
Bel Bell or Alba Again, keep the Slavic-derived name (in my favoured spelling) or use a Latin-derived one.
Professor Araragi Prof. Cedar Because "Prof. Yew" sounds unacceptably ugly to me. Professor Juniper At least it's not Yew, at everyone was telling me. Very unexpected but I like it.
Makomo Dorothy From the root dorm- for "dream".
Shōro Ramona She's Unova's Box System operator, so her name shuld derive from a computer technical abbreviation. Ramona comes from RAM, obviously.
N N Do I have to explain? N ... ... ... ... ... ...
Goetis? Getis? Gaytis? Dennis? Arcus Latin for rainbow, a mysterious and ancient-sounding name.
From indigo
From viridis (Latin for green)
From flavus (Latin for yellow)
From ruber (Latin for red)
From aurantia (Latin for orange) or aureus (golden)
From caeruleus (blue). Why just Latin? It's the ancient language, so I find it the most fitting. Also, Latin always gives best puns for normal-sounding Eastern names.
Nobori Aston From the word "ascend" (which is 上り nobori in Japanese. 上り下り noborikudari means "going up and down").
Kudari Desmond From the word "descend", counterpart to Nobori.
Gaidō Guido From "guide", obviously.
Bourgeoir Family
Duefeller Family:
I'm sure that their surname will be Something-feller. Probably something battle-related, so I came up with Duefeller. The names are alikes, but they'll most likely end up being something completely random (Drake shouldn't be kept because of Elite Four Drake).
Dent Verry or Woody Verry from the word "green" (Verde in Spanish and Italian), Woody is obviously from wood, as he's the Grass Leader. I don't believe that they'll keep Dent, as they'd have to keep all three, as they make the pun together. And I'm sure that NoA wouldn't want a character named "Corn".
Pod Ross or Burt Ross from Italian rosso, red. Burt from burning.
Corn Hyde Couldn't find any good Blue-derived name. Hyde is from hydro-, prefix for water. Also, a very badass name.
Aloe Regina or Reggie From the word "regular". I don't see a reason that Aloe should be left out, it's not a nice name and the translator aren't that fond of plant names.
Kidachi Carter After Howard Carter, a famous archaeologist. Also, together with Regina, it gives the name of Regina Carter, a jazz musician (this is similar to his Japanese name, which gives Kidachi Aloe combined with his wife's name).
Arty Colbert or Arty/Arthur Colbert is from coleopter. But they could keep Arty as well (or Arthur, as this is the full version of the name), as it refers to arachnids and to the fact that he's an artist.
Kamitsure Amber The word "electricity" itself derives from Greek word electron, meaning "amber" (because it was first discovered while experimenting with an amber). Also, Amber sounds very similar to ampere and can refer to a yellowish color, representing electricity. Hence, I think this is just a perfect name for a female Electric-type leader.
Also, I don't think that NoA will be THAT uncreative to call her "Electra", as almost everyone else thinks.
Yacon Diego From "digging". Have to come up with something better.
Fūro Avia or Raven Avia from aviation, Raven is a bird.
Hachiku Frederic From freeze.
Iris Iris or Dracia One of the candidates to be kept. Dracia is in the case they wanted something more draconic.
Shaga Conrad Anagram of "dracon", the word for dragon in many languages.
Shikimi Polly, Alma or Esther Polly from poltergeist. Alma is a Spanish word for soul. Esther is from esoterical.
Gīma Malcolm or Dwight From the prefix mal- meaning bad (malevolent = bad-willed). Dwight is from twilight.
Renbu Tyson or Faust Tyson is obvious. Faust is the German word for fist.
Adeku Roderick I really don't know why.
Shooty Sherman He's an anime-only character. And PUSA, as we know, is much less creative than NoA. So, I just thought of a similar name. But it's possible that they'll pull another Paul and he'll get an unpredictable name.
Don George Don Jorge "Don" is a honorific used in Romance-speaking country (such as Italy or Spain) so I guess "Don George" sounds awkward to an American person (Don + an English name). I think changing it to Don Jorge will do well.
TRFlint ([[{{{2}}} (move)|{{{2}}}]]) Flynn or Jasper There are already two very important characters by the name Flint. So, I hope that they won't use the name once again. It'd be too much. Flynn is a sound-alike and it does just okay as Flint's English name.
Jasper in the case they wanted to call him after a stone (his supervisor is named Prof. Seger. Seger is a stone).
Professor Seger Prof. Seger No reason to change, I guess.