Surf glitch

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The Surf Glitch is a Generation IV glitch most famous for enabling the capture of promotional legendary Pokémon Darkrai and Shaymin. Arceus cannot be obtained through this method due to Arceus not being in a location that is possible to get to the Sinnoh underground.

The glitch is activated by using Surf on a door in Ryō's room and walking a specific number of steps to reach the legendary Pokémon's area. This is made easier by the Pokétch's step counter. Once the destination is reached and the Pokémon captured, Fly or Teleport can be used to exit the area and return to normal gameplay.

This is the Japanese method for Shaymin.

準備:なみのり、そらをとぶを覚えたポケモン モンスターボールなどの捕獲用アイテム

1.1人目の四天王の部屋に入り、入ってきた扉に向かってなみのりをする 2.その扉の真下のところから右に200歩進む 3.今度は下に363歩 4.右に722歩 5.左に18歩 6.そのマスで探検セットを使い地下に潜る 7.すぐに地上に戻り、前に進む(動けなくなったらタウンマップ) 8.はなのらくえんにいるシェイミに話しかける 9.ゲットしたらそらをとぶ等で戻る ブログランキング ※データが消える可能性もある危険な裏技です。 ※歩数を間違えるとバグります。 ※念のためテレポートを覚えたポケモンも連れて行くと良いです。

And this one is of Darkrai.

準備:なみのり、そらをとぶを覚えたポケモン モンスターボールなどの捕獲用アイテム

1.1人目の四天王の部屋に入り、入ってきた扉に向かってなみのりをする 2.その扉の真下のところから右に200歩進む 3.今度は下に256歩 4.左に63歩 5.そのマスでたんけんセットを使い地下に潜る 6.すぐに地上に戻る 7.しんげつじまに上陸し奥にいるダークライに話しかける 8.船に乗ってミオシティへ FC2ブログランキング  ※ダークライの初期レベルは40です。 ※データが消える可能性もある危険な裏技です。 ※歩数を間違えるとバグります。 ※念のためテレポートを使えるポケモンを連れて行くといいかもしれません ※失敗してもデータは消さないでください

Instructions on Catching Shaymin and Darkrai

  • NOTE Use your Step Counter for this one; it makes things a whole lot easier. Also, every time you complete a certain amount of steps (i.e. you walk 200 steps to the right), reset the Step Counter by pressing the "C" button. That way you won't need to add up numbers in your head. This method has been tested and is guaranteed to work!

In addition, it seems that if you miscount the number of steps, you run the risk of damaging your game, so please make sure you follow the exact number of steps.

To obtain both Pokémon, you must first enter Ryo's room (he's the very first one in the Elite Four that you fight; note that you DO NOT need to fight him first), so head over to the Pokémon League. After that...

1) Get up right against the doors you just walked through and use Surf (the name in Japanese hiragana looks like なみのり).
2) You should now be inside of the doors; go down one step to dismount the Pokémon you are surfing on.
3) Walk 200 steps to the right.
4) Go down 363 steps.
5) Go right 722 steps.
6) Go left 18 steps.
7) Use the Exploration Kit (looks like a hardhat and shovel and is found in your Key Items) to dig underneath the ground. WARNING!! THIS WILL SAVE YOUR GAME!! IF YOU ARE AFRAID OF DATA CORRUPTION, BACK OUT NOW!! YOU CANNOT USE THE KIT UNLESS YOU SAVE!!
8) Don't move; just return to the surface (second option from the bottom; looks like a green arrow pointing up) as soon as you dig underground.
9) This area will probably look glitchy. Just keep walking forward until you reach an area with hills and such. Shaymin is easy to spot.
10) DO NOT SAVE!! YOU CAN MESS UP YOUR ENTIRE GAMESAVE!!! Talk to Shaymin and start the battle!
11) Afterwards, use Fly or Teleport to leave the area.
12) You may now safely save your game; enjoy your new Pokémon!

1) Get up right against the doors you just walked through and use Surf (the name in Japanese hiragana looks like なみのり).
2) You should now be inside of the doors; go down one step to dismount the Pokémon you are surfing on.
3) Walk 200 steps to the right.
4) Go down 256 steps.
5) Go left 63 steps.
6) Use the Exploration Kit (looks like a hardhat and shovel and is found in your Key Items) to dig underneath the ground. WARNING!! THIS WILL SAVE YOUR GAME!! IF YOU ARE AFRAID OF DATA CORRUPTION, BACK OUT NOW!! YOU CANNOT USE THE KIT UNLESS YOU SAVE!!
7) Don't move; just return to the surface (second to last option from the bottom; looks like a green arrow pointing up) as soon as you dig underground.
8) You'll be in a new area; it may look a bit glitchy. Walk to the left and then up into the glen.
9) DO NOT SAVE!! YOU CAN MESS UP YOUR ENTIRE GAMESAVE!!! Talk to Darkrai and start the battle!
10) Afterwards, use Fly or Teleport to leave the area; alternatively, head out of the cave, to the right and down, where a sailor is waiting with a ship. Talk to him to return to Mio City.
11) You may now safely save your game; enjoy your new Pokémon!

Danger and remedy

The glitch, however has a chance of locking a player inside a wall and corrupting game data, especially if a player saves at this point, and if one finds a way to the Beginning Dimension and saves, they will be stuck until one starts a new game. Nintendo has acknowledged the glitches and has offered workarounds and methods of recovery.
