User:Mimitchi33/Error 404

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Funny Error 404 messages

Missing: One Home Page.   We have to stop meeting like this. Seriously.007.png
 Apparently, this page is not compatible with any browsers.   

Et tu(and you), Angelfire?

This webpage packed its bags and moved to Toledo.

036.png Great, now you've gone and done it. You've broken the Internet. Way to go! Your URL is an Unreliable Resource Locator. You're disappointed? Mom wanted us to be doctors. If someone makes a webpage and gives the wrong URL, does it really exist? 113.png

If you're reading this, it means this page is no more. It's probably not your fault. 
We didn't do it. 385.png
Hope you didn't pay too much for that URL. 490.png

Some folks can see dead people- can you see dead pages? The page you are looking for has spontaneously combusted. This page has moved to California to find itself. 040.png

'"I remember when the internet only had a few pages, and they all worked" " Sure, Grampa..."039.png

We sent this page to NASA for testing.001.png

A billion websites, and you had to pick this one. The page you wanted is taking a long lunch.492.png

It looks like the typing class your cat is taking is not 100% successful. 052.png

It only takes one wrong letter to hold back this page, not a nation of millions.   

If at first you don't succeed,type, type again. 137.png Sometimes we like to get a little crazy and type in totally random URLs to see what happens.

The dog ate your webpage. Yeah, that's it.300.png

You'd have to better pull over and ask for directions.174.png If true happiness can only be achieved through a state of nothingness, you're going down the right path. 489.png That'll teach you to buy a "good as new" URL. 035.png Actually, we couldn't find the page you requested. Please check the URL.