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*After Rayquaza stops the fight between Kyogre and Groudon
*After Rayquaza stops the fight between Kyogre and Groudon
:''"<sc>Kyogre</sc> and <sc>Groudon</sc> both flew off to who knows where. The weather in <sc>Hoenn</sc> has returned to its normal state... Haha... Hahaha... Maybe what we were trying to do was something small, even meaningless, to <sc>Pokémon</sc>..."''
:''"<sc>Kyogre</sc> and <sc>Groudon</sc> both flew off to who knows where. The weather in <sc>Hoenn</sc> has returned to its normal state... Haha... Hahaha... Maybe what we were trying to do was something small, even meaningless, to <sc>Pokémon</sc>..."''
====Pokémon Alpha Sapphire====
=====Alpha Episode=====
'''Oceanic Museum'''
:''"What do we have here? I came to see what was taking so long just to steal a few parts, and I find you simps getting beat by this kid?"''
:''"Heh! That's quite a fierce expression for such a wee little scamp. That face tells me you're not just another mindless Trainer brat. The name is Archie. The rough-looking lot you see here are members of my team―Team Aqua. So tell me, boyo… Do you know that Pokémon, people, and all life in this world depend on the sea for life? That's right. The sea is an irreplaceable treasure for every living thing on this planet. But with our selfish extravagance, humanity dirties the great ocean, destroying this source of all life… Day by day, we're all destroying our most precious resource! If we humans suffer from our actions, well, maybe we'll end up getting what we deserve. But what about the Pokémon in our world? The Pokémon that no longer have a place to live because we stole and soiled their seas? The Pokémon that won't have a place to raise their young and watch them grow? We are creating a world in which innocent Pokémon suffer as a result of our actions… And that is something that I can't forgive! That's why I came to a decision, see? The foolish actions of my fellow humans, the seas we have blighted, nature itself… I will return everything to its unspoiled beginnings!"''
:''"… Heh! It's not like me to talk so much. Never mind, little scamp… I'll withdraw for now and leave you be. But understand this… Get in my way again, and you won't walk away unscathed next time. Remember that, at least!"''
:''"We're moving out, lads!"''
'''Mt Chimney'''
*Before Battle
:''"The great swell of power that sleeps deep in the magma… And it's the key to controlling the super-ancient Pokémon's power?"''
:''"Ah! You… Uh… No… Oh! Now I know how I know you! You're the little scamp that got in our way in Slateport's museum! If you made it here to me, you musta swept right past Shelly, huh? Heh…hehehehe… Krmph! Bwahahahahaha! I figured you were a big deal the first time I laid eyes on you, but…whoa!"''
:''"Heheh. Well, since you are the real deal, I s'pose I could let you in on just what's going on. See, this Meteorite that I just got from good old Professor High-an'-Mighty back there… With the right bit of work, it seems we could turn it into a real nice, valuable bit. Like maybe a Mega Stone. Or maybe…even a Key Stone. And as long as we're here at Mt. Chimney…"''
:''"Hyup! Bwahahahahah! Look what I nearly went an' did! If I give away all my secrets, all the thrill'd be gone from our relationship! I think I'll just leave you hanging here."''
:''"Well… It's not the details that matter any old how. We've got a thing we gotta do, ya see. From our point of view, scamp, you're a dirty villain who's gotten in our way one time too many. I'm still leader of Team Aqua, so I'm afraid it's the rope's end for you and your Pokémon."''
:''(Screaming) "Now come!"''
*After Defeat
:''Oh! You went and did it, didn't you?"''
*When Defeated
:''"Heheheh. Ya little scamp! I knew you were the real deal!"''
:''"Brilliant! Then my team won't hold back this time! Mega Evolution, how I've missed you! It's been ages since we got to let loose!"''
:''"Tch. Scamp, I'm gonna have to ask you to hold that thought. I've gotta use my time-out."''
:''"Huh? That you, Matt? You have the worst timing―What? Hoh! So Mt. Pyre's the real―Got it. Guess that orb's not just some fairy tale after all!"''
:''"All right! I'm on my way!"''
:''"Sorry, scamp. When you're a grown-up, y'see sometimes things crop up. Gotta put our battle on hold till next time. Take this. Should help keep ya busy till we settle the score. Have fun with it, hey?"''
:''"Let's meet again somewhere. I'll be sure to remember that face."''
'''Mt Pyre'''
:''"I thought something was a bit noisy, and who is it but the usual scamp! Sorry, scampo, but I'm afraid I just don't have time to play with you right now. The Blue Orb that's long been enshrined here at Mt. Pyre… It belongs to Team Aqua now!"''
:''"How about you do a favor for our lively little visitor, and keep him entertained? You'd better use your full strength, too, so you don't offend our honored guest! Bwahahahah! With this Blue Orb in my hands, I won't even need the power of the Meteorite to awaken the beast from the deep! All I need now is a way to get to the place where it sleeps… All I have to do is get that submarine they're making in Slateport! Come on, boys! We're for Slateport City!"''
'''Slateport Harbor'''
:''(Screaming) "Ahhh… Ahhh… Testing, testing. One, two, three..OK. I hope you're listening out there… Captain Stern! We of Team Aqua will now be assuming control of your lovely submarine! You'll contribute to our great plan of returning everything to the beginning… I hope you appreciate this great honor! Wah…hahahah! Bwahahahahahahahah''
:''"Impossible! You actually followed us all the way from Mt. Pyre? Grah-hah! You got me! I bow to your persistence and love of justice! Bwaha! Bwahahahahah! It's a pity, so it is, but we're well past the time when you and your best efforts could turn the tide. We'll add a few last touches to this submarine, and we'll be all set to bust open the Seafloor Cavern where that reat Pokémon is sleeping. Our plans to return everything to the beginning…They're as good as complete! But I know you gotta do what you gotta do, scamp. I'm not gonna tell ya to quit chasing us… Follow us all the way to our hideout in Lilycove, if that's what your honor demands. Now then… Shelly?"''
:''"Got it. We'll see you there, then! My little scamp adversary! Grahahaha! Bwahahahahahahah!"''
'''Seafloor Cavern'''
:''"Bwahahaha! You're looking pretty pathetic now, aren't you? The great Maxie!"''
*Before Battle
:''"Well, if it isn't my little adversary! I can't even find the words to praise you as you deserve."''
:''"Sometimes it's best to keep things simple. All I'll say is you met my expectations, scamp!"''
:''"And I'm not just talking about today, but everything you've done up till now. And that's why you'll get the honor of meeting my new partner before anyone else living in this world!"''
:''(Screaming) "The super-ancient Pokémon…KYOGRE!!!"''
:''"How 'bout that?! That beautiful form so long resting at peace within the azure sea!"''
:''"I've been waiting so long  for this day to come. We humans have disregarded Pokémon and nature both in our endless pursuit of our own desires and needs… And in the process, we've created this broken and disordered world… But this is the day when I finally obtain the power to return everything to how it once was―to return to our beginnings! Now that I can release the ancient power!"''
:''(Screaming) "The ancient power of Primal Kyogre!"''
:''"And now, you are the last token resistance that's trying to ruin my day. I'll use everything my team and I have to crush you once and for all!"''
:''"Oh? And…Mega Evolution? Did ya think that you and your Pokémon are the only ones who can use it? Let me show you now what I didn't get the chance to show you at Mt. Chimney… This is the true power of my team!"''
:''(Screaming) "GRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"''
*When Defeated
:''Like I figured…"''
*After Defeated
:''"Hah… Hah… Ahh… … Ah. Aha… Ahahahaha… Bwahahahahahaha! Bwaha! AHAHAHAHAHA!"''
:''"Perfect! You're just as great as any little hero trying to save the world oughta be!"''
:''"But it changes nothing! I can't give up now! I can't!"''
:''"I WILL use the power of this Blue Orb to awaken Kyogre at last! Then I'll return everything in this world to its original, pure state!!"''
:''"Shelly… I always believed that you at least world understand my dreams…"''
:''"But no! In the end, the only one I can depend on is you, Kyogre! Absorb all the power resting in this Blue Orb, and reclaim yourself! Revert to your primal form! This is the time to take back the great Evolution you lost in the ancient past!"''
:''"Bwahahahaha! At last… AT LAST! I've finally done it!!! It hasn't even finished reversion, and it still has this much power!!!With this I can return everything to its natural beginning! It's time at last!"''
:''"Is that crew outside?"''
:''"What is it…? Oh? So the great deluge has begun… Bwahahahaha! But of course it has! That is exactly what I have―"''
:''"What…? What do you mean far more than we thought?! It can't be… Then if it completes its Primal Reversion… N-never mind that! Just keep an eye on it!"''
:''"All that matters is… That I have used the Blue Orb to awaken Kyogre… And now… I will return this world to its natural state… The state that is best for Pokémon!"''
:''"What…did you say?"''
'''Route 128'''
:''"This… This is…"''
:''"… I… I only wanted… I wanted to make…a world where Pokémon could live on…in peace… Where…that…Pokémon…"''
'''Sootopolis City (Before Kyogre Battle)'''
:''"The Aqua Suit. Take it..."''
:''"But… Even if you put that thing on, do you really think you'll be able to make it all the way down to where Kyogre waits?"''
:''"... ... Sorry."''
:''"I'm begging, so… Save us… The world… And Kyogre…"''
'''Cave of Origin'''
*Via Radio
:''"Hey! You read me, little scamp? Aye, it's me, Archie! There's a device built into that suit that lets me talk to you. We're getting readings up here that look as though Kyogre's appeared. I'd guess you're staring right at it, if I'm not mistaken! Don't be afraid, scamp! You leap right onto that beastie's back! Then le― take you to― dee―est… o― th― c…"''
'''Sootopolis City (After Kyogre Battle)'''
:''"It's…so warm… Just now my heart felt like it was about to be crushed by uncertainty and terror, but now it feels like it's been softly set at ease…''
:''"… Yeah. You're right. Maxie… what you're saying is only natural. I know that. But still… I can't just change… The world I believed to be ideal… The kind of world that I dreamed of making, where I could live alongside my beloved Pokémon… That hasn't changed. I know I've got nothing to stand on, after causing this much hurt, but…"''
:''"Shelly… Sorry…and thanks."''
:''"All right, ya little scamp. You managed to use that Red Orb, so now let's see you try this on for size. If you give it to Kyogre, you should be able to control its Primal Reversion."''
:''"See ya..."''
=====Delta Episode=====
'''Team Aqua Hideout'''
:''(Screaming) "Guwahhh?!"''
:''"Ugh… I'll be keelhauled! How did I get beat by this little slip of a girl?"''
:''"You… Who are you?"''
:''"Scamp? But why are you…"''
:''(Screaming) "Wha―?!"''
:''"Archie! Hang in there!"''
:''"… Little scamp… Heh… Fine… I guess it's just fate. That you showed up now of all times."''
:''"Shelly… Give it to the kid."''
:''"Yeah… What could I do with a Mega Stone anyway, now that I've lost my Key Stone?"''
:''"You take my power, scamp… I'm giving it to you. That woman… I don’t think she's just any old Trainer. Not with the way she controlled those Dragon-type Pokémon of hers… I got no idea what she's planning… But I think you're our best bet at stopping her now, little scamp. Do that for me."''
'''End of the Episode'''
:''"... It's unforgivable."''
:''(Screaming) "Absolutely unforgivable!"''
:''"I can't forgive… What I've done!"''
:''"I drove my own loyal crew to such despair as this… I have no right to call myself a leader anymore."''
:''"I'm… I'm sorry, Matt. I truly am."''
:''"I'm planning to start everything over from scratch, Matt. What  happened back then with Kyogre… And what happened this time… Look, you can't do anything if you're all wrapped up in what you believe. Team Aqua or Team Magma… Pokémon or people… There's no reason why we've gotta pick just one of 'em. It might be a pain, it might even be a bit scary, but we've gotta take that step into the unknown. Mix with people who aren't like us… That's the kind of Team Aqua that I want us to be from now on. … You think you can be a part of that kind of Team Aqua? Matt…"''

====Pokémon Omega Ruby====
====Pokémon Omega Ruby====


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