User talk:Sailor Earth

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Please leave new messages at the bottom of this page.
  • Stole this table from this user like everyone else!!
  • I am mostly working on the games and Anime at the moment..


025.png 417.png This user is a good friend.

Yep Lets be friends. Its always great to make new friends. Oooo Thankss I'd love to be in your fan fic and score Aipom. I was just wondering if my team was in it thats on my user page its changed now. Staravia is out, Dragonite is in :D. Be sure to send me the link when your done=D Thankies Bye byeeee David aipom

Awww, I'd love to be in your fanfic!! ^__^ PL12 10:55, 24 May 2008 (UTC)

^_^ I love that smily =D David aipom

And I also love Pachirisu and have a lvl 67one =D David


Well, it's my nickname but......Call me Maddy!! PL12 11:23, 24 May 2008 (UTC)