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{{trainerpkmn|width=74|note=b|main=no|Angie|Shinx|{{electric color}}|Angie's Shinx.png|{{p|Shinx}} is Angie's only known Pokémon and went along with her to the Pokémon Summer Academy where it spent much of the time outside of it's [[Poké Ball]]. It was originally used against {{AP|Pikachu}} in a battle when Angie and {{Ash}} got into a quarrel but, like their trainers, Shinx and Pikachu soon became friends. Shinx also helps Angie out at the Solaceon Daycare Center.
|img=Angie's Shinx.png
|epname=Camping It Up!
|desc={{p|Shinx}} is Angie's only known Pokémon and went along with her to the Pokémon Summer Academy where it spent much of the time outside of it's [[Poké Ball]]. It was originally used against {{AP|Pikachu}} in a battle when Angie and {{Ash}} got into a quarrel but, like their trainers, Shinx and Pikachu soon became friends. Shinx also helps Angie out at the Solaceon Daycare Center.

Shinx's known attacks are {{m|Spark}}, {{m|Quick Attack}}, {{m|Crunch}} and {{m|Thunder Fang}}.
Shinx's known attacks are {{m|Spark}}, {{m|Quick Attack}}, {{m|Crunch}} and {{m|Thunder Fang}}.}}


{{trainerpkmn|width=74|note=h|main=no|Angie|Monferno|{{fire color}}|Angie's Monferno.png|{{p|Monferno}} was the Pokémon Angie selected for the first day of the Pokémon Summer Academy. Students were supposed to train up the Pokémon they'd selected and battle with them at the end of the day... which proved difficult as Monferno had a bad attitude and refused to listen to Angie as well as getting into scuffles with other Pokémon. Eventually Angie gained its respect and it battled hard against the Pokémon Ash had selected, a {{p|Raichu}} however it was defeated.
|img=Angie's Monferno.png
|epname=Camping It Up!
|desc={{p|Monferno}} was the Pokémon Angie selected for the first day of the Pokémon Summer Academy. Students were supposed to train up the Pokémon they'd selected and battle with them at the end of the day... which proved difficult as Monferno had a bad attitude and refused to listen to Angie as well as getting into scuffles with other Pokémon. Eventually Angie gained its respect and it battled hard against the Pokémon Ash had selected, a {{p|Raichu}} however it was defeated.

Monferno's known attacks are {{m|Ember}}, {{m|Flame Wheel}} and {{m|Mach Punch}}.
Monferno's known attacks are {{m|Ember}}, {{m|Flame Wheel}} and {{m|Mach Punch}}.}}

{{trainerpkmn|width=74|note=|main=no|Angie|Ariados|{{bug color}}|Angie's Ariados.png|{{p|Ariados}} was the Pokémon Angie chose for the first leg of the Pokémon Triathlon. Using {{m|String Shot}}, Ariados was easily able to help Angie gain the lead.  
|img=Angie's Ariados.png
|epname=One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!
|desc={{p|Ariados}} was the Pokémon Angie chose for the first leg of the Pokémon Triathlon. Using {{m|String Shot}}, Ariados was easily able to help Angie gain the lead.}}

{{trainerpkmn|width=74|note=f|main=no|Angie|Lapras|{{water color}}|Angie's Lapras.png|For the swimming section of the Pokémon Triathlon Angie chose a Lapras. Although Angie and Lapras lost the lead to Ash and the {{p|Mantyke}} he was riding, Lapras was able to gain momentum by using {{m|Ice Beam}} on the water, allowing it to catch up.
|img=Angie's Lapras.png
|epname=One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!
|desc=For the swimming section of the Pokémon Triathlon Angie chose a Lapras. Although Angie and Lapras lost the lead to Ash and the {{p|Mantyke}} he was riding, Lapras was able to gain momentum by using {{m|Ice Beam}} on the water, allowing it to catch up.}}


{{trainerpkmn|width=74|note=b|main=no|Angie|Lickilicky|{{normal color}}|Angie's Lickilicky.png|After the Pokémon Summer Academy Angie was asked to watch over a {{p|Lickitung}} by her parents as they were going away on a trip. Eager to impress her parents, Angie worked far too hard training Lickitung and taught it to use {{m|Rollout}} which caused it to evolve into a Lickilicky.  
|img=Angie's Lickilicky.png
|epname=If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!
|desc=After the Pokémon Summer Academy Angie was asked to watch over a {{p|Lickitung}} by her parents as they were going away on a trip. Eager to impress her parents, Angie worked far too hard training Lickitung and taught it to use {{m|Rollout}} which caused it to evolve into a Lickilicky.  

Knowing she'd be in big trouble for evolving another trainer's Pokémon and as Lickilicky refused to be kept inside its Poké Ball Angie hid Lickilicky in a cave. However Lickilicky escaped and people began believing it was a Scarf Monster due to the scarf Angie made it wear. Team Rocket attempted to capture it even after learning it wasn't a monster but Angie was able to expertly command Lickilicky and fought Team Rocket off. Although Angie's parents were upset with her for evolving Lickitung, its trainer couldn't be happier about what had happened as he couldn't be bothered to evolve it himself. As a result, Angie was let off the hook.
Knowing she'd be in big trouble for evolving another trainer's Pokémon and as Lickilicky refused to be kept inside its Poké Ball Angie hid Lickilicky in a cave. However Lickilicky escaped and people began believing it was a Scarf Monster due to the scarf Angie made it wear. Team Rocket attempted to capture it even after learning it wasn't a monster but Angie was able to expertly command Lickilicky and fought Team Rocket off. Although Angie's parents were upset with her for evolving Lickitung, its trainer couldn't be happier about what had happened as he couldn't be bothered to evolve it himself. As a result, Angie was let off the hook.

Lickilicky's known attacks are {{m|Wrap}}, {{m|Slam}} and {{m|Rollout}}.
Lickilicky's known attacks are {{m|Wrap}}, {{m|Slam}} and {{m|Rollout}}.}}



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