Pokémon battles

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Pokémon battles are a common form of competition between a number of Pokémon trainers, or between a trainer and a wild Pokémon. In a battle, trainers send out one or two of their Pokémon and try to reduce one another's HP, or health, using various moves they know how to use--the amount of HP a move takes away is called damage. If a Pokémon's HP falls to zero, it faints, and its opponent's Pokémon win. By winning against another Pokémon, they receive EXP. Points, which help them level up, or grow stronger.

There are two kinds of battles: those between trainers and those between a trainer and a wild Pokémon he or she encounters.

Trainer Battles

There are two kinds of battles between trainers: single battles and double battles.

1v1 Battles

In single battles, a trainer is against another, and both may send out one Pokémon each who battle head to head.


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Double Battles

In double battles, a trainer may be against two other trainers, or two trainers may be against two other trainers; and depending on if he or she has a allying trainer or not, he or she may send out either one or two Pokémon.


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