List of Pokémon-Amie Décor items

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The Pokémon-Amie screen with various Décor items

This a list of Décor items for Pokémon-Amie. These include wallpapers and interior items, with interior items grouped into two sets of cushions and two sets of "objects" in the game. Décor items may be manipulated in Pokémon-Amie's decorate mode. Up to 30 interior items may be placed around the Pokémon-Amie space.

The player starts with the following Décor items in Pokémon-Amie:

  • Pink Wallpaper
  • Blue Wallpaper
  • Orange Wallpaper
  • Leaf Cushion
  • Pink Egg Cushion
  • Blue Egg Cushion
  • Orange Egg Cushion
  • Green Egg Cushion
  • Orange Cloud Cushion
  • Pink Star Cloud
  • Sky Blue Cloud Table


All wallpapers and interior items can be grouped into several sets based on common criteria for obtaining them. Each set also fits a general theme and naming scheme described below as "category". Sets D and E actually consist of several categories each, corresponding to types. These type categories are the sets that a group of visitors may draw a gift from if they all share a type.

The ways to receive a Décor item are:

  • Unlock a new difficulty for a minigame.
  • Earn a 5-star rating on a minigame.
  • Raise the active Pokémon's affection to 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, or 255 points.
    • A bug can also grant a gift from the active Pokémon when a different Pokémon's affection is raised to a sufficient level when staying at Hotel Richissime.
  • Receive a gift from visitors.

Visitor gifts draw from different sets (from A to F) depending on the visitors' combined affection levels, but occasional inconsistencies make describing the bounds of affection required for one set or another difficult. Also, minigame gifts do not stack. That is, if the player unlocks two difficulties in a row or gets 5 stars on any two games or gets 5 stars on a game and that unlocks the next difficulty, when they exit the play mode, they will still only get the latest gift (with unlocking occurring after the player earns their rating).

Set Categories Ways to receive Décor item
Unlock 5 stars Affection
A Color Easy, any game
B Pattern Normal, Berry Picker or Tile Puzzle 25
C Cloud Normal, Head It 50
D Bug, Dark, Electric, Fighting, Flying, Ghost, Ground,
Ice, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel
Normal Hard, any game 75, 100
E Dragon, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Water Hard Unlimited, any game 150
F Classy Unlimited 255

List of Décor items


Order Décor item Category
1 Amie Normal Wallpaper.png Normal Wallpaper Normal
2 Amie Fire Wallpaper.png Fire Wallpaper Fire
3 Amie Water Wallpaper.png Water Wallpaper Water
4 Amie Electric Wallpaper.png Electric Wallpaper Electric
5 Amie Grass Wallpaper.png Grass Wallpaper Grass
6 Amie Ice Wallpaper.png Ice Wallpaper Ice
7 Amie Fighting Wallpaper.png Fighting Wallpaper Fighting
8 Amie Poison Wallpaper.png Poison Wallpaper Poison
9 Amie Ground Wallpaper.png Ground Wallpaper Ground
10 Amie Flying Wallpaper.png Flying Wallpaper Flying
11 Amie Psychic Wallpaper.png Psychic Wallpaper Psychic
12 Amie Bug Wallpaper.png Bug Wallpaper Bug
13 Amie Rock Wallpaper.png Rock Wallpaper Rock
14 Amie Ghost Wallpaper.png Ghost Wallpaper Ghost
15 Amie Dragon Wallpaper.png Dragon Wallpaper Dragon
16 Amie Dark Wallpaper.png Dark Wallpaper Dark
17 Amie Steel Wallpaper.png Steel Wallpaper Steel
18 Amie Fairy Wallpaper.png Fairy Wallpaper Fairy
19 Amie Pink Wallpaper.png Pink Wallpaper Color
20 Amie Blue Wallpaper.png Blue Wallpaper Color
21 Amie Orange Wallpaper.png Orange Wallpaper Color
22 Amie Green Wallpaper.png Green Wallpaper Color
23 Amie Purple Wallpaper.png Purple Wallpaper Color
24 Amie Brown Wallpaper.png Brown Wallpaper Color
25 Amie Yellow Wallpaper.png Yellow Wallpaper Color
26 Amie White Wallpaper.png White Wallpaper Color
27 Amie Black Wallpaper.png Black Wallpaper Color
28 Amie Pink Cloud Wallpaper.png Pink Cloud Wallpaper Cloud
29 Amie Blue Cloud Wallpaper.png Blue Cloud Wallpaper Cloud
30 Amie Sunset Wallpaper.png Sunset Wallpaper Cloud
31 Amie Polka Dot Wallpaper.png Polka Dot Wallpaper Pattern
32 Amie Punk Wallpaper.png Punk Wallpaper Pattern
33 Amie Checkered Wallpaper.png Checkered Wallpaper Pattern
34 Amie Chic Wallpaper.png Chic Wallpaper Classy

Cushions 1

Order Décor item Category
1 Amie Cocoa Treat Cushion Sprite.png Cocoa Treat Cushion Normal
2 Amie Chocolate Treat Cushion Sprite.png Chocolate Treat Cushion Normal
3 Amie Blue Fire Cushion Sprite.png Blue Fire Cushion Fire
4 Amie Red Fire Cushion Sprite.png Red Fire Cushion Fire
5 Amie White Seashell Cushion Sprite.png White Seashell Cushion Water
6 Amie Pink Seashell Cushion Sprite.png Pink Seashell Cushion Water
7 Amie Light Cushion Sprite.png Light Cushion Electric
8 Amie Blue Light Cushion Sprite.png Blue Light Cushion Electric
9 Amie Leaf Cushion Sprite.png Leaf Cushion Grass
10 Amie Leaflet Cushion Sprite.png Leaflet Cushion Grass
11 Amie Frozen Cushion Sprite.png Frozen Cushion Ice
12 Amie Ice Chunk Cushion Sprite.png Ice Chunk Cushion Ice
13 Amie Blue Target Cushion Sprite.png Blue Target Cushion Fighting
14 Amie Red Target Cushion Sprite.png Red Target Cushion Fighting
15 Amie Rising Smoke Cushion Sprite.png Rising Smoke Cushion Poison
16 Amie Dangerous Smoke Cushion Sprite.png Dangerous Smoke Cushion Poison
17 Amie Deep Hole Cushion Sprite.png Deep Hole Cushion Ground
18 Amie Shallow Hole Cushion Sprite.png Shallow Hole Cushion Ground
19 Amie White Feather Cushion Sprite.png White Feather Cushion Flying
20 Amie Black Feather Cushion Sprite.png Black Feather Cushion Flying
21 Amie Red Circle Cushion Sprite.png Red Circle Cushion Psychic
22 Amie Blue Circle Cushion Sprite.png Blue Circle Cushion Psychic
23 Amie Withered Leaf Cushion Sprite.png Withered Leaf Cushion Bug
24 Amie Fallen Leaf Cushion Sprite.png Fallen Leaf Cushion Bug
25 Amie Gray Rock Cushion Sprite.png Gray Rock Cushion Rock
26 Amie Black Rock Cushion Sprite.png Black Rock Cushion Rock
27 Amie Ghostly Pumpkin Cushion Sprite.png Ghostly Pumpkin Cushion Ghost
28 Amie Cursed Pumpkin Cushion Sprite.png Cursed Pumpkin Cushion Ghost
29 Amie Dragon Hill Cushion Sprite.png Dragon Hill Cushion Dragon
30 Amie Dragon Rock Cushion Sprite.png Dragon Rock Cushion Dragon
31 Amie Cool Black Cushion Sprite.png Cool Black Cushion Dark
32 Amie Cool Red Cushion Sprite.png Cool Red Cushion Dark
33 Amie Cross-Top Screw Cushion Sprite.png Cross-Top Screw Cushion Steel
34 Amie Slot-Top Screw Cushion Sprite.png Slot-Top Screw Cushion Steel
35 Amie Pink Arch Cushion Sprite.png Pink Arch Cushion Fairy
36 Amie Blue Arch Cushion Sprite.png Blue Arch Cushion Fairy
37 Amie Pink Egg Cushion Sprite.png Pink Egg Cushion Color
38 Amie Blue Egg Cushion Sprite.png Blue Egg Cushion Color
39 Amie Orange Egg Cushion Sprite.png Orange Egg Cushion Color
40 Amie Green Egg Cushion Sprite.png Green Egg Cushion Color
41 Amie Purple Egg Cushion Sprite.png Purple Egg Cushion Color
42 Amie Brown Egg Cushion Sprite.png Brown Egg Cushion Color
43 Amie Yellow Egg Cushion Sprite.png Yellow Egg Cushion Color
44 Amie White Egg Cushion Sprite.png White Egg Cushion Color
45 Amie Black Egg Cushion Sprite.png Black Egg Cushion Color
46 Amie Pink Cloud Cushion Sprite.png Pink Cloud Cushion Cloud
47 Amie Blue Cloud Cushion Sprite.png Blue Cloud Cushion Cloud
48 Amie Orange Cloud Cushion Sprite.png Orange Cloud Cushion Cloud
49 Amie Polka Dot Candy Cushion Sprite.png Polka Dot Candy Cushion Pattern
50 Amie Punk Candy Cushion Sprite.png Punk Candy Cushion Pattern
51 Amie Checkered Candy Cushion Sprite.png Checkered Candy Cushion Pattern
52 Amie Homey Wooden Chair Sprite.png Homey Wooden Chair Classy

Cushions 2

Order Décor item Category
1 Amie Mint Ring Cushion Sprite.png Mint Ring Cushion Normal
2 Amie Cream Ring Cushion Sprite.png Cream Ring Cushion Normal
3 Amie Hot Lava Cushion Sprite.png Hot Lava Cushion Fire
4 Amie Cooled Lava Cushion Sprite.png Cooled Lava Cushion Fire
5 Amie Green Drop Cushion Sprite.png Green Drop Cushion Water
6 Amie Blue Drop Cushion Sprite.png Blue Drop Cushion Water
7 Amie Shock Cushion Sprite.png Shock Cushion Electric
8 Amie Blue Shock Cushion Sprite.png Blue Shock Cushion Electric
9 Amie Stump Cushion Sprite.png Stump Cushion Grass
10 Amie White Stump Cushion Sprite.png White Stump Cushion Grass
11 Amie Snowball Cushion Sprite.png Snowball Cushion Ice
12 Amie Ice Ball Cushion Sprite.png Ice Ball Cushion Ice
13 Amie Training Log Cushion Sprite.png Training Log Cushion Fighting
14 Amie Trial Log Cushion Sprite.png Trial Log Cushion Fighting
15 Amie Green Poison Cushion Sprite.png Green Poison Cushion Poison
16 Amie Pink Poison Cushion Sprite.png Pink Poison Cushion Poison
17 Amie Hard Ground Cushion Sprite.png Hard Ground Cushion Ground
18 Amie Soft Ground Cushion Sprite.png Soft Ground Cushion Ground
19 Amie Blue Flag Perch Sprite.png Blue Flag Perch Flying
20 Amie Red Flag Perch Sprite.png Red Flag Perch Flying
21 Amie Bent Spoon Cushion Sprite.png Bent Spoon Cushion Psychic
22 Amie Twisted Spoon Cushion Sprite.png Twisted Spoon Cushion Psychic
23 Amie Gray Yarn Cushion Sprite.png Gray Yarn Cushion Bug
24 Amie Yellow Yarn Cushion Sprite.png Yellow Yarn Cushion Bug
25 Amie Iron Ore Cushion Sprite.png Iron Ore Cushion Rock
26 Amie Gold Ore Cushion Sprite.png Gold Ore Cushion Rock
27 Amie Spooky Sheet Cushion Sprite.png Spooky Sheet Cushion Ghost
28 Amie Monstrous Sheet Cushion Sprite.png Monstrous Sheet Cushion Ghost
29 Amie Blue Gem Cushion Sprite.png Blue Gem Cushion Dragon
30 Amie Purple Gem Cushion Sprite.png Purple Gem Cushion Dragon
31 Amie Shredded Black Cushion Sprite.png Shredded Black Cushion Dark
32 Amie Shredded Red Cushion Sprite.png Shredded Red Cushion Dark
33 Amie Cast-Iron Cushion Sprite.png Cast-Iron Cushion Steel
34 Amie Iron Cushion Sprite.png Iron Cushion Steel
35 Amie Pretty Ball Cushion Sprite.png Pretty Ball Cushion Fairy
36 Amie Lovely Ball Cushion Sprite.png Lovely Ball Cushion Fairy
37 Amie Pink Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Pink Pillar Cushion Color
38 Amie Blue Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Blue Pillar Cushion Color
39 Amie Orange Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Orange Pillar Cushion Color
40 Amie Green Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Green Pillar Cushion Color
41 Amie Purple Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Purple Pillar Cushion Color
42 Amie Brown Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Brown Pillar Cushion Color
43 Amie Yellow Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Yellow Pillar Cushion Color
44 Amie White Pillar Cushion Sprite.png White Pillar Cushion Color
45 Amie Black Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Black Pillar Cushion Color
46 Amie Hot Pink Cloud Cushion Sprite.png Hot Pink Cloud Cushion Cloud
47 Amie Light Blue Cloud Cushion Sprite.png Light Blue Cloud Cushion Cloud
48 Amie Soft Orange Cushion Sprite.png Soft Orange Cushion Cloud
49 Amie Polka Dot Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Polka Dot Pillar Cushion Pattern
50 Amie Punk Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Punk Pillar Cushion Pattern
51 Amie Checkered Pillar Cushion Sprite.png Checkered Pillar Cushion Pattern
52 Amie Comfy Wooden Chair Sprite.png Comfy Wooden Chair Classy

Objects 1

Order Décor item Category
1 Amie Normal Heart Object Sprite.png Normal Heart Object Normal
2 Amie Fire Heart Object Sprite.png Fire Heart Object Fire
3 Amie Water Heart Object Sprite.png Water Heart Object Water
4 Amie Electric Heart Object Sprite.png Electric Heart Object Electric
5 Amie Grass Heart Object Sprite.png Grass Heart Object Grass
6 Amie Ice Heart Object Sprite.png Ice Heart Object Ice
7 Amie Fighting Heart Object Sprite.png Fighting Heart Object Fighting
8 Amie Poison Heart Object Sprite.png Poison Heart Object Poison
9 Amie Ground Heart Object Sprite.png Ground Heart Object Ground
10 Amie Flying Heart Object Sprite.png Flying Heart Object Flying
11 Amie Psychic Heart Object Sprite.png Psychic Heart Object Psychic
12 Amie Bug Heart Object Sprite.png Bug Heart Object Bug
13 Amie Rock Heart Object Sprite.png Rock Heart Object Rock
14 Amie Ghost Heart Object Sprite.png Ghost Heart Object Ghost
15 Amie Dragon Heart Object Sprite.png Dragon Heart Object Dragon
16 Amie Dark Heart Object Sprite.png Dark Heart Object Dark
17 Amie Steel Heart Object Sprite.png Steel Heart Object Steel
18 Amie Fairy Heart Object Sprite.png Fairy Heart Object Fairy
19 Amie Pink Star Object Sprite.png Pink Star Object Color
20 Amie Blue Star Object Sprite.png Blue Star Object Color
21 Amie Orange Star Object Sprite.png Orange Star Object Color
22 Amie Green Star Object Sprite.png Green Star Object Color
23 Amie Purple Star Object Sprite.png Purple Star Object Color
24 Amie Brown Star Object Sprite.png Brown Star Object Color
25 Amie Yellow Star Object Sprite.png Yellow Star Object Color
26 Amie White Star Object Sprite.png White Star Object Color
27 Amie Black Star Object Sprite.png Black Star Object Color
28 Amie Pink Star Cloud Sprite.png Pink Star Cloud Cloud
29 Amie Blue Star Cloud Sprite.png Blue Star Cloud Cloud
30 Amie Orange Star Cloud Sprite.png Orange Star Cloud Cloud
31 Amie Polka Dot Star Object Sprite.png Polka Dot Star Object Pattern
32 Amie Punk Star Object Sprite.png Punk Star Object Pattern
33 Amie Checkered Star Object Sprite.png Checkered Star Object Pattern
34 Amie Wooden Table Sprite.png Wooden Table Classy

Objects 2

Order Décor item Category
1 Amie Decorative Treat Object Sprite.png Decorative Treat Object Normal
2 Amie Campfire Object Sprite.png Campfire Object Fire
3 Amie Sparkling Pearl Object Sprite.png Sparkling Pearl Object Water
4 Amie Light Bulb Object Sprite.png Light Bulb Object Electric
5 Amie Flower Object Sprite.png Flower Object Grass
6 Amie Snowman Object Sprite.png Snowman Object Ice
7 Amie Substitute Cushion Sprite.png Substitute Cushion Fighting
8 Amie Deadly Poison Object Sprite.png Deadly Poison Object Poison
9 Amie Mysterious Cactus Sprite.png Mysterious Cactus Ground
10 Amie Mysterious Eggs Sprite.png Mysterious Eggs Flying
11 Amie Mystery Crystal Sprite.png Mystery Crystal Psychic
12 Amie Honey Object Sprite.png Honey Object Bug
13 Amie Sparkling Mineral Object Sprite.png Sparkling Mineral Object Rock
14 Amie Will-o'-the-Wisp Candle Sprite.png Will-o'-the-Wisp Candle Ghost
15 Amie Dragon Castle Sprite.png Dragon Castle Dragon
16 Amie Nocturnal Chair Sprite.png Nocturnal Chair Dark
17 Amie Crown Object Sprite.png Crown Object Steel
18 Amie Rainbow Parasol Sprite.png Rainbow Parasol Fairy
19 Amie Pink Cube Object Sprite.png Pink Cube Object Color
20 Amie Blue Cube Object Sprite.png Blue Cube Object Color
21 Amie Orange Cube Object Sprite.png Orange Cube Object Color
22 Amie Green Cube Object Sprite.png Green Cube Object Color
23 Amie Purple Cube Object Sprite.png Purple Cube Object Color
24 Amie Brown Cube Object Sprite.png Brown Cube Object Color
25 Amie Yellow Cube Object Sprite.png Yellow Cube Object Color
26 Amie White Cube Object Sprite.png White Cube Object Color
27 Amie Black Cube Object Sprite.png Black Cube Object Color
28 Amie Peach Cloud Table Sprite.png Peach Cloud Table Cloud
29 Amie Sky Blue Cloud Table Sprite.png Sky Blue Cloud Table Cloud
30 Amie Orange Cloud Table Sprite.png Orange Cloud Table Cloud
31 Amie Polka Dot Cube Object Sprite.png Polka Dot Cube Object Pattern
32 Amie Punk Cube Object Sprite.png Punk Cube Object Pattern
33 Amie Checkered Cube Object Sprite.png Checkered Cube Object Pattern
34 Amie Wooden Bed Sprite.png Wooden Bed Classy
Types of items
General Evolution stonesFossilsFlutesShardsHeld items
Evolution itemsEscape itemsExchangeable itemsValuable items
Battle itemsScentsNectarsCandyIngredients
Medicine Status condition healing itemsVitaminsFeathers
MintsMochiDrinksHerbal medicine
Berry and Apricorn Poké BallsApricornsBerriesMulch
Aesthetic DecorationsAccessoriesBackdropsPropsDécor
Other MailKey ItemsEvent items
Wonder Launcher itemsRotom Powers

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