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These are Glacia's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald

  • Before battle
"Welcome, my name is Glacia of the Elite Four. I've traveled from afar to Hoenn so that I may hone my icy skills. But all I have seen are challenges by weak Trainers and their Pokémon. What about you? It would please me to no end if I could go all out against you!"
  • Being defeated
"You and your Pokémon... How hot your spirits burn! The all-consuming heat overwhelms. It's no surprise that my icy skills failed to harm you."
  • After being defeated
"Advance to the next room. And there, confirm the truly fearsome side of the Pokémon League."
  • Over the PokéNavE
"Hello, <player>. I trust you haven't become complacent with your power? If you feel the need to cool your hot emotions just a little, do come to the Pokémon League..."

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

First battle
  • Before battle
"Welcome. My name is Glacia of the Elite Four. I've traveled from afar to Hoenn so that I may hone my Ice-type moves."
"But all I have seen are challenges by weak Trainers and their Pokémon."
"I wonder what you will show me."
"What a relief it would be if I could, for once, have a serious battle against an opponent!"
  • Being defeated
"You and your Pokémon... How hot your spirits burn!"
  • After being defeated
"You and your Pokémon... How fiercely your spirits burn! My icy moves pale in the face of such all-consuming flames. Advance to the next room. There you will learn how fearsome the Pokémon League can truly be!"
  • Before battle
"I've been waiting for a Trainer with a burning-hot soul. How can you oppose Mega Evolution that can freeze everything?"
  • Being defeated
"It really is hot."
  • After being defeated
"Hmmph... Do you intend to thaw my very heart? That actually wouldn't bother me. Anyway, continue onward! Drake is waiting for you as well."

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Glacia (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"My name is Glacia, of the Hoenn Elite Four. I've travelled to Pasio to hone my Ice-type moves."
  • Sync pair viewer
"*sigh* So many weak opponents. I sincerely hope you can show me a bit more fun than the last few."
"What a relief it would be if I could, for once, have a serious battle against an opponent!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Allow me to lend you a hand."
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"Our icy efforts have solidified."
  • Upon leveling up
"I feel as if I hit a great milestone."
  • Upon reaching max level
"We've reached the pinnacle at last."
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"This is just the tip of the iceberg."
  • Receiving EX style
"Our icy efforts have solidified."
  • During conversation
"Well done."
"That was positively chilling."
"You can do this."
"Excuse me."
"Absolutely not."
"Well now."
"Be a dear, would you?"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning. What crisp, cool weather we're having."
"If you get all your chores done in the morning, you'll have the whole evening to spend doing more meaningful things."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"If you happen to come across anyone who matches me in be sure to introduce us."
"I'm so very indecisive when it comes to choosing what to eat... There are simply too many delicious options!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"Have you eaten yet this evening? I find that eating late always upsets my poor stomach..."
"The air is cool and silent at night... It calms my nerves and allows me to focus."
  • During special gift conversation
"Here, I'd like for you to have this."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"Well, now."
  • VS screen
"Careful you don't freeze up."
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Now or never!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"You can do it."
  • Using item
"Allow me."
  • Using Trainer move
"Time to act!"
  • Using sync move
"Behold my icy passion!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Uh-oh!
"Prepare yourself!"
  • Switching in
"I'll handle this."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"You did well, my friend."
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Watch out" emote
"Be careful!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"Behold my icy passion!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you, kindly."
  • Defeat
"Oh, my."
  • Victory
"A fiercely passionate battle, indeed."
Solo Event - Team Hoenn Unite!
  • May the Fun Never End!
"There are still many strong Trainers and Pokémon here on Pasio for you to challenge!"
"But of course, there's more to Pasio than just battling."
"How about we all go out for something nice to eat?"
Costume Event - Poké War Games
  • Team Huddle
"I see. So it's decided, right? Our plan is to spread out and look for those spheres?"
  • Clash of Factions
"Quick, let's take it back to our camp at once!"
"Absolutely not. If you're asking for a battle, a battle is what you'll get!"
Solo Event - With Beauty and Grace
  • Shauna & Flannery Study Up
"We hope your souls don't turn ice-cold!"
  • Grown-Up Advice
"Ahaha, both of you did very well."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Glacia
"Well, hello there. You look like you're positively itching for a Pokémon battle."
"While I admire your enthusiasm, you should know that battling isn't the only way to hone your skills."
It isn't?: "Certainly not! Intensive training can be quite effective as well!"
What else is there?: "Why, intensive training, of course! It can be quite effective!"
"Since my dear Glalie is vulnerable to heat, I've designed a training regimen that focuses on that."
"I think your Pokémon could benefit as well. Would you care to join us?"
Of course!/Sounds like a piece of cake!: "Oh, I do love your enthusiasm. Please, follow me right this way..."
"Here we are."
"Did you think I would bring you to a snowy mountaintop?"
"Glalie thrives in the freezing cold, so training in a place like that would be pointless for us."
"No... We choose to train in the climates we're most vulnerable to. That's what makes it so effective."
"Well, shall we begin? We'll start off gently..."
"After all, this training regimen isn't just for our Pokémon, it's for us as well."
"First, let's see how well you do in this sweltering heat when forced to act quickly on a decision."
"If the heat is feeling like it's a bit too much for you, you could always let Glalie cool you down..."
"but if you end up frozen stiff, he may just crunch you right up in his jaws!"
"Come on, Glalie! Give us your Ice Beam!"
Uhh, no thanks! *dodge*: "My, what spectacular reflexes! You managed to dodge the Ice Beam perfectly."
I can handle it!: "My, my! You knew Glalie would miss right from the beginning, didn't you?"
"Incredible! Ohohohoho!"
"Well done! I think I may have worked up a bit of a sweat."
"So many excellent sync pairs have made their way here to Pasio..."
"but there are a few among them who seem extra promising. I can't help but want to butt in and give them advice."
"I've taken it upon myself to help rear the next generation of talent. Hopefully someday the two of us can have a serious battle! Ohoho!"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"What a relief it would be if I could, for once, have a serious battle against an opponent!"
  • Random conversation
"Would you agree that it's possible to overcome any challenge through perseverance? Even ones we're quite unsuited for?"
"My Pokémon and I are very intolerant of heat, which is precisely why we decided to travel to the Hoenn region to train."
"We chose to put ourselves in a position where we were forced to adapt and grow stronger, and in the end, we did."
  • If spoken to again
"It takes time, patience, and hard work to accomplish a great deed."
"One must learn to persevere, like a flower that waits under the snow for spring to arrive once more."
  • Random conversation
"What do we gain from battling? What do we focus on during the fight?"
"If you gain something from a battle even when you lose, then it was a battle worth having."
"But if you win by compromising the very thing you care most about, it's all meaningless."
  • If spoken to again
"A Pokémon battle is a fight between two opponents, but it's also a fight that we have with ourselves."
"When you win a battle, do you feel confident that you've triumphed over both your opponent and yourself?"
  • Random conversation
"A kaleidoscope of polished moves..."
"synchronized collaboration between Trainer and Pokémon..."
"their souls like burning hot flames... Oh, how I'd love to have a serious battle against a few sync pairs like that!"
  • If spoken to again
"I know of a few fierce young Gym Leaders in the world who meet that description."
"I have great respect for them, despite their age. It would be a pleasure to battle any one of them."
  • Random conversation
"The entire island of Pasio was built specifically for sync pairs."
"Volcanos, glaciers... Everywhere you look, this place was designed to mimic the beauty of nature. It's truly a sight to behold!"
"An artificial island, where Trainers and Pokémon can battle in any environment they choose..."
"it's the perfect place to train! I have no doubt that being here will help us grow stronger."
  • If spoken to again
"In my home country, the winters are long and cold, but the people's hearts are warm."
"Trainers and Pokémon live in harmony, taking care of one another."
  • Random conversation
"It's important to follow proper etiquette and mind one's manners."
"It's how you show others that you respect them. Failure to do so will only reflect badly on you in the end."
"But I think you already understand that very well, <player>."
"You give your absolute best in each and every battle—the finest way to show respect to your opponents."
  • If spoken to again
"Some sync pairs may try to use underhanded methods to win."
"But that does not mean that you should do the same. Two wrongs do not make a right."
"Nothing is more beautiful than triumphing over your opponents fair and square."
  • Random conversation
"Have you ever been to the Hoenn region?"
"It's a lovely place. The climate is warm, and it's full of beautiful, green nature."
"It's like a second home to me. I'd love to give you a tour someday."
  • If spoken to again
"I sometimes miss the town where I was born."
"Years can go by, we can travel far and wide, but we all know deep inside..."
"there's no place like home."
  • Random conversation
"The Hoenn region has all sorts of interesting sights and attractions."
"My favorite is most definitely the Mauville Food Court in Mauville City."
"The ramen there is positively divine... It's a bit of a hidden jewel in Hoenn, so part of me wants to keep its location a secret."
  • If spoken to again
"Oh dear! Now I'm really craving a Mauville Ramen Bowl."
"I'd love to find a dish here on Pasio that can rival the Mauville Ramen Bowl in both flavor and volume."
"You haven't seen anything like that, have you? I need a jumbo-size meal that I can really sink my teeth into!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Ah, hello there, <player>. I've been waiting for you to arrive."
"The two of us could melt ice with our fiery passion for Pokémon battling. We should battle together again soon."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning. What crisp, cool weather we're having."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"If you get all your chores done in the morning, you'll have the whole evening to spend doing more meaningful things."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"If you happen to come across anyone who matches me in be sure to introduce us."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"I'm so very indecisive when it comes to choosing what to eat... There are simply too many delicious options!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Have you eaten yet this evening? I find that eating late always upsets my poor stomach..."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"The air is cool and silent at night... It calms my nerves and allows me to focus."
  • Special gift conversation
"I'd like you to have this. I think it will be quite useful."
  • After giving out item
"I hope it helps you on your journey to grow stronger."
  • Special Type Team-Up (2023) Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Melony and Pryce
"Ahaha, I'm glad you understand."