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Revision as of 12:44, 13 September 2023 by TheEliteMaster (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I am '''TheEliteMaster'''. I have a heavy amount of expertise in wiki markup and Japanese language (ウィキ構文と日本語を得意分野とする有識者). {{User time...")
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I am TheEliteMaster. I have a heavy amount of expertise in wiki markup and Japanese language (ウィキ構文と日本語を得意分野とする有識者).

EST This user uses Eastern Standard Time, which is UTC−05:00.


EST This user uses Eastern Daylight Time, which is UTC−04:00.


en This user is a native speaker of English.


ja-4 この利用者は母語に近いレベル日本語を話します。
Rainbow Badge.png This user is homosexual.


Spr 4h 250.png This user is an advocate of gay rights.


Self-written Japanese sample

I can speak, read, and write Japanese at the level of a Japanese working adult my age (外国人に於けるごく小さい割合の部類に入るが、長年に渡り総合的に日本語を操る力を蓄え、日本人からもらった発音の粗探しによる精度の向上、文章添削の過程など紆余曲折を経て、素早く成長を成し遂げたりやっと社会人程度の(つまり堪能な)レベルを達成したりすることができた英語母語話者である純白人), and can read Japanese newspapers and magazines and read and write Japanese academic papers and documents without dictionary assistance (but I can, of course, also do the same in English lol). If you want an objective basis to gauge my depth of understanding in Japanese, I have written up this long, rambling, excessively wordy, and unnecessarily expressive introduction paragraph (putting it in a table that can be displayed or hidden, which I was initially opposed to...:/).