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Pinsir Shadow

The Tunnel is one of the six major areas of Pokémon Island. It is a long, dark tunnel with an abandoned power plant inside. Twelve Pokémon species inhabit this area.

The Pokémon Sign here is a strange shadow on the wall in the shape of Pinsir which appears when the power plant is brought to life after hatching Zapdos.

Native Pokémon

Found outside of and within the tunnel, these Pokémon will use Explosion if aggitated by a camera flash. Causing the Electrode near the end of the tunnel to explode will open a new area of the island for Todd to explore.
Found multiple times before and within the tunnel. The Dash Engine lets Todd get ahead of them to snap a front-side photograph.
Before entering the tunnel, there is a Pikachu seen - photograph it a few times and it will run to an Elecrode and hop on top of it. This Pokémon also is found near an enormous egg within the tunnel. Leading it to the egg with Pokémon food followed by a Thunderbolt-inducing Poké Flute melody causes the Pikachu to attack the egg, hatching it.
A group of Kakuna dangle from the opening of the tunnel. They drop down whenever Electrode explode. The Dash Engine may be used to get close to one.
The giant egg, when hatched by Pikachu's electric Thunderbolt attack, releases Zapdos. It will fly to a generator and begin attacking it, bringing the rest of the power plant to life.
After passing by Zapdos's egg, a lake of water within the tunnel is home to Magikarp. Tossing an item into the deep pond entices a Magikarp to leap from the water.
Midway through the tunnel, as Todd passes through a metal doorway from one area of the tunnel to another, Zubat hurry through.
Deep within the tunnel, a purple glow moves around. Unknown to Todd what this is, a developed photograph reveals it to be a Haunter.
Near the end of the tunnel, a Pikachu is found playing with Diglett. The Dash Engine is necessary to get close.
Taking a photo of Diglett will send Pikachu off to play with another. Photographing the next Diglett the Pikachu finds repeats the process, until the Pikachu comes across a Dugtrio. Take another picture to make another Dugtrio will appear, and again for three Dugtrio to raise out of the ground.
At the tunnel's end are a trio of Magnemite. Each Magnemite emits a Supersonic which distorts the photo, but distracting them with Pokémon food causes these Pokémon to lower their guard.
Luring all three Magnemites near one another with Pokémon food causes them to fuse into a Magneton.

Pokémon Island
BeachTunnelVolcanoRiverCaveValleyRainbow Cloud