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A Match For Pokémon
Pokémon Catching Match!!
Collected in Vol. 1
Chapter number 1
Location Kanto
Manga series Pokémon: Yeah! I Got Pokémon!
Previous Chapter A Powerful Opponent, Venusaur!
Next Chapter The Raining Crystal Ball

A Match For Pokémon (Japanese: ポケモンゲット勝負だ!! Pokémon Catching Match!!) is the third chapter of the Pokémon: Yeah! I Got Pokémon! manga.


Pikachu has just finished weakening a Venomoth for Shu, but Shu's aim with his Poké Balls is so atrocious that he is unable to catch it. Eventually, before he can catch it another Poké Ball on a string swoops in and captures it. Shu is furious and demands to know who the person who caught the Venomoth is. He introduces himself as Tomio, and tells Shu that is he couldn't even catch the Venomoth, he should give up as a Trainer as he releases said Venomoth back into the wild. Shu asks him why he went and released it all of a sudden and Tomio explains that this is a Practice Zone for catching Pokémon. Shu pauses for a moment before starting up again asking Tomio who does he think he is telling a Trainer who has a Pokédex which is eventually completed. However Tomio replies that with such a poor attempt at getting that Venomoth, he really should just quit. Pikachu agrees that Shu's performance was pretty pathetic, and so Shu challenges Tomio to a Pokémon Catching Match. Whoever gets the most Pokémon by sundown wins. Tomio agrees to the match on the condition that if he wins, Shu must dispose of his Pokédex. And in return, if he loses, he will allow Shu to have his custom ball.

As sundown eventually approaches, Shu has caught 19 Pokémon. One more will make it an even 20. It is that this point that he finds a wild Nidoran♂. He plans to catch it before realizing that its leg is injured, so instead he treats it and lets it free. As a result, the outcome of the match is determined. Shu has caught 19 Pokémon, and Tomio has caught 20. As Shu is about to reluctantly dispose of the Pokédex, Nidoran♂ returns, evening the score! And not only that, but several of its relatives have appeared too! Shu thus wins the match, however he refuses to accept Tomio's Poké Ball as he prefers to do things his own way. And so, as they say their farewells to Tomio, Nidoran♂ joins Shu and Pikachu on their journey.

Major events



Pokémon debuts




In other languages

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