Berry (item): Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Intro: Standard, though it might be a nonissue since it's tagged.)
(inb4 removing uncatchable Pokémon as well as anything wrong)
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|effect=Heals a Pokémon by up to 10 HP.
|effect=Heals a Pokémon by up to 10 HP.
|descgsc=A self-restore item. (10HP, hold)
|descgsc=A self-restore item. (10HP, hold)
|locgsc=[[Route]]s {{rtn|11|Kanto}}, {{rtn|29|Johto}}, {{rtn|30|Johto}}, {{rtn|38|Johto}}, and {{rtn|46|Johto}}, [[Bug-Catching Contest]] (Consolation Prize), [[Mystery Gift]], [[Time Capsule|Trading]] Pokémon from [[Generation I]] games, {{wild|Pichu}}, {{wild|Pikachu}}, {{wild|Sentret}}, {{wild|Furret}}, and {{wild|Shuckle}}
|locgsc=[[Route]]s {{rtn|11|Kanto}}, {{rtn|29|Johto}}, {{rtn|30|Johto}}, {{rtn|38|Johto}}, and {{rtn|46|Johto}}, [[Bug-Catching Contest]] (Consolation Prize), [[Mystery Gift]], [[Time Capsule|Trading]] Pokémon from [[Generation I]] games, {{wild|Pikachu}}, {{wild|Sentret}}, {{wild|Furret}}, and {{wild|Shuckle}}
|tcg=Berry (Neo Genesis 99)
|tcg=Berry (Neo Genesis 99)
|notes=Replaced by the {{color2|000000|Oran Berry}} in {{color2|000000|Generation III}}.
|notes=Replaced by the {{color2|000000|Oran Berry}} in {{color2|000000|Generation III}}.
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|effect=Heals a Pokémon of {{status|frozen|being frozen}}.
|effect=Heals a Pokémon of {{status|frozen|being frozen}}.
|descgsc=A self-cure for freezing. (Hold)
|descgsc=A self-cure for freezing. (Hold)
|locgsc={{rt|44|Johto}}, [[Fuchsia City]], [[Mystery Gift]], {{wild|Smoochum}} and {{wild|Jynx}}, {{wild|Arcanine}}, {{wild|Magby}}
|locgsc={{rt|44|Johto}}, [[Fuchsia City]], [[Mystery Gift]], {{wild|Jynx}}
|notes=Replaced by the {{color2|000000|Aspear Berry}} in {{color2|000000|Generation III}}.
|notes=Replaced by the {{color2|000000|Aspear Berry}} in {{color2|000000|Generation III}}.
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|effect=Heals a Pokémon of a {{status|burned|burn}}.
|effect=Heals a Pokémon of a {{status|burned|burn}}.
|descgsc=A self-cure for a burn. (Hold)
|descgsc=A self-cure for a burn. (Hold)
|locgsc=[[Route]]s {{rtn|26|Kanto}} and {{rtn|36|Johto}}, [[Pewter City]], [[Mystery Gift]], [[Time Capsule|Trading]] Pokémon from [[Generation I]] games, {{wild|Vulpix}}, {{wild|Growlithe}}, {{wild|Arcanine}}, {{wild|Magby}}, and {{wild|Magmar}}
|locgsc=[[Route]]s {{rtn|26|Kanto}} and {{rtn|36|Johto}}, [[Pewter City]], [[Mystery Gift]], [[Time Capsule|Trading]] Pokémon from [[Generation I]] games, {{wild|Vulpix}}, {{wild|Growlithe}}, and {{wild|Magmar}}
|notes=Replaced by the {{color2|000000|Rawst Berry}} in {{color2|000000|Generation III}}.
|notes=Replaced by the {{color2|000000|Rawst Berry}} in {{color2|000000|Generation III}}.
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|effect=Restores the [[Power points|PP]] of one Pokémon's move by 5.
|effect=Restores the [[Power points|PP]] of one Pokémon's move by 5.
|descgsc=A self-restore for PP. (Hold)
|descgsc=A self-restore for PP. (Hold)
|locgsc=[[Route]]s {{rtn|35|Johto}} and {{rtn|45|Johto}}, [[Mystery Gift]], [[Time Capsule|Trading]] Pokémon from [[Generation I]] games, {{wild|Cleffa}}, {{wild|Clefairy}}, {{wild|Clefable}}, and {{wild|Mr. Mime}}
|locgsc=[[Route]]s {{rtn|35|Johto}} and {{rtn|45|Johto}}, [[Mystery Gift]], [[Time Capsule|Trading]] Pokémon from [[Generation I]] games, {{wild|Clefairy}}, and {{wild|Mr. Mime}}
|notes=Replaced by the {{color2|000000|Leppa Berry}} in {{color2|000000|Generation III}}.
|notes=Replaced by the {{color2|000000|Leppa Berry}} in {{color2|000000|Generation III}}.