Ruby Field

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The Ruby Field — click the image to see a more detailed image with a key

The Ruby Field (Japanese: ルビー Ruby Table) is a pinball table in Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire. Its counterpart is the Sapphire Field.

Field Features

Catch 'EM Mode

Catch 'Em Mode can be activated by sending the ball through the right loop twice, lighting up two Catch 'Em arrows, then sending the ball into Sharpedo's mouth. Some Pokémon will only appear when all 3 Catch 'Em arrows are lit, however. Also, there are special Pokémon one can catch in Catch 'Em mode.

Egg Mode

Hitting Cyndaquil three times will push it into the Egg Stand and start heating the Egg. Hitting it once more will make the Egg hatch. Afterwards, sending the ball into the Egg stand again will lead to Aerodactyl or Totodile replacing the Egg.

Pokémon Mart/EVO Mode

The Ruby Field shop can be found up the ramp at the top-right of the field. Sending the ball up the ramp once will open the door and grant access for one visit, after which the door will close. Sending the ball through the left loop three times will make entering the shop activate EVO mode. Gloom will only evolve into Vileplume on this field, and will only evolve into Bellossom on the Sapphire Field.

Travel Mode

Hitting the button in front of Chikorita will start a Razor Leaf that makes the two Linoone poke their heads out. Hitting the Linoone on the left will make a Gulpin appear. Travel Mode will start as soon as three Gulpin are on the field.

Bonus Fields

The first Bonus Field focuses on Kecleon. The next field is a battle against Groudon. After Groudon has been beaten twice, the next bonus field will be against Rayquaza and it will then be added to the circuit of Bonus Fields.

The Sealeo Bonus Field can be reached through the help of Whiscash.

Unique features

There is a Ball Upgrade in plain sight. It can be reached by punching the ball with Makuhita, which changes its stance each time the Linoone on the right is hit. The first two punches will push Nuzleaf back, making a bridge to access the Upgrade on the third time. The Upgrade will occasionally be replaced with an extra ball. When the ball is lost, Makuhita's stance is reset to the default.

Located between Cyndaquil and the Pokémon bumpers, the formation switch will change the formation of said bumpers. The Chinchou float in place or move around. Sometimes two Chinchou will disappear, and sometimes they will be replaced by Lotad or Whiscash.


This is a listing of the areas on the Ruby Field and the Pokémon that appear there. They are listed in the in-game order:

Pinball Ruby Forest.png Petalburg Forest

Treecko, Nuzleaf and Zigzagoon are not found on the Sapphire Field.

Pinball Ruby Volcano.png Chimney Mountain

This area cannot be reached on the Sapphire Field.

Pinball Ruby Plains.png Plains

Illumise and Zangoose are not found on the Sapphire Field.

Pinball Ruby Ocean.png Lilycove

This area shares many Pokémon with the Beach area in the Sapphire Field, however, Lileep, Staryu and Wailmer are not found on the Sapphire Field.

Pinball Ruby Safari Zone.png Safari Zone

This area cannot be reached on the Sapphire Field.

Pinball Ruby Cave.png Granite Cave

Machop, Mawile and Solrock are not found on the Sapphire Field.

Pinball Ruby Ruins.png Ruins

Other Pokémon

The following Pokémon can be found in any area, though there is less than a 1% chance of seeing them:

The following Pokémon can only be obtained by beating their mini-games: