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 * A script to highlight staff members' usernames.
 * This only does the job of applying attributes, there are no enforced colors.
 * This is for a11y purposes, but most importantly, to crack down on use of `!important`.
 * @author Keyacom

/** Settings for this script */
window.staffhlSettings = {
   * Should it use the Fetch API?
   * @ignore Not yet implemented!
  fetch: false, // TODO
   * Name of the variable for staffhl.js cache. Set to `null` to disable caching.
   * @type string|null
   * @ignore Not yet implemented!
  localStorageVar: 'staffhlCache', // TODO
   * The group hierarchy. Also, only the users in these usergroups will ever be
   * found with the query.
   * @type string[]
  groupHierarchy: [
   * Groups to exclude from the resulting attribute value.
   * @type string[]
  exclude: [
  /** The name of the attribute to store the user group information in.
   * Should be in form of a space-separated token list to allow querying
   * with CSS using the `[attr-name~="..."]` syntax.
   * @type string
  attr: "data-sthl-ugroups",
  /** The prefix regex for user page links. This check happens after
   * URL-decoding the page title.
  linkPrefix: /^User:/,
  /** Limit of users fetched in one request */
  reqLimit: 50,
  /** Attempt to skip the limit with recursion? */
  skipLimit: false,
  /** The condition for the highlighting to happen */
  condition() {
    return mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === -1 || mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'history'
  /** The function passed into the map method of the jQuery object to parse links. This must return a user name.
  linkMapper(element, index) {
    const linkPart = element.href.split('/').at(-1)
    if (element.href.split('/').at(-2) === 'w') {
      const params = new URLSearchParams(linkPart)
      const pageName = params.get('title') // URL decoding happens under the hood
      if (pageName !== null) {
        return pageName.split('/')[0].replace(this.linkPrefix, '')
    } else {
      return linkPart.split('?')[0].split('/')[0].replace(this.linkPrefix, '')
  linkMapper(index, element) {
    const linkPart = element.href.split('/').at(-1)
    if (element.href.split('/').at(-2) === 'w') {
      const params = new URLSearchParams(linkPart)
      const pageName = params.get('title') // URL decoding happens under the hood
      if (pageName !== null) {
        return pageName.split('/')[0].replace(this.linkPrefix, '')
    } else {
      return linkPart.split('?')[0].split('/')[0].replace(this.linkPrefix, '')

 * Converts a date into a compact timestamp. For now, supports precision down to
 * the hour.
 * @param date {Date} the `Date` object
 * @returns string
function toTimestamp(date) {
  return [
    [date.getUTCFullYear(), 4],
    [date.getUTCMonth(), 2],
    [date.getUTCDate(), 2],
    [date.getUTCHours(), 2],
    .map(e => e[0].toString().padStart(e[1], '0'))

 * Converts a compact timestamp to a Date object.
 * @param timestamp {string} the timestamp
 * @returns Date
function fromTimestamp(timestamp) {
  const year = timestamp.slice(0, 4)
  const month = timestamp.slice(4, 6)
  const date = timestamp.slice(6, 8)
  const hours = timestamp.slice(8, 10)
  return new Date(year, month, date, hours)

function addAttrs(w = {}) {
  const settings = window.staffhlSettings
  const api = new mw.Api()
    action: 'query',
    list: 'allusers',
    format: 'json',
    augroup: window.staffhlSettings.groupHierarchy,
    auprop: 'groups',
    aulimit: window.staffhlSettings.reqLimit,
  }).done(data => {
    if (settings.skipLimit && data['continue']) {
      addAttrs({...w, aufrom: data['continue'].aufrom})
    const links = $('.mw-body')
    links.get().map((e, i) => [e, settings.linkMapper(e, i)]).forEach(([e, n]) => {
      const users = data.query.allusers
      const userObj = users.find(u => === n)
      if (userObj !== undefined) {
        const groups = userObj.groups.filter(gp => settings.groupHierarchy.includes(gp) && !settings.exclude.includes(gp))
        $(e).attr(settings.attr, groups.join(' '))

if (window.staffhlSettings.condition()) {