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Basic Information

Appearances Mewtwo Returns
Age No older than 18, probably closer to 16
Eye/Hair color Purple/Blonde
Sex Female
Height Possibly 5'4" (1.62m) (she is shown to be shorter than Brock.)
Job status Elite officer
Origin of name Either from the game of dominoes (possibly referring to her two-tone outfit), or from the 'domino mask' that covers the eyes (referring to her 'disguising' her true nature).
Hobbies Unknown
Likes Giovanni, power, bossing around the lower ranks, tulips, deception.
Dislikes Screw-ups, people who sully the good name of Team Rocket


Her true personality remains a mystery. She can be cheerful one moment and all business the next, depending on the situation. She has a quick temper, but can restrain it as the mission calls for. However, when the Boss gets mad at her, she takes it out on lesser agents.

History with Team Rocket

Her past before Team Rocket is almost completely unknown. Just about everything we know about her falls into the other categories on here. One thing to note would be that she claims that Domino is not her real name (she may or may not be lying, however).

Relationships with Other Members

Domino seems to have a very close relationship with the Boss, receiving orders directly from him and mantaining phone communications with him at many times, even things that have little to do with the mission. The closeness is furthered by her attempts to reason with him when she thinks his actions will jeopardize his own goal; not many people could talk back to him and get away with it

Arsenal and abilities

She has no Pokémon, however she hardly needs them. She is an excellent fighter, although her choice of weapon--an electrically-charged 'tulip'--surely raises a few eyebrows. She demonstrates an excellent sense of balance (which contradicts itself later in the film for some unknown reason) and advanced gymnastic skills.