Judge (Black Star Promo 1)

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Reason: Japanese name

Black Star Promo
Unknown Unknown
Sculpted by Enoki Tomohide
Figure type Special
Type N/A
Set Black Star Promo
International figure no. 001
US figure no. 001
For more information on the Trainer this figure depicts, see Battle judge.

Judge is a figure from the Black Star Promos of the Pokémon Trading Figure Game. The Judge is unique in that it is neither a Trainer figure nor a Pokémon figure.


Black 25%
White 25%
Black 25%
White 25%

The Judge can be used as a substitute for a coin while playing the Pokémon Trading Figure Game.


The Judge figure is included in the Battle Starter two-player starter set. This is the only way to obtain it.

Project TFG logo.png This Pokémon Trading Figure Game article is part of Project TFG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all aspects of the Pokémon Trading Figure Game.