Celebi (Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky)

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Celebi is a shiny Pokémon that appears in the video game Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2. Although normally genderless, this Celebi is referred to as a female.

Celebi is seen in the future, where she helps Grovyle escape to the present to collect Time Gears. Celebi can travel short distances through time all by herself, but for big trips of many generations, she uses the Passage of Time at the end of the Dusk Forest, however Dialga can stop her time travel with his powers. When the player and partner are trapped in the future with Grovyle, Celebi guides them through the Dusk Forest, to the Passage of Time, where they can escape to the present again. They make it there but are cut off by Dusknoir and his Sableye, as well as Primal Dialga. Thanks to the partner's quick thinking, she is able to teleport them forwards in time past Dusknoir and his Sableye and close enough to the Passage of Time to escape. She claims its impossible for Dusknoir to catch her repeatedly and this seems to hold true, as it appears she escapes Dusknoir after helping the player, partner, and Grovyle back in time. Celebi does not like the everlasting darkness of the future, and is willing to sacrifice herself to prevent it from happening, which in fact she did as she, Grovyle, and the player were erased from existence along with the timeline they came from and all other future pokemon, but the player was revived by Dialga because of their sacrifice.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Celebi.
