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:''"Y'all are stupid."''
:''"Y'all are stupid."''
;Story Event - Team Skull Crash Course
*'''Team Skull's Big Bad Boss'''
:''"Come on! I'll beat you down and beat you down some more!"''
::'''Protect Lunatone!''': ''"You can get get crushed with the rest of 'em! Go, Golisopod!"''
::'''Attack Golisopod!''': ''"Hah, that's a good one! You can get crushed with the rest of 'em! Go Golisopod!"''
:''"No way! [[Liza (Masters)|You]] ain't worth the time!"''
:''"Fighting you's a waste of a beatdown!"''
:''"A bunch of boulders would make a better opponent than you!"''
:''"Shut up! That's just how big bad Guzma is! If you don't like it, stay out of my business!"''
:''"Plumeria? What're you doing here?"''
:''"Huh? What do you mean by "weaker people?!""''
:''"They've got one of the [[Drake|Hoenn Elite Four]] with 'em! That's supposed to be "weak?""''
:''"Guh! Wipe that pitiful look off your face!"''
:''"Do you wanna get stronger or not!"''
:''"Then quit whimpering!"''
:''"Heh! Save your thanks, kid!"''
:''"Hey, Plumeria and <player>! Gimmie a hand here!"''
:''"You got that right! If you wanna be strong, first you better see what strength looks like!"''
:''"And if you wanna see strength, big bad Guzma's your boy! I'll beat you down, then beat you down some more!"''
*'''Team Skull's New Apprentice?'''
:''"So! What do you think of the might of big bad Guzma and Golisopod?"''
::'''That was some serious destruction!''': I'll admit it, <player>—you can destroy with the best of 'em!"''
:''"Huh? No way! Completely outta the question!"''
:''"I-I don't take apprentices, kid. Personal policy."''
:''"Shut up! You keep outta this!"''
:''"Look, no apprentices for me! End of story!"''
:''"If you wanna get stronger, use your own power to do something about it!"''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Listen up, kid."''
:''"I'll say it one last time—big bad Guzma doesn't take apprentices..."''
:''"But this time, and this time only, I guess I wouldn't mind...not refusing you."''
:''"Keep it to yourself!"''
:''"So what's it gonna be? It's now or never! You gonna watch me do my thing or not?"''
:''"Shut it! I'll tell you how it'll work: beatdowns and more beatdowns!"''
:''"Now watch carefully. I'll give you one more look at big bad Guzma's brand of destruction!"''
:''"You gotta learn the trick to it with your own two eyes!"''
:''"Here goes! Look alive, Plumeria and <player>. Time for some full-blast destruction!"''
:''"Oh, c'mon! You think beating someone who was busy protecting a kid counts as a win?"''
:''"I wanna be able to say I beat down one of the Hoenn Elite Four fair and square!"''
*'''A Team Skull Beatdown!'''
:''"Well? That oughta be enough watching to start picking up a knack for destruction!"''
:''"For real?! What don't you get about it?"''
::'''We destroyed with more spirit!''': ''"Heh. You hit the nail on the head!"''
:''"There ain't nobody who can match me when it comes to destructive spirit!"''
:''"Hey! Kid!"''
:''"If watching won't cut it, better try it for yourself! Get ready for a battle with big bad Guzma!"''
:''"So! How come you keep losing? Find the answer yet, kid?"''
:''"Gaaah! Come on—that ain't it!"''
:''"Now listen good, kid! Is it your brother's fault you're not strong?"''
:''"No! The only person keeping you from winning is you!"''
:''"You convinced yourself you're a certain way, and you shut yourself up in your own shell because of it!"''
:''"Now you've gotta break that shell for yourself! Be the one to smash it wide open!"''
:''"Heh! If we're doing this, we're doing it right. You better bring some destruction yourself!"''
*'''Team Skull's... Kindness?!'''
:''"Feh. I didn't get to beat you down as bad as I really meant to."''
:''"Nah. That ain't it."''
:''"Here on Pasio, we battle three-on-three, which means you're never fighting alone."''
:''"She's used to fighting with her brother, so she oughta be a natural at working with other sync pairs."''
:''"But she couldn't see the people by her side!"''
:''"She thought she was alone, so she was convinced she couldn't cut it...even though this style of battling was practically made for her!"''
:''"That's what I mean when I say she built her own shell!"''
:''"But that battle just now was different. She started believing in her teammates and focusing on bringing the beatdown!"''
:''"Well, I taught her, so how could she not be?"''
:''"Buh?! Who you callin'—I'm nobody's mentor...let alone a "kind" one!"''
::'''Great mentoring, Guzma!''': ''"Shut up, shut up, shut up! All of you!"''
:''"I told you, big bad Guzma takes no apprentices!"''
::'''Thanks for being our beatdown mentor, Guzma!''': ''"Hey, shut up! You ain't my apprentice! Quit taking advantage of my distraction!"''
*'''Destruction with Guzma'''
:''"Yo! There you are!"''
:''"What're you just standing there for? Yeesh. Not too reliable, are ya?"''
:''"Today you'll get a crash course in beatdowns, straight from the master himself—me!"''
:''"Here's you task. It's simple: smash all these rocks!"''
:''"Gather all your strength, smash right through 'em, and keep moving forward!"''
:* Before smashing the rocks
::''"Your task's simple: smash all these rocks!"''
::''"Gather all your strength, smash right through 'em, and keep moving forward!"''
:''"Huh? What's goin' on here?"''
:''"A boulder barricade, huh? Well, this oughta be good!"''
:''"It's just begging to be smashed! Go for it, Golisopod!"''
:* Before smashing the barricade
::''"Hey! What's the holdup? This ain't the time for standing around slack-jawed!"''
::''"Let's go, <player>! Time to bust some rocks...and some Team Break heads!"''
:''"All right, punks! What flavor of beatdown will it be today?"''
:''"Really? Giving up already? Flimsy buncha punks, aint'cha?"''
:''"Wha—?! You were back there, too? Grrr! You tricked me intro letting my guard down!"''
::'''We'll save you!''': ''"Like [[Team Break|you're]] one to talk!"''
::'''Watch out!''': ''"Well, you punks sure went and did it now. Hope you're ready for full-blast Guzma!"''
:''"Hmph! Don't bother thanking us, kid. You just happened to be right in our smashing path."''
:''"Huh? What's your problem? Looking to get in my way and catch a beatdown?"''
:''"Meh. After today, at least I know you ain't the type to just stand around flat-footed."''
:''"I thought about trying to cram in some more training, but ya know...I'm feelin' done! Let's call it a day."''
:''"See ya round, <player>. I'll give you a shout next time I'm feeling up to it!"''
*'''Beatdown Buddies'''
:''"What, done already? If that's all you got, you ain't even worth my time."''
:''"You dumb— Oh, <player>. You see that just now?"''
::'''You're as fearsome as ever.''': ''"Well, big bad Guzma's always training, after all."''
::'''Having another battle?''': ''"Yeah. I'm in constant training mode for the PML."''
:''"Although those bozos just now got a long way to go if they wanna pose a challenge for Golisopod and me!"''
:''"The battle wrapped up before Golisopod even got going full steam. Right, Golisopod?"''
:''"He's normally pretty gentle, y'know."''
:''"But put him in battle, and he'll slice anything clean in half with his massive claws!"''
:''"Come to think of it, he ain't too different from you in that sense."''
::'''You think so?''': ''"I mean, just look how kind and gentle you are most of the time, and look how fierce you turn once a battle starts!"''
::'''I'm not like that!''': ''"Heh. No? Well, aint it just like you to say that."''
:''"When we get into battle, Golisopod deals out exactly the type of destruction I dream of."''
:''"That's why I brought him to be my partner here."''
:''"And I couldn't ask for a better partner! We're gonna smash the whole competition!"''
:''"So you better get ready for us!"''
*'''Meddling Old Folks'''
:''"Huh? What're you talking about?
:''"Hmph. Being the caring teacher ain't really my style."''
:''"But anyway, you're one to talk, Drake."''
:''"Just look at you running around with these people you ain't got the slightest ties to. Leaning into that "meddling old man" image, huh?"''
:''"Heh. You old geezers all read off the same script, don'tcha?"''
:''"Nothin'. Don't sweat it. Anyway, time for big bad Guzma to head out!"''
:''"Man. He talks just like [[Hala|Master.]]"''
:''"I swear! This is why I can't stand old people!"''
*'''I Spy Golisopod'''
:''"Hmph! These so-called Trainers keep running away from me..."''
:''"What's go everyone so scared of a little Pokémon battle?"''
:''"What's up, Golisopod? Found an opponent?"''
:''"What's your problem, [[Bugsy|kid]]? Think you can just stroll up and start chattering at my partner Pokémon?"''
:''"Hey, you! You better pry your eyes off Golisopod and quit ignoring me!"''
:''"Ya think so? I guess he's pretty much the best partner Pokémon I could ask for."''
:''"Most people take one look at him and get freaked out by his energy. Not many react like you did."''
:''"True. Y'know, you kinda weird me out, but you sure do like Bug types, huh?"''
:''"Oh, uh...sure. Look all ya want."''
*'''Guzma to the Rescue'''
:''"All right, that's enough training for now! Things are going great today!"''
:''"C'mon Golisopod, let's head on back to town."''
:''"... ... ..."''
:''"Ugh, all right already! Whaddya want?!"''
:''"Oh, do I? You're a real brat, you know that?"''
:''"This ain't got nothing to do with me. It's your partner Pokémon—you save it!"''
:''"Let's go, Golisopod."''
:''"Gaaah! Fine! I'll get your Pokémon!"''
:''"Go, Golisopod!"''
:''"Yeah, yeah. Keep your eyes on it next time, got it?"''
:''"Nice work, Golisopod. Now let's go—for real this time!"''
*'''Ticket to Alola'''
:''"I could ask you the same thing."''
:''"Meh. I'm not big into prestige or prizes."''
:''"But I am big into destruction, and there are plenty of juicy targets around here."''
:''"So I thought, Why not try and beat down everyone who's here to take part in the PML?"''
:''"Yeah? Well, what about you?"''
:''"What? Spit it out."''
:''"Hmph. Do what ya want."''
:''"Cut it out, Plumeria! Alola ain't worth the trip."''
::'''I'd love to go!''': ''"What?! You've got weird taste..."''
:''"Well, whatever you want, I ain't planning on heading back for a while yet, though!"''

;Story Event - Family Ties
;Story Event - Family Ties
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:''"That's a gift from big bad Guzma. You better use it!"''
:''"That's a gift from big bad Guzma. You better use it!"''
:''"Don't go destroying that, got it?"''
:''"Don't go destroying that, got it?"''
* Special Team Skull Crash Course story event intro conversation
:''"Yo, <player>! Got a second? Sure you do!"''
* Special Team Skull Crash Course story event conversation
:''"Step right up if you wanna get destroyed!"''

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