List of Magical Pokémon Journey chapters

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List of Pokémon PiPiPi Adventure chapters

This is a list of chapters in the Pokémon PiPiPi Adventure manga series.

Volume 1: A Party with Pikachu

English title Japanese title
PPP01-01 How Do You Do, Pikachu? はじめまして ピカチュウ
PPP01-02 Clefairy Comes Through がんばれ! ピッピくん
PPP01-03 Oh, that Cute, Cute Jigglypuff! プレティ—プリンちゃん
PPP01-04 Tangela's Secret モンジャラくんの秘密
PPP01-05 The First Labor of Pikachu ピカチュウの大事件
PPP01-06 Christmas Wishes ラブラブクリスマス
PPP01-b1 Horsea's Necklace タッツーくんの首飾り
PPP01-b2 Wh-Who's Sc-Scared?! きもだめしでドッキドキ
PPP01-b3 Party Time! ハッピーパーティ

Volume 2: Pokémon Matchmakers

English title Japanese title
PPP02-01 Adventuring the Stone めざせ!冒険の石!!
PPP02-02 The Legendary Articuno 伝説のポケモン フリーザー!
PPP02-03 Eevee... Pokémon Genius! 天才ポケモン イーブイくん
PPP02-04 Panic at the Cherry Blossom Festival!! お花見で大パニック!!
PPP02-05 Charmander's Peanut ヒトカゲくんとピースくん
PPP02-06 Even an Arbok Falls in Love! アーボックの初恋物語
PPP02-b1 Excitement at the Hot Springs!? 温泉でドッキドキ!?
PPP02-b2 Valentine Heartbeats バレンタインでドッキドキ

Volume 3: Abra and Kadabra Magic

English title Japanese title
PPP03-01 The Wal Comes Tumbling Down メタモン師匠とウォールくん
PPP03-02 Forever Friends これからもよろしくネ
PPP03-03 A Quest of Life or Death 命がけの観察日記
PPP03-04 Fun at the Potato Dig たのしいイモ掘り大会
PPP03-05 Eevee in a Jam イーブイくんの大ヘンな一日
PPP03-06 The Best Gift Ever 素敵なクリスマスプレゼント
PPP03-b1 The Heart's Search さがしものでドッキドキ!?
PPP03-b2 Why, Psyduck, Why? なぜなぜ?コダックくん

Volume 4: Friends and Families

English title Japanese title
PPP04-01 The Five Sisters of Squirtle ゼニガメ5人姉妹参上
PPP04-02 Green-Eyed Bulbasaur ラブラブ ダネリーナ
PPP04-03 Follow that Love Potion! ホレぐすりを追いかけろ!
PPP04-04 Pidgeot Loves Pidgetta ピジョー&ピジョコの恋物語
PPP04-05 Hazel's Big Adventure! マロン大ピンチ!!
PPP04-06 ??? ヒトカゲくんのたいくつな1日
PPP04-b1 The Unbearable Suspense of Hide-and-Seek! かくれんぼでドッキドキ!?
PPP04-b2 The Unbearable Suspense of... THE GHOSTSTORY!!! (BOO!) 怪談でドッキドキ!!!!
PPP04-a1 Let's Catch Some Pokémon! ポケモンゲットだぜー!!
PPP04-a3 Wal's Present ウォールのプレゼント

Volume 5: Going Coconuts

English title Japanese title
PPP05-01 Odd Oddish Out ひとりぼっちのナゾノクサ
PPP05-02 The Terror of... the First Date! キンチョ〜の初デート
PPP05-03 Hypnotism アーモンドのホントのきもち?
PPP05-04 Wal of Power ピッピ・ウォールの大特訓
PPP05-05 Never Say Diet! ダイエットするでちゅ!
PPP05-06 Hazel's Holiday マロンのメリークリスマス
PPP05-b1 The Master Plan... for Romance! 恋のドッキドキ大作戦!!
PPP05-b2 Magikarp Journey コイキングの魔法でキレイになるっ!?
PPP05-b3 Gone Fishing!? ピカチュウのさかなつり!?

Volume 6: Gold & Silver

English title Japanese title
PPP06-01 Eevee-Lu-Tion るーちゃんがんばって!
PPP06-02 The Ditto Test メタモンくんの変身試験
PPP06-03 Eggcellent Togepi ふしぎなたまご
PPP06-04 The Great Togepi Disaster トゲピー大パニック!
PPP06-05 PokéMom 大好きなクコママヘ
PPP06-06 Green Jealousy 恋する少女♥チコ登場
PPP06-b1 The Terrible Omen 恐怖のうらないでドッキドキ!?
PPP06-b2 Raichu's Best Friend 一番の友達
PPP06-b3 Loves Me? Loves Me Not? すき? きらい?

Volume 7: From the Heart

English title Japanese title
PPP07-01 The Mysterious Beauty なぞの美少女·ジンジャー登場
PPP07-02 Swimming with the Qwilfish
PPP07-03 The Very First Date
PPP07-04 Heavenly Pokémon
PPP07-05 Clefairy's Blue Period
PPP07-06 Rock-a-Bye Pokémon (Part 1)
PPP07-07 Rock-a-Bye Pokémon (Part 2)
PPP07-b1 The Hill of the Lone Star Tree 1本星の丘で…
PPP07-b2 Jigglypuff's Joy プリンちゃんのでドッキドキ

Volume 8

This volume, and all that follow, have not been officially translated into English.

Title Title (translated)
PPP08-01 Enter the Superheroine, Koume!
PPP08-02 The Heroic Story of Clefairy and Pikachu
PPP08-03 Chiko's St. Valentine
PPP08-04 The Dangerous Love of the Two Ninja!!
PPP08-05 Cherry Blossom Present ♥
PPP08-06 Boys Are Cool!
PPP08-07 Vulpix-chan and Cyndaquil-kun
PPP08-08 Burn on, Koume! (Part 1)
PPP08-09 Burn on, Koume! (Part 2)

Volume 9

Title Title (translated)
PPP09-01 A Chance Treasure
PPP09-02 Pokémon Confession Exercise Camp! (Part 1)
PPP09-03 Pokémon Confession Exercise Camp! (Part 2)
PPP09-04 Clover of Happiness
PPP09-05 Like a "Girl"?
PPP09-06 Koume's Valentine
PPP09-07 Enter the Exorcist Nurse!!
PPP09-08 Marimaru's Love Story
PPP09-09 Curry Camp for Everyone

Volume 10

Title Title (translated)
PPP10-01 マロンVSアーモンド! Hazel VS Almond!
PPP10-02 Coconut's Love Wars (Part 1)
PPP10-03 Coconut's Love Wars (Part 2)
PPP10-04 Koume's True Feelings
PPP10-05 Merry Christmas, Chiko
PPP10-06 The Final Good-Luck Charm (Part 1)
PPP10-07 The Final Good-Luck Charm (Part 2)
PPP10-08 With Our Masks Off
PPP10-b1 The Suspense of the Cookie
PPP10-b2 The Miracle-Colored Sky ~Best Friends~
PPP10-b3 The Two Back Then