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Team Rocket Headquarters, or TRHQ, is an English-language fan community for devotees of Team Rocket. It was created on or around June 22, 1999 by Josh M, whose screenname at the time was exo.


For several years, TRHQ was an extensive Team Rocket website in addition to the popular message board. The site was originally hosted on a free server; when it became popular, it was moved, erased, moved, erased, and moved yet again to a pay server. The last incarnation of the site was called TRHQ: NEXT, possibly as a devotion to the anime series Slayers NEXT, which was at the time popular with many of the forum members. Eventually, Josh lost interest in Pokémon and devoted his time to his budding webcomic career, and the site was abolished. Forum member YamatoKyouryu then created the current ezboard, TRHQ2, which is now run by MargauxZ and Silver_Vaporeon8514. The majority of members at the current message board was present at the original site back in 1999; many of its members are no longer interested in Pokémon, but still post to keep ties with their old friends.

Very few of the moderators currently listed on TRHQ2 still post. As the community is mostly made up of a small group of fans who, for the most part, are quite familiar with each other, there is generally little conflict. Fights that do occur usually resolve themselves within days of their conception.

The TRHQ website contained a plethora of information on Team Rocket, including, but not limited to:

  • Character bios
  • Interviews with voice actors
  • Image gallery
  • Fanart library
  • Fanfiction library
  • Ask Team Rocket, an extremely popular section in which fans could ask "Team Rocket" questions and get humorous and in-character replies

External links

TRHQ LiveJournal group
Impromptu home page for TRHQ2 forums